The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4177, then win the beast

"Go, let's go to the mainland now. Shi black mushrooms ..."

Zhang Bin no longer delayed, and smiled.

As long as you get a black mushroom, you can make Yu Wen's soul and body completely fit, and he can make his soul become strong.

Even if he can make the soul of the Sword Emperor and the unstead of Devil, then they have the possibility of breaking through the state.

That is not to have two of them with him.

As for the Emperor, it is no longer far from breaking through the god.

It is also possible if you don't take malignone mushroom.

The emperor needs to go to experience the life and death, need to go to the mortal world cultivation.

Many continents, black mushrooms.

Zhang Bin once again appeared here.

He used the same way as before, injecting the mushrooms into the liquid of Shenquan with a syringe, letting it swallow the soul energy.

I quickly evolved a black mushroom, but the soul of the soul he collected was only one-fifth.

After all, a thousand guards of the Lord of the Magic Sound is extraordinary.

Plus he also killed more than 30,000 little gods.

Since he uses the Kyushu Ding, there is no heaven and earth changing.

Naturally, there is no attack of golders.

" ... Now I am coming to pension in the cave."

Zhang Bin quickly evacuated another three black mushrooms, and then he was laughing in his heart.

The last black mushroom evolution, he did not use Kyushu Ding.

So, when this red mushroom begins to devour the soul energy evolution.

That is the abnormal heaven and earth, black mushrooms blasts the black light column, which is empty.

Like a spotlight, it is constantly rotating.

The momentum is shocked.

As for Zhang Bin, of course, it is hidden in the umerail.

Sprinkled with stealth.

Just waiting for the enemy.

The enemy is really coming.

The first thing is still a black boat. Like a ghost, floating.

The magic tone is also getting extra loud.

Then, it is the magic painting.

The same is flying, and it is emptied with an unhappy atmosphere.

Let Zhang Bin are dark, and Jin Yi is also exploded.

Look at the evil mushrooms.

This guy is too deceitable, and the stealth magic is displayed and thoroughly hides.

Therefore, even the magic painting and black ship did not find him.

Fortunately, Zhang Bin has a magical illiteration, clearing the gold in the clear way.

"Jin Yi, Jin Yi, you still have not cultivated it. Look at how to kill you today."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

The time is slowly passed, the mushroom is finally swallowing enough soul energy, thoroughly evolving into black mushrooms, exudes a strange breath.

Jin Yi still did not go to the mushroom.

He looked coldly on cold.

Instead, the black boat and magic are quickly robbed, but it is a war.

There is a horrible black hole on the surface of the magic painting, and it is crazy, and it turns out to swallow the black.

The black boat hit the magic painting with a murder of the sky.

Then stick it thoroughly.

There are too many bones in the magic painting, crazy bombardment of the black boat.

The black boat is to explore countless black hands, and the wales of the bones.

The black ship is also slowly reduced, and it seems to be swallowed by the black hole of the magic.

"Jin Yi, what is this babies? Do you have any bloody hands such as Hashi? I want to get a drop of blood in Heshi." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

His face has also floated the color of thinking.

And so thoughts, he did not take the initiative, waiting quietly.

Magic painting is still in a black ship.

The weird is that the magic painting is very powerful, and the black ship can't resist.

Because the magic painting does not seem to be a creature, it is not afraid of the attack of the sound of the black ship and the monette.

Only by physical attack, the black ship falls in the wind.

"Hey ..."

The bones of the magic painting were crazy on the black ship, and many black hands were exploded.

The sound is intensive as a rain.


It's a loud noise, the black boat fly off and turned over.

The magic painting is to explore a bone, caught the mushrooms.

At this time, a golden hand suddenly appeared, from the high altitude fell.

Subject to the bones of the magic painting.


The bone is completely broken.

The golden hand rapidly grabs mushrooms.

"The Black is a bit stupid. I still want to win black mushrooms? Does he don't know how Jin Yi is waiting for him? It may be more god blood. "Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

Hey, he is also laughing, and Black is stupid will not be stupid to this point. As long as the golden hand is being opened, it will never appear. Sending the blood in white, the fool will do it.

Seeing the golden hand will grab the black mushrooms, Jin Yi moved.

He smiled, like the same arrow, and the sword in his hand was crazy.

Tell a sword!

The speed is too fast, too sudden.

I am on the arm of the gold hand.


The gold hand is broken.

Then it has become a countless golden light, dissipated in the air.

And a drop of blood is also rapidly dropped.

"Hahaha ... Hesh, you are idiot, now I know that I am so bad?"

Jin Yi sent a crazy laugh. He shot in the same lightning, and immediately went to grab the blood of the blood.

However, Zhang Bin has appeared like a ghost, his hand explores, and put this dripping blood into the jade bottle.

Jin Yi can be stunned, and it is very good.

He is crazy: "Zhang Lao San, you are dead ..."

He crazy sword to Zhang Bin's head.


The sound is extraordinary.

The cold light is eye-catching, and the sun and the moon are completely light.

Murderous is also rushing in nine.

Horror pole.

Obviously, after several hundred thousand years of cultivation, Jin Yi is still a lot.

After all, he is the beast god, and it is strong to have experience.

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin did not fear, his hands appeared in the hands, and slammed on the other's sword.

Of course, it is the most powerful legend, trial of thunder.


A loud sound, sparks detonation.

The sky has become extra bright.


Jin Yi felt that a horrible force came, he flew up.

And Zhang Bin also suffered a horrible anti-earthquake, and the lightning didn't fall.

His feet stepped on the magic painting, and he was caught on the bones of the mushroom.


The horrible voice sounded.

The bone is handized into a powder.

Then the rock also appeared deep footprints.

Zhang Bin is a proud standing, and the left hand is explored, and the black mushroom will pick up the mushroom and receive it.

This is the treasure he cultivated, how can I get someone else?

Today, he will want a battle of Jin Yi, the magic painting, and the black boat.

He is looking forward to all of them.

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