The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4173 Zhang Bin shot

The red Dragon made a scream.

Suddenly dropped from the air, I lost my mind and didn't have any ability to escape.

"Jin Yi, you are waiting for me ..."

In the empty, there was a sound of angry sound.

But it is abrupt.

Thoroughly silently.

"Hahaha ..."

Jin Yi was excited to laugh, he fell down in the same place, reached out to grab this dripping.

This dripping is not simple.

It is the beast god blood.

For today, it is extra important.

As long as he refines this drop of blood, he can practice into a beast.

And it is a super powerful beast.

Of course, it is very difficult to refine it.

After all, it contains incomparable energy.

Seeing Jin Yi must catch this drop of blood.

A arm suddenly revealed from the air, and grabbed this dripping.

In the blink of an eye, I received a jade bottle and the secret law was blocked.

Undoubtedly, this is Zhang Bin shot.

Moreover, Zhang Bin also showed a horrible attack. In his heavenly eyes, Zhang Bin took out the gray light, with the breath of death, and shunted the soul of the soul, a little bit of the brain bag.

Zhang Bin felt that this is very horrible, it is definitely one of the biggest based cards.

Even, he doubts that this is the magic soul of Jin Yi.

If you let it refine the soul, it will definitely be strong too much.

This is unfavorable to him.

" ..."

The weird voice sounded, and the cockroaches were screaming.

It escaped in lightning.

However, Zhang Bin's soul attack is too much, too intensive.

Continue to shoot on it.



No, it is broken.

It turned into two halves, and the half of them was still alive, and they flew back to Jin Yugang points. It has become a black sputum.

And the other half is dropped.


Zhang Bin turned around, and his hand had a bottle of ink, and he took the half of this half.

This bottle is a terrible artifact, you can swallow powerful souls, erase the memory of the soul.

Zhang Bin felt that this is the energy of soul.

So, put it with this soul bottle.

Then don't worry that the other party can escape.

"Zhang Lao San, is you? You are just looking for death."

When Jin Yi woke up, he was angry with his nose.

He showed all the monopolism, and the projection war of Hisce, and also exploded the blood of the Hesh.

But the benefits were got by Zhang Bin.

Half of the fracture of the crack, is actually the soul of Hisce, and it is a soul of the most memories. It is a peerless treasure.

As for that drop, it is also worth the city.

Can he not angry?

"Jin Yi, don't be innocent?"

Zhang Bin said with a smirk.

Of course, he is ready to prepare it.

Jin Yi's power, he still doesn't have any confrontation.

"Give me death ..."

Jin Yi is willing to talk to Zhang Bin? He flashed, the sword in his hand went to Zhang Bin's neck.


The sound is extraordinary.

The murder is also extravagant.

This is a sword.

I just easily cut the gold arm.

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin's face became extranger, and he made full efforts to trial thunder.

The Libra in the hand is also crazy on the sword of Jin Wei.


A loud noise of the sky.

Spark splash.

Zhang Bin felt that a giant force of Pei Ren came.

He actually stabilized his body and continued to retreat.

The foot was retired to steady body.

And Jin Yi just retired.

Take a trick, Zhang Bin is falling in the wind.

However, Jin Yi is a thorough earthquake, and the mouth is also a big shouting: "It is impossible, it is absolutely impossible, how can you resist me?"

"Jin Yi, I didn't think that you can be so strong?"

Zhang Bin's face is also very serious, even, he is a little doubt, his own national fund is not the opponent.

You know, he takes so many gods, and even he has taken God Dan.

And he also fused 3004.

He and the main battle of the magic sound and also realized the trial of terror.

His combat power has arrived at a point where it is terrible.

But he is full, but it still falls in the wind.

Even, he is too dark, if it is not the main battle with the magic sound, let himself understand the trial of thunder, the war is skyrocketing, just the sword, you can't resist it.

"I haven't seen it for so many years. What kind of adventures do you have? In the universe, it is very difficult to get stronger to your point this?" Jin Yu looted a knife, step by step to Zhang Bin, and asked coldly.

"You didn't answer my question, how can I answer you?"

Zhang Bin did not fear, he raised the scale and said coldly.

"I am so powerful because I am from the beast, one of the beasts, although the body is gone, the soul is also hurt, but after the shell, the body and the soul are completely integrated. But outbreak out The war is not ordinary little God can match. If you even make it super, isn't it a big joke? "Jin Yi said.

"I have a lot of adventures. I will know if you have a war with my war. I don't have to explain to you. You have seen a wide range of knowledge. You can naturally speculate everything." Zhang Bin said.

He is not a fool, naturally, is unwilling to tell the opponent's own numerous adventures.

"You dare to tease me? I have to kill you."

Jin Yi is anger. His body is swaying, and there is an attack on Zhang Bin, launched Zhang Bin's attack, the previous injury, for him seems to have no hindrance.

This strength is really a horrible.

Zhang Bin danced to Libra, showing trial of thunder, and strive to fight against Jinyi.

Dangdang ...

Sound shock, spark splash.

The two battles are extremely fierce.

Soon, Zhang Bin fell on the wind.

Only the work of the horn, there is no power.

He retreat quickly, it looks very wolf.

Even, he did not even start the human form of transfer.

"Ha ha ha ... Zhang Lao San, you too don't know how the sky is thick, even dare to hit my treasure idea. You, let's take action. Today, you are your hacking day." Jindang attack, one side I am shouting, "Your body is immediately belonging to me, I will use it to practice a body of avatar. In the future, I am the most powerful existence outside the universe, because you will be a creation of God. Even the talented. "

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