Zhang Bin took out two .

The material of this man is that he uses many martial arts skin to make a secret method.

Then he used the blend of 3,000 kindage of the beast, and then blended some of his blood, drawing the seal.

This is certainly the secrets left from Jin Yi, of course, some of the secret laws of the Lord of the Magic Sound also gave Zhang Bin's enlightenment.

"go with……"

Zhang Bin shouted, and twisted two inquiry flew over, and it was posted on the hunting god and the god.

As for the hand of the statue, it is also instantaneous. Then hold the two magic treasures of the sturdy.

Magical things happened.

Although the statue of the statue is still trembling, it is not so much amplitude.

"There is an effect, not bad ..."

Zhang Bin's face floated, he immediately continued to make a seal.

It is enough to seal 9 seal Tianquan on both magic weapons.

These two magic weapons are struggling, it is not possible to move.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin laughed, and his face also floated.

After the fat, it is finally released.

His homemade seal is really falling.

This is the reason why he integrates the trial incoming embarrassment.

Trial of the hike, trial everything.

Restroom any of the magics.

Sure enough, it has played a magical role.

At this moment, Zhang Bin felt that his trial has endless potential.

Four and Yu Wen Cheng Tian are also very happy.

"Zhang Bin, now you can start trying to refine the blood of the blood. Because there is no worry again." Yu Wen Chengxi said, "I will go to the mainland, take the mainland. Mushroom. "

For so many years of reading secrets and jade.

Zhang Bin, of course, to understand the refining of the blood.

In fact, there is no toxin in the blood, although Black is the beast god, taking too much genius genius, a lot of nutrients that cannot be refined are filled in muscles, not among blood.

However, since it is the blood of the beast, it contains too horrible energy.

So, if you are too weak, you are likely to explode yourself.

Previous Zhang Bin, even very powerful, but it can't fully control your strength.

In the body, there is a terrible energy full of energy, if it is the dripping of the blacks.

He is inevitably exploded.

But now, Zhang Bin basically controls energy in the body, but it can try to refine.

As for the soul of His, Zhang Bin did not dare to refine.

Because Zhang Bin makes Ye Lian to purify the magical power, it has been purified for too many years, but also did not purify it.

There is also a residual memory.

Perhaps, only Jin Yi has a way to quench this soul and then refine.

However, Zhang Bin still feels that this soul energy is a priceless treasure. In the future, he went to the gods. Maybe you can find a way to purify the memory, then refine, then his soul may have a lot.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is not anxious.

As far as he is now, it is not very worried about the era.

He doesn't have to refine this horrible soul energy.

Zhang Bin took four and Yu Wencheng, and Zhang Bin also took a magic and went to the Black Sea.

Directly sink.

The gravity of the Black Sea will be very horrible.

Plus the pressure of seawater.

The force acting on the body arrived at an incomparably horrible point.

Four and Yu Wencheng can't resist, enter the Tibetan Tower.

Only Zhang Bin is still if there is anything.

He quickly walked quickly in the sea.

Look for the deepest place.

Finally, he found a deep caulk.

Sneak down.

Sitting in the sea shelf.

There is no life in this place.

Don't worry about what happens at all.

Only in this place, it is suitable for refining the blood of the blood.

Because in the pressure of seawater, the energy in the body is more, it is difficult to explode.

Despite this, Zhang Bin still does not refine the blood immediately.

Instead, we work hard.

After three days and three nights, he began to refine the blood.

First take approximately one thousandth of the blood.

Terring happened.

Na Ding God is like an atomic bomb explosion, which has become an incomparable terrorist nutrient.

The turbulence has entered Zhang Bin's blood and muscle.

Then I entered Zhang Bin's many inner planets.

His inner planet has undergone a strange change, and it has begun to expand rapidly. The sun is also expanding.

Twice, twice, three times ...

When he completed this dripping, his nest is more than ten times.

Any one has become a very huge planet.

But it is still a dead, there is no evolution of any life.

However, it is much stable.

You know, in the past, his inner planet is constantly erupting earthquake, volcano hair, spatial storm.

Why don't you have the conditions for pregnant life.

In fact, Zhang Bin's internal planet is blended with 3004 world rules.

It is already very stable.

However, Zhang Bin knows that if you can give birth to life, it is a creation of God.

Don't even want to give birth to life.

And Zhang Bin also found that his body has become a lot of strong, and the defense ability has great improvement, perhaps not ten times, but several times are there.

"My God, the blood of the beast is so amazing? This is more than that of the goddea."

Zhang Bin shocked to the extreme.

The last time he tied Shen Dan, the soul and the body were strong ten times. However, the endless stars have not expanded, but only improved energy.

And Zhang Bin's endow, it can't be expanded quickly before it.

Only the way to blend space is quickly expanded.

And each fusion, it is also possible to expand a one of 3,000.

But now it has been expanded directly ten times.

If you can completely call the energy of the inner universe, how horror will the war?

Let Zhang Bin have a bit regrett, refining this dripping, but there is no soul that makes his soul.

Fortunately, Zhang Bin took a black mushroom, refining the soul of the death of the king of the king, his soul itself is very powerful.

Therefore, he can still drive some reluctance.

But it is not so easy to call the universe within the call.

It is only one hundred more energy than before.

This is still the soul is not strong.

So, his war is still limited, only more than a year.

But it is very horrible. After all, Zhang Bin is very powerful.

"I have to quench myself with terrorism, flame, and thunder in the future, stimulate potential, this may be a very long process. After all, my potential is too big." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his face is also floating Out of the color of the expectation.

Now he is particularly expected to meet Jin Yi.

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