The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4183 fusion 3006 species

Zhang Bin looked at it in detail, it was very satisfied, but he still worriedly said: "There is no tool, I may not integrate, you have to give me the truth. And to release the recognition."

"You are just overridden."

Jin Yi is a furious, "The Kingdom of the Soul can be said to be a powerful base card. How can he give Zhang Bin? Once you give it, Zhang Bin is absolutely will not give him."

"I am this is improving strength, otherwise, where is the foundation of cooperation?"

Zhang Bin said that he did not say good.

"Then I will refine the medicinal herbs that integrate the soul. Denealing you quickly."

Jin Yi said, "How?"

"okay then."

Zhang Bin knew that he could no longer knew the benefits.

So, Jin Yi started to refine Dan, took out a lot of Tianwei Di Bao, quickly refined.

Soon after the refining, it even more powerful.

A golden thunder breeze, and it was crazy, and he bombarded 99 Thunder, he stopped.

And Dan medicine has also spent the robbery, exudes a rich and fragrant and strange breath.

"Thank you ..."

Zhang Bin took this nine-piece Dan medicine, and his face has also floated a bright smile.

Because he knows that the other party has no ghosts, this is indeed a good medicinal medicine, which can be quickly in the distance.

I have a big cheap.


Jin Yi snorted.

"I am going to practice, when you contact me. Yes, this is my talent."

Zhang Bin finished, took out a notes and gave Jin Yi.

Then he launched the human form of transfer, only to see the white light, he had no trace.

"Ah ... I am mad at me."

Jin Yi is a crazy roaring, and the body exploded into the extreme murder.

He is bright in his heart, Zhang Bin meets him, it is to look at his way of soul, want to understand, and then fuse.

And he still had to make a full other party.

This is simply too wrong.

After all, Zhang Bin is his enemy.

Seapt too much treasure.

And his purpose of meeting Zhang Bin is to kill Zhang Bin, capture the box, and then capture the soul of His, improve strength, and then do the Lord of Magic.

His purpose is not achieved at all.

Can he not angry, don't be angry, don't you depressed?

"Zhang Lao San, you are waiting for me, wait for the Lord who killed the magic, see how I killed you? Now your strength is raised to the limit, it can't improve too much, even if you integrate the soul, It also only enhances the strength of one thousandth, it is not worth mentioning, but I am a lot of powerful. "Jin Yi finally calmed down and smiled.

Gravity continent, blessing.

A excitedness of Zhang Bin and Yu Wen became the extreme laughter.

This time, Zhang Bin's harvest is huge, not only to blend a way, but also fused to enter a black mushroom, and can make Zhang Bin's soul becommended again.

If the soul becomes strong, his combat power will have a lot of improvement. After all, today's soul and the body do not match, it is difficult to drive some energy in the body, and it is difficult to call more energy among the body.

Most importantly, Zhang Bin saw Jin Yiquan.

Refining a magical medicinal medicine that can quickly integrate the soul.

He got enlightenment.

He can make a special medicinal medicine that can make the anti-Taoist medicine, as long as the fairy medicine that replaces the property.

Anti-Taoism is the way to come out.

Zhang Bin is only cultivated to the nine floors, but it is not possible to fuse.

Zhang Bin did not have any delays. He took out many genius treasures and some anti-property advanced fairy medicine, and immediately began to refine.

Without any accident, he refined successfully.

I also came to the sky, and I also bombed 99 Thunder.

The nine-seater medicines have all spent all the robbery.

Zhang Bin grabbed this nine-piece Dan medicine, happy and appreciated.

It is found that there is really a special medicine, exudes a strange fragrance.

He is even more exciting.

He entered the glue, and he took a piece immediately.

Without let Zhang Bin disappointed, the rules of the anti-Taoism world will soon begin to evolve, wait for him to take three capsules, and evolve the numerous nine-level rules.

It took the fourth grain, and the integration was successfully, and it was cultivated to the one layer.

The label is very common, it is anti-attributive and robbery, there is a huge grinding disc, I want to crush Zhang Bin.

But it was swallowed by Zhang Bin.

It's too fierce.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin is a laughter, and he blends a way, and it is not a soul.

This is Jin Yi absolutely can't I can't think of it.

If he fused the soul, he is equal to the blend of two ways.

His strength is equal to one of 1,500, and even more.

As for the war, there will be a bigger improvement.

At that time, he can turn six 12 arms, showing six new roads, holding four jigs, two artifacts, and it is certainly very poor.

He continued to close the door.

Just 20,000 years, I once again realized the way of the soul, and it was also integrated successfully, and even cultivated the way of the soul and the anti-therapeuticity.

Two Dan medicine have played a lot.

Dan medicine must be taken from the 9th floor from the first floor.

Therefore, Zhang Bin has made these two kinds of medicinal herbs many times.

And Jin Yi is in Zhang Bin's medicine, it is estimated that Zhang Bin can master the method of refining.

He didn't have much time to give Zhang Bin too much Dan.

Of course, such a medicinal medicine is not anyone to take effect, only those peerless genius take it.

In addition to Zhang Bin, there is no use of others to take it, there is no success.

That is, such a medicinal medicine is much less than the blood of the blood.

It is Jin Yi himself, but also can't use such a medicinal medicine to integrate and cultivate all 3001 avenues to the 9th floor, so, he still wants to get the blood of the blood river, and then cultivate in the midrange.

"It's time to go into black mushrooms."

Zhang Bin muttered in his mouth, his face also floated the color of the expectation.

He has been tested, and the energy of the half of the semi-friants is actually terrifying, especially quality, and terrible.

Plus these twentieth thousand years, Zhang Bin also made his two bordered, killing many beasts, collected many soul energy, even find another ten mainland, but unfortunately, there is no more gods, just Only a dozen, all were defeated by his two, collected a lot of soul energy.

Moreover, he put the secret law and quented these soul energy.

Let the quality improve and remove many impurities.

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