The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4165 is in a desperate situation

Zhang Bin was able to sneak out of the depths of the Underground.

Then he heard horrible to the ultimate magic sound.

The singular voice sounded in Zhang Bin's soul, and the power did not know much better than before.

In other words, Zhang Bin just came out, the Lord of the Magic Sound was induced.

Even if you are controlling the American.

If it is before, Zhang Bin is definitely unable to resist.

But now, Zhang Bin has a strong a few hundred times.

In addition, I used to refine the soul beads of the dead cold fish from the god community, and refined the magical mushroom.

Therefore, he is still not lost.

He snorted, and his back slammed more than 3004 apertures.

Especially the aperture belonging to the trial, it is extra bright and bright.

A huge condition is also there, it looks so that people are shocked.

These apertures are interlaced together to form a field belonging to Zhang Bin.

Then Zhang Bin felt that the horrible magic sound reduced too much too much.

Although it still can affect him, he will not be lost.

But his face suddenly changed, because he felt that he fell into a heavy surrounding.

"Dragonfly, destroy God ..."

The horrible voice sounded, and he suddenly became changing.

White fog is confused, time and space is reversed.

Zhang Bin wanted to drive the umerace to go back to the rock.

Because the earth is gone, he seems to be in the void of the sea.

Zhang Bin's face became serious, but he was immediately jumped from the umers.

His body shaped the godlife, and his people turned into four eight arms.

His body makes the sky, and is rich to the ultimate murder.

His forehead also has a large number of days, and scans around.

The weird is, he still can't see anything.

It is also a white fog at the foot, and there is no earth.

Only the magic sound is still crazy.

At this moment, Zhang Bin did not know that he was lost, there was an illusion, or a horrible big array of horrible places.

" ..."

The horrible laughter sounds, "" Bow Wu, isn't you very arrogant? Now you continue. "

This is of course a voice sent by the guard, one of the one hundred guards that escape.

"What is this big?"

Zhang Bin's eyebrows and asked coldly.

"Isn't you seen it before? It is an extinguishing of the gods. Just, you didn't fall into the array. But now you are in the array. You have no living road. We have to kill you, just like it is "Wei Wei said with a smile.

He didn't lie, this is really a big array.

It is a horrible big array in 36,000 strangeons.

Today, 36,000 little gods have a mistake to stand in Zhang Bin around Zhang Bin, which constitutes a horrible to destroy the god.

This big mark is really able to kill the spirit of the god.

And it will be easy.

They naturally don't put Zhang Bin in your eyes.

"That is coming, kill me ..."

Zhang Bin said coldly.

"Death ..."

A guard suddenly appeared from the white fog, and he took the clouds and wrapped in airtight of the earth. I am awkward, Zhang Bin.

"Killing pigs ..."

Zhang Bin's Kyushu Ding, cracking the sky ax, killing the pig knife, and stone mill, while slamming on the other ax.

Yes, Zhang Bin is released, letting the Libra, kill the pig knife, and fractured the sky ax.

It is now available again.


A loud noise of the sky.

Spark splash.

Hurricane also appeared, the horrible shock wave is also rising, and it has become a huge mushroom cloud.


Zhang Bin felt a horrible to the ultimate giant.

He couldn't resist at all, and he turned in an instant.


A loud noise, the earth is shaking.

" ... What is the earth?"

Zhang Bin's mouth is grinned, but the heart is dark and happy.

But he quickly became cold in his heart, because he suddenly found that the earth has long been changing, it becomes very hard.

Even the uriten is also difficult to sneak into.

I don't know if it is a big array, or something else.

"Hey ... A antity in the district, I will kink you today."

This guard is a step without refund, and it is crazy and smiled. I have rushed again, and I went to Zhang Bin.

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin suddenly jumped up, issued an unprecedented roar, and the sky on the head is lifted.

The instant became a large coverage.

At the same time, blasting the vigorous voice: "Review - Judgment ..."

Three gods aggravated, scaled the universities, all enhanced to the extreme.

Suddenly, the majesty took out and shrouded in this guard.

Magical things happened.

This guard suddenly hit a snoring, the speed slowed down, and the attack was weak.

And Zhang Bin's eyes were bursting countless gray light, bombarding on his eyes.


This guard screamed.



The soul attack continues to be crazy on his eyes.


This guy is finally unable to resist, fell to the ground.

That is a movement.

Because his soul is out, it is completely fallen.

Under the attack of the Judgment, he supplemented with the soul attack. He even could not even hear it even in such a horrible big array.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible ..."

Numerous guards, many little gods have sent a big shouting that I didn't dare to confuse.

How can they not believe that the district is a nine-story giant, which is in such a large scale, or can still be safe, or even, can you kill a strong guard?

You must know that this is now destroying the gods, but it contains three thousand Avenue.

That is to say, 36,000 statements, each of them is basically different.

Therefore, Power is the extreme of terror.

"It seems that it is still the way to trial, than killing pigs, crushing the way, the way to raise chicken is much more."

Zhang Bin is secretly happy. He has made all the best to kill the pig, but it is still not too much, and he is almost being smashed by the other.

However, the trial of trial is the way, but it is a breakdown of the gods, lowering the battle and speed of the killed guard. Even if you don't have to attack him, you can explode him.

He also did not have any delays, and he made a moment of mind, and he took the other corpse.

This is a good treasure.

After all, the body is the talents of the gods. There is also the soul energy of each other.

"Kill kill ..."

The angry voice sounded again.

Many guards also pounce toward Zhang Bin, launched Zhang Bin, launched the same attack as the water and sunset.

woo woo woo woo……

The sound is scream.

The magic weapon is full of days.

This momentum is really too horrible.

"Review - Judgment ..."

Zhang Bin's four skull shouted.

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