The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4161 is strong


"It's stupid ..."

"We are in addition to God, and the true God of the gods can easily hunt, what is the nine-level god of the district?"


Numerous guards looked at Zhang Bin with the same eyes as the dead, and their faces were filled with contempt.

"You come from the gods? But is it as God? Why?"

Zhang Bin looked at Wei Wei with the cold eyes.

He is really in the heart, according to the truth, the god of the gods even if there is anything in the dark, but on the surface, it should be united, then it can resist the beast.

And on their performance, it seems that it is not the soul of the beast, but the real people.

"There is a dead person in the district. If you are eligible to know the secret of the gods? On, kill him."

Wei Yan smiled and shouted.

"Kill kill ..."

Many guards shouted in the madness, they rushed to the past.

But the array is not chaotic, it is obviously how many years.

"Trial ..."

"Killing pigs ..."

"Chicken, go home ..."

"Hey, don't move, take a needle ..."

Zhang Bin's four heads were shouting at the same time.

He danced with magic weapon, and it was together.

Dangdang ...

The magic weapon bombards each other.

Spark splash.

However, Zhang Bin couldn't resist.

His voice, trial, killing pigs, and nursing gods, there is not too much place.

That array is too mysterie, enhances the war of anyone, and also enhances super defense.

Instead, Zhang Bin, that is precarious, turned to the ground multiple times.

Many times.

If it is not his body, it has already fallen.

But now, he is also supported for a long time.


Zhang Bin still did not panic. His forehead suddenly slammed 1000 days, bursting out gray light, while bombarding on a guardian eye.

Yes, I have a lot of gods and God Dan. Zhang Bin's soul is strong, and the bright soul light is also a terrible 50,000. It can condense 1000 days, but the main thing is, he is The brightness of the soul light has increased more than ten times.

The soul attack can also be said to be the most powerful base card.

After all, although these guards are strong, they are governing the body, the soul and the body are not perfect.

So, the soul will be limited by the body, it is difficult to explode super strong combat power and defense.


No Zhang Bin was disappointed, and a scream was screaming.

This guard is turned over to the ground, it is not moving.

Because his soul was killed.

That is to say, this except for God's large array, it does not enhance their soul's defense.

This is the only flaw.

In fact, in addition to the magic big array, there is no such flaw.

It is the defense ability that can improve the soul.

However, they are all people who have won, and they have not allowed the soul and the body to completely fit.

In addition to the god, although it improves the defense of the soul, it is relatively limited.

" ..."

Zhang Bin suddenly watched, he no longer hurried with the other party, just avoided, and he shot the soul attack, crazy hit on the eyes of the guard.

Even if the other party closes the eyes, it will not resist it.

Will scream over the ground.

With the fall of the guard, the power of the array is also rapidly decline.

Whether it is defensive, or fighting.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is more and more relaxed, he dances the magic weapon, resist the enemy's attack, and there is a horrible voice of horror, and the trial is also thoroughly launched.

Although these attacks can't kill, but they can be self-policy.

Avoid yourself.

And his soul attack is not a pause.

Keep murder, speed is very fast.

Ah, ah ...

The scream of screaming is continuous.

Many guards are constantly falling continuously and become a corpse.

Just a few minutes, Zhang Bin killed three hundred guards.

This is simply a big miracle.

It is also the owner of Wei and Magic Sounds.

Zhang Bin's soul is even strong to so much, too weird and incredible.

But their weakness is the soul.

The soul did not follow the body perfect, the body's ability to protect the soul is not very strong.

Let the soul recovery are also very slow.

"Retreat ..."

Weiqi can't see it again, yelling.

Suddenly, there is approximately seven hundred guards in a hurry.

They all stand behind Wei, they regarded Zhang Bin's anger, and their faces are also full of angry.

Holding a wrogging, how powerful giant is in the past.

Once in the god circle.

However, even in the gods, they didn't have such a wolf, which was even easily killed so much.

This is simply a big shame.

Zhang Bin did not chase the past. He stood in the distance, and tried to repair the trauma of the body, so that the soul recovered strength, such a war, his consumption is too big.

However, he has achieved huge gains.

Kill three hundred powerful guards.

Even, the other party will not come up with their bodies.

These bodies are his trophy.

The blood in their body can quickly become stronger.

"I didn't expect that the bow is strong and genius. However, the more you become a genius, the more happy, because my Lord will become more powerful, the revenge is more, it is easy." Wei Yizhen looked at it. Zhang Bin, said that it is clear.

"Oh ... I will let you kill you, see how you are happy."

Zhang Bin smiled.

"Hey ... It seems that you think that you occupy the upper wind and have achieved great results." Wei Yan said,

"Yeah, you kill us so many people. However, I want to tell you, we will never fall. We can always cross time and space, resurrect them. As for you, today is dead."

"You can resurrect them through time and space?"

Zhang Bin made a laughter. "You think that the heavens and the earth will not punish you, big horror is to eat dry rice? Even if you block the world, you can cross the sky, the sky can still be known. You will die."

He is tentative, testing the secrets through time and space.

After all, he also wants to cross time and space, to save his woman with snow.

In his strength, don't be worried.

However, he is still worried that there is a ghost.

So, the more you prepare it, the better.

"Oh ..." Wei Yun sent a clear laugh, "We cross, any horror will not be afraid."

"It is, they are traveling together, but they are not afraid of fear. After all, they are too powerful."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

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