The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4160 taking God Dan

Dangdang ...

The three strong guards of Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin, the eight arms, which is extraordinarily fierce.

The sound of the magic weapon is continuous, as fast as the firecracker is like.

The three guards combined into a wonderful three talents, trying to resist.

But you can't resist it.

I have been retreating after the wolf, the five senses are also flowing.

Ah, ah ...

Suddenly, three screams rang.

Three guards are tricking, fly off, and flee far like lightning.

I don't dare to kill Zhang Bin.

Looking carefully, their faces are pale, and they are filled with shock and fear.

Of course, it is the strength of fear Zhang Bin.

It is easy to defeat them to defeat them, and it is also unable to do it.

However, Zhang Bin has not been cultivated into gods.

Zhang Bin did not chase the past, after all, the enemy in front of me is more than nine hundred.

If the other party swars, he is siege, he is absolutely unable to resist.

He is still trying to think about the way to escape.

He is still a bit, I don't want to take God Dan now.

That is too much strength. It is a long time in the future, his strength is hard to improve.

Even, then get any genius, even if it is a god, it is difficult to improve the strength.

However, as his current strength, I want to kill it, but it is difficult than the day.

"The other party has never thought about it. After all, their strength is too powerful. So, this base has not been arranged at all. Plus in the depths of the ground, the magic is also difficult to invade. Here is also It can be said that it is a very good battlefield. Take God Dan, do they do it? "

Zhang Bin is also a little bit, after all, if it can kill these nine hundred powerful guards, the Lord of the Magic Sound has no way to deal with him, but he can go to the Lord of the Magic.

As for human beings in this continent, I have a way to deal with them.

Perhaps you can let them understand that the Lord of Magic is their enemies.

"Hahaha ..."

Wei Yu is madly laughing because he got a reply from the Lord of Magic.

The Lord of the Magic Sound is very excited to make happy, greatly praised him, saying that it has been tested, and Zhang Bin's Tianzhong is not on the Lord of the magic, and there may be possible to transcend, it is the goal of the coast.

Let him attack, kill Zhang Bin's soul, give him the body to him.

As far as their strength, we must kill Zhang Bin, it is too easy.

"Ha ha ha ..." Wei Yu is still laughing, "I finally found the right body, I really had an eye, we can kill the gods immediately, win everything belonging to us ... First Guard Give me, kill him. "

The previous single, the two of Zhang Bin, the three people, and the three people were considered to test Zhang Bin's heroes.

Now the results come out, naturally beg to be siege.

"Kill kill ..."

The first guard has only 10 guards, they rushed out, shouting crazy, killing the murder to Zhang Bin.

Their field is also a combination, and the war has skyrocketed.

Singular power is also acting on Zhang Bin, and imprisoned him.

Let him not move.

Also, the ten powerful little gods, and once from the gods, what horror they mastered, the magical trend they showed, Zhang Bin is a face.

This is definitely the most horrible death robbery.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin is a scream of a contempt. He didn't have any delays. He made a moment of mind.

Suddenly, God Dan became an energy that was extremely horrible, and he poured in his body.

His body and soul have skyrocketed.

The body seems to be as good as the balloon, his soul is also rapidly lit up more soul lights, and it is extra bright.

The momentum of a neutralization is also emitted from his body.

The 3004 kinds of apertures are also exploded from his body, which constitutes a field that belongs to Zhang Bin.

Suddenly, he broke away from the imprisonment.

He is crazy, yelling: "Kill ..."

He rushed over, the sky in his hand, killing the pig knife, chicken cage, stone mill, crazy.

Dangdang ...

The horrible voice sounded, spark splashes.

Ah, ah ...

The screams also sounded, and the magic weapons in the hand flew to half the air.

Then they have been exploded.

It has become blood mist and debris.

Blood staining Zhang Bin's body, let him look like an unbeaten giant.

For him, killing ten powerful guards, as if they have killed ten antices.

"How can this be?"

The rest of the guards are completely dumbfounded, and the face is filled with a color.

Even the Wei Wei also looked stunned and did not believe that Zhang Bin was so strong to so.

At this time, he only knew that he left Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin's strength far exceeded the previously reflected, and even more powerful than him.


Zhang Bin did not hesitate, he was crazy, he was like a tiger, pounced into the hood.

He was madly slaughtered, and the magic treasure was crazy.

It's all, the guards fall like the wheat.

The magic weapon is full of days.

The scream is also very scream.

"Except for God, kill ..."

Wei is finally awake, he is crazy.

In an instant, the rest of the guard combines a weird array.

They stand together for irregularities, their skills are complementary, and the field is also coincident.

Sir, murderous.

They will not only have retreat, but they will step on them, but they will kill Zhang Bin.

However, it is an array of moving in parallel.


Zhang Bin is also secretly jealous, but it is still crazy, and a day scale is pulled into a guard.

"Death ..."

This guard laughed, his ax in his hand gently on Zhang Bin's sky.


A loud sound, spark splash.

The sky is shaken, and the sun and the moon are light.


Zhang Bin felt that a Pei Ru's Juli came. He stabilized, fly, then hit it on the stone wall, then he fell like the painting.

His mouth flows from blood.

And that guard, it is always moving, and stands proud.

It seems that it is especially relaxed.

What is the god big array, is it horrible?

"Hey ... a disturbance of the district, although the tacit is very good, you have not cultivated into God, and dare to arrive in front of us?" Wei Yao sent a very arrogant smile, "Even if you cultivate into God, our division The Magic Bar can also easily kill you. "

Zhang Bin jumped up, and his face slammed the color.

But it is laughing, "Zone Array Method, I want to kill me, then I can only dream. I tell you, today you have to die!"

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