The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4166 kills the corpse

Libra is also suspended, it has become a few kilometers long, a few kilometers of diameter, the scale scale is dragged, and the beautiful people have become bigger.

Libra exploding dark golden rays, covering it.

Equipped with all parts of the Libra, the trial sound shouting.

Let the trial court here.

Many attacked guards will not stop, and the heart is also a fear.

Originally, the method has greatly improved their combat power and defense, but now it is basically replaced.

You can only improve their trip to fight.

But only a few times of the war, that is Hui Hui, how is Zhang Bin!

Zhang Bin showed the trial of the madness, while dancing the enemy of the magic weapon crazy, his heavenly eyes were also crazy to shoot the soul attack.

Dangdang ...

Ah, ah ...

The magic weapon bombards each other, and it is also very scream.

Many guards are unable to resist Zhang Bin's attack, and the magic weapon in their hands flew halfway.

Their mouth is also sprayed.

Some people were exploded, or they were killed by Zhang Bin's soul attack.

In this war, just like a tiger into the wolf.

Due to the wisdom, see the north of the south.

Wherever you are, it is a human back, screaming, and blood staining.

Just take a dozen minutes, Zhang Bin has killed dozens of guards.

However, he is also tired, panting, and it is also a few jen.

After all, the enemy is too much, and it suddenly came out from the white fog, too sudden.

Fortunately, his body wearing gods, and there are many set of gods.

It is to know that Zhang Bin not only got a lot of gods from the help of the hunting temple, but also got some gods from the beauty map.

In addition, he just killed so many guards, their pseudoons were also attributed to him.

Therefore, Zhang Bin's gods and pseudo-gods were exploding for a set.

Even Zhang Bin spurtled in his mouth.

The power of attack is too horrible, and even the godlor is also difficult to shield all.

"He can't hold too long, kill kill ..."

"Don't be afraid of death, after killing him, we can cross the time and space, the Lord is also available, you can easily save you."


Some of the dead guards shouted in madness.

Attack is also a more horrible.

30,000 states are also crazy to kill Zhang Bin.

Of course, it is combined into a god of the god.

Xuanao is very.

Three thousand avenues are flooded.

If it is not the trial of Zhang Bin, it is more magical, it can restrain the three thousand avenues, he can't resist it.

Even so, Zhang Bin is also in jeopardy.

It's still not too long.

Countless magic weapons from all sides, let him prevent it.

Although he was tried by Zhang Bin's trial, the power fell a lot, but it was still more powerful than one person alone.

Hey ...

Zhang Bin has been in the magic weapon.

"Review ... Judgment ..."

Zhang Bin shouted in the madness, the four pairs of arms were also crazy danced with magic weapons, and they were chemically formed.

His forehead is also stocked with a horrible soul attack.

The bloody battle is getting fare.

Another little god was exploded, chemical into blood mist and debris.

Another powerful guard was killed by Zhang Bin's soul.

In the ground, it became a body.

Zhang Bin is rushing, the ground is the blood sea.

Wars is still going on.

Over time, fallen little gods and guards are more and more.

The power of the Big Array has finally begun to fall.


A ax suddenly emerged from the void, slammed in Zhang Bin's head.

Send a horrible loud noise.


Zhang Bin made a scream, he turned over.

"He is dead, killing ..."

Many little gods are completely excited, they are crazy, and their magic weapons are covered with Zhang Bin.

But the laughter of their face suddenly became stiff.

Because Zhang Bin suddenly took a photo of Yinan, instantly a hundred years.

His injury is completely recovered.

Jumping up, continuing to crazy war, his face is full of sneakaches.

"Guangyin? He has Guangyang Dan?"

Many strange gods and guards issued an angry shout, their faces were also written, they did not dare to confuse.

Because the Danfang of Guangyin Dan is a big secret, there is never there is no talented universe.

However, Zhang Bin has used Light Yin Dan again, apparently he has mastered the Dan side of Guangyin Dan, and can refine.

"Review - Judgment ..."

Zhang Binwei yelled in the earth, and the momentum was shocked.

Crazy slaughter.

He moved like a lightning in white fog, and the magic weapon in his hand was crazy.

Wherever you have, the screamed, the magic weapon is also chaotic, and the body has continuously emerged.


There is a guard yelling in madness.

Then the big array is dissolved, all the guards and the little god escapes all over the side.

high speed.

"Kill kill ..."

Zhang Bin is a lot of anger, and the lightning is chasing. The sky on the forehead explodes a lot of light and shoots.

Extremely shoot on many small gods and guard's heads.

Ah, ah ...

The scream of screaming, they fell from the air.

Then I was killed by Zhang Bin.

Just one moment, Zhang Bin killed more than 1,000 little gods.

The result is tired.

However, the rest of the god is escaping without a trace.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin laughed madly, he was in a hurry, and his heart was comfortable.

He has never been so windy.

One person war has more than 30,000 little gods, and the other party also combines the horrible devastation.

But it was still defeated by him.

He quickly collapsed all the bodies, a lot of quantities, and there were more than 5,000.

He also shines his soul, and collected their soul.

Even, he also found that the soul of the mainland is a lot.

Therefore, he will also collect all.

"This is enough to cultivate two black mushrooms, and there may even become three."

Zhang Bin's heart is secretly happy.

This time the gain is very huge.

Inspiring, he is a bit hesitant. The people and gods in this continent can be said to be the future of the guard of the Magic.

There is a magic, it is very talented.

They are obviously his enemies.

However, the same is human, do you really kill them?

These attacked his little gods, he killed no hand soft. But these have not had a god of human beings, and they will be softer, this is a lot of people.

"There are also many innocent humans, such as those who have come here recently. I really can't kill them. I only kill the little god and guard."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

"If you use the little god to kill, the human beings here must fall. They are not a fool, because they are afraid of the Lord of the Magic Sound, listen to his order. If it is the owner of the magic, they may not necessarily I will see you as a hatred. Even, they may still be grateful, because the Lord of the Magical Sound can also be said to be their enemies, because his guards have won their ancestors. "Yu Wen Cheng said," So, you only Can kill the guard, no need to kill the live gods. Then go to the mission of the magic. "

"You have reasonable." Zhang Bin nodded, "I feel that the gods may be very complicated, the dark attributes and bright attributes may be two camps. Maybe there will be a war."

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