However, just this time.

The black scorpion on the forehead of Jin Yi suddenly broke the light of the darkness.

Wrapped in an immersed world.

The speed is too fast, too sudden.

The black shadow is too small to see Jin Yi, but it is too late to avoid it.

In black light, there was a Houtou point.


Suddenly, there is a bad screaming.

The black shadow is overwhelming, not stopping.

I want to get up, but I can't do it.

The horror is that the black shadow is in a hurry.

It seems that it has been hit hard.

"Hahaha ..."

Jin Yi smiled, he still lying on the ground and did not move, even, he did not issue any attacks.

He looked at the black shadow like the dead.

A winner is in the style.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible, you actually made a way out? How can your soul may be perfectly fed with the body?" The black shadow made a big shouting that did not dare to confuse.

The people who won the house, the body of the rapidly hidden body is incomparable, and it is true God, and it has created a way. But because the soul and the body cannot be perfectly fed, it is not possible to integrate the kind of homemade.

Without homemade, it is impossible to be too horrible.

However, Jin Yi is different, his soul and the body are perfect, and the road that has been created in the body is integrated. He has never revelected it, but it is a critical moment to give the enemy.

But it is the effect he wants.

"Hey, you and I have been far away." Jin Yi smiled and said, "If you are not grasp, how can I take the initiative to deal with you? I am now going to win your soul, powerful me. Otherwise, I How can I get rid of your body as soon as possible? I told you that when I became a beast, I have got a lot of black mushrooms, staying with one, hiding in a very hidden place, no one told. So I won After the house, I immediately took the black mushroom. The soul and the body have already been fit. Your idiot has been a black mushroom of the black mushroom, does not let me hunt the god hall to get the law, but still worried that I got it? "

"It turns out that the golden arm is Hisks, not because the black mushroom is too precious, but not to let the hunting hall, I am afraid to fall in the hands of Jin Yi." Zhang Bin squatting in his heart.

At this moment, Zhang Bin's poisonous and calculated accounting is very admired.

This is simply a suction of the bottom of the kettle, making it difficult for the god of the hunting hall to fly.

It is equal to helping the gods very busy.

"You ... I have already hidden a black mushroom? Do you think everything?"

The black shadow is in a hurry, and I don't bother to yell.

"Oh ... Of course, there is nothing to make. I just didn't take precautions. I have a treasure in the source of the universe." Jin Yi said, "I didn't think of it, I really used it."


The black shadow is in a hurry, and he yelled in crazy again, rushing the past, and slammed a knife to Jin Yi.

However, the knife has not yet fallen on the body of Jin Yi.

He screamed again, turned over.

Take a closer look, there is a black his body is crazy.

Wherever you have, black is quickly dissipated.


The black shadow is crazy, screaming, "What is this? How is this horrible?"

"The Soul!"

Jin Yi said, "This is my most talented future generation, I have come out, I walked him, the soul and the body were very easy to fit, I fell the soul of the soul, it is also very easy. However, conscientiously understand This mystery, spending me very long time. "

"The Tao of the Soul?"

The black shadow is very shocking, "this seems to be a horrible way."

"Are you afraid?" Jin Yi smiled, "The soul has any soul, but there are countless era, no magical can create a soul. Because this is too horrible. You will give me, etc. Let's take a day, I will kill back to the beast, let you completely destroy. "

"Jin Yi, don't dream. Now I am not you can deal with."

The black shadow is talking and said.

"Soul ..."

Jin Yi is a smile, suddenly, the mouth of the mouth opened, caught crazy.

Suddenly black shadows quickly turned sharply, and then thoroughly did not see it.

Of course, it is swallowed by the .

The soul of a hint of His, is a living, and it has taken the past by Jin Yi.

This is definitely a big benefit for Jin Yi.

Zhang Bin is very depressed, his hopes have fallen, Jin Yi is not dead, but it is black shadow.

Jin Yi also got a soul of each other.

The soul will eventually become more powerful.


Suddenly, the broken voice sounded, a golden arm descended from the sky, with a murder of the sky, and slammed into Jin Yi.

Suddenly the sky is discolored, the sun and the moon are light.

Obviously, this is the blacks of the beasts began to attack Jin Yi.

However, it is from a boundary, and the war is impossible to be too powerful.


Jin Yi is crazy, he is a heart, and it will fly back, and it will be combined with a moment.

There is only one red line left.

The sword in his hand is also crazy on a gold arm.


The horrible voice sounded, spark splashes.


The rock breakdown under the foot of the feet. People are also played in just as a nail.

However, look at it, the golden arm has a fine crack.

It can be seen that Jin Yi's sword is how horror.

The golden arm is holding a fist, and it hits again.

"Cracking a sword ..."

Jin Yi is crazy, his feet is crazy, and suddenly the sky is broken, and the earth is broken. He also burst into the same as the sharding, the sword in the hand is in the sky. Golden fist.


The fist is broken, and it has become a little golden light.

The golden arm has been surprised, and the arm is hit by the fastest speed.

"Black, I deliberately lead you, how can I gain it?"

Jin Yucheng shouted, he showed the magical situation, and people shot in the same way as lightning.

A sword is on the arm.


A horrible giant ring.

Arm break.

Fly to open, then it will become a little golden light.

However, there is a drop of blood, which suddenly burst into the rays of blood, and chemically became a red crane, which broke it.

It is obvious to escape.

And there is no doubt that Black is a golden arm with a drop of blood.

Can be separated from the arm, attack the enemy, and even grab the mushroom.

Such anheno is not understandable by Zhang Bin.


Jin Yi shouted crazy, his sword was once again.


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