The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4156, 7 kinds of grams, cool

Three days have passed.

But among the glorial arrays, it has passed 6,000 years.

This is also very long time.

Zhang Bin's pouring the blood and efforts.

The last party, he learned a lot of mystery.

And the estimate of the elder is almost the same, and the appearance is finally mature.

A total red, a whole yellow.

It is really refreshing with a rich fruit, breathing.

And the elderly also stopped showing the trend of wood.

That is a butt sitting on the ground, tired of breathing.

However, his face has a smile that floats victory.

Because half of the god fruit is his, even if the magic sound is mainly returned, it will also leave some given him.

"Thank you old."

Zhang Bin's face has also floated a strange smile, then he said: "Too old, don't know how many kinds of gods have you baked in your body? I need it."

"what did you say?"

The elders are very angry, and the face is filled with the color.


Zhang Bin was repeated again.

"You don't want to use my god fruit? Do you want to live?"

Gigital jumped up and went angrily.

"You are going to use you, how can you?"

Zhang Bin said with a smile.

"Don't you forget the necklace on your neck?"

I am talking about it.

"I haven't forgotten, I can't see this, I can't. Don't believe, do you try?"

Zhang Bin said with a smile.

"Le ..."

Tall is really broken by Zhang Bin, yelling.

But the quirky thing happened, the necklace moved, did not listen to his command at all.

Moreover, Zhang Bin also lifted his hand and took a necklace and walked in his hand, and his face was full of play.

"It is impossible, absolutely impossible."

The high-end, I didn't dare to make a big shout, shocking as a fool.

This chain is that the master of the magic sound is personally refining.

After he refines, this chain can make everything.

It is the true God that integrates the three thousand avenues.

At that time, he lied to Zhang Bin, he was happy to be extremely happy, because Zhang Bin's life and death have been manipulated in his hand.

But what is going on now?

How can the other party be so easy?

Moreover, is there used to use your own command?

He is not known, here is the space of the beauty map.

Entering this space, any magic weapon will be sealed, and you can no longer appear.

Zhang Bin is because he has such a magical beauty picture, he doesn't worry about wearing a necklace.

"Okay, now you want to die or want to live?"

Zhang Bin's left hand suddenly explored, and grabbed the elder neck.

The energy of the energy is rapidly incorporated, and he has imprisoned his magics.

Even, he wanted to commit suicide.

"You you ... this devil, kill me."

The elder face is filled with fear, and it is incomparable to crazy shouting.

Because he found that this space suddenly can't be associated with the outside world, even even the communication is not in contact.

"How? Do you really want to die?"

Zhang Bin is very surprised, a little god, actually does not want to live.

"You kill me ..."

I am angry with high angry.

Since the action failed, he did not live.

The Lord of the Magic Sound is not possible to let him go.

As far as the power of the magic sound, he can't escape.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin issued a despise.

He began to search fine, soon searched a singular space magic weapon, this magic treasure is like a shell, which has cultivated 15 kinds of god trees in it.

This is simply magical.

Unfortunately, only five kinds of gods have a few gods, the rest of the gods, but they have no fruit.

However, there is really five kinds of god fruit.

For Zhang Bin, it is also a huge harvest.

"It seems that you are really cultivated to the Magic Sound."

Zhang Bin's eyes were squatted, and said, "I want to know, where is the goddess of the other 10 trees? Where is there still been?"

"Oh ... you die to your head without knowing, do you want to get another grade fruit?"

The elderly finally calmed down, he said, "Tell you, the rest of the goddess is indeed, but it is in the Lord of the Magic Sound. When he wins your body, he will take it. "

"You are very honest. I almost deceived me. That testing the places are a trapped? It is easy to test my tacit, and then kill me again?"

Zhang Bin asked faintly.

"I was cheated by you."

The high and old, said, "I really didn't think that they didn't think that even the Lord of the Magic Sound did not think that you can have such a magical means, even the demon necklace also can't. However, You are even more, you will die. "

"Is it? They are so powerful?" Zhang Bin said with a cold smile, "I will take these 7 kinds of gods, I will be a lot, I want to leave, it is easy to think about it."

"Ha ha……"

The high and old have made a contempt, "You know, how much is the guard of the Magic Sound? I tell you that they are all true gods, and they all combine 3,000 avenues. Take 15 kinds of god fruit, Other genius, also take a lot. The strengths they have far more than you. What more, all Gods can be said to be your enemy. I look, you still surrendene, then I will be You can give you feelings, let your soul saved, and even find a genius body. "

If the body is hurt, it is equal to the body that does not exist. Naturally, you can also win.

So, what he said is feasible.

Zhang Bin's brow got slightly, he really wants to search, or the soul controls each other.

However, he didn't dare to do this, because since the other party gave the Lord of the Magical, it was controlled by the Lord of the Magical Sound.

So, he sinked him for a while: "The people in this continent are blinded by the Magic Sound. How can they be my enemy?"

"Oh ..." Gao Yao smiled, "You really don't see the coffin doesn't have tears, I tell you that people and gods in this continent are the descendants of the Lord, even if they are not, their husband or wife, They are their future generations. All Gods, will go to the gods with the Lord of the magic, even the gods must turn the sky. "


I heard it, Zhang Bin took a breath.

At this time, he suddenly felt that the Lord of the magic sound is likely to be a big person in the god.

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