The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4184 Zi mushroom

Therefore, Zhang Bin is a grasp of a black mushroom.

Today, Zhang Bin's two borders are finally cultivated to the nine layers of the close, combined with 3004 kinds of avenues, and the anti-attributes and souls have not been integrated. It is necessary to practice hard to practice for a while.

However, Zhang Bin's war is therefore raised a lot.

Many continents, black mushrooms.

Zhang Bin once again appeared again.

He took a huge red mushroom with Kyushu.

Take the syringe and inject the gods of the powder that combines the mushroom.

Without any accident, this red mushroom began to devour the soul energy and evolved quickly.

And Zhang Bin, of course, took the half cut, crushed into pieces with secret law, and suddenly became a strong ultimate soul energy, and the mushroom suddenly becamen crazy, crazyly swallowed, bursting into the substance Black light column, a horrible pressure and momentum is also emitted.

For more than ten minutes, the red mushroom evolved into a black mushroom, but the evolution did not stop, and continued, slowly changed to purple.

After another three days and three nights, the evolution ended.

Black mushrooms into the purple mushroom, exploding the pleasant purple light column.

Almost didn't turn over Jiuzhou Ding.

This momentum is really too horrible.

"I rely on, this is too big, what is this treasure?"

Zhang Bin shocked the extreme, and his face was also full of expectations.

He carefully took a wing and washed it in detail.

Because he found that some small particles appeared on the surface.

It is obviously impurities in the energy of the soul.

That may be some residual memory debris.

It must be removed.

Soon, I washed clean, and mushrooms became crystal as purple jade.

It seems to be extra beautiful.

Zhang Bin took this Zi mushroom back to the continent.

The appearance in Yuxian Cave.

He began to try to refineib. mushrooms.

First take a point.

Of course, let the soul take it.

He found that the purple mushroom turned into a purple flame in an instant, and his soul was burned madly.

I quickly made a very small impurities in the soul into ashes.

And released a huge soul energy.

His soul is rapidly stronger.

"Good treasure ..."

Zhang Bin's heart is big, and immediately summoned two borders, so that the two distinct souls are also a fusion, continue to take Zi mushrooms, continue to crazyly refine.

After three years, it took this Zi mushroom.

Zhang Bin was shocked, and his soul was once again strong.

This is a huge leap.

It is to know that Zhang Bin's soul is that it is powerful to be extremely horrible, the base is large.

It is simply five times that it is simply against the sky.

However, the ignited soul lamp is only only to the number of 60000.

Just, the brightness of the soul light has been increased.

The effect of quenching soul is also very good, any impurities in the body, it is rapidly into ashes.

Let the soul keep a pure state.

If there is a heterogeneous soul energy invasion, it will definitely be ash by the soul light.

It can be said to be a super powerful defense.

"God is now ..."

Zhang Bin shouted, suddenly, in any place on his head, there was an eye.

Like the same flow, finally, all concentrate on his forehead, face, nose.

Then I took the light of the dark, and I was shot on a stone.


The rays passed through the rocks of 10 meters like wearing tofu.

Recourse it on a mountain.


The mountain is also wearing a hole.

Remoded on another mountain.

Wear again.

I wore a mountain in a hole in a hole, and the black light dissipated.

"I rely on, my soul attack is even so much?"

Zhang Bin himself is completely earthquake, and Zhang Bin is full of compliance.

After all, he knows how hard is the rock here.

At this time, he understood that the strong soul plus the soul of the soul, what sharpness is the soul attack?

He also understood that Jin Yi and him fight, did not use full, because he didn't use the soul attack, maybe it was not to grasp Zhang Bin, because he knew that Zhang Bin had a lot of gods and pseudoons.

Don't want to fight grass.

"Jin Yi, you are really worthy of the former beast, wisdom is extraordinary."

Zhang Bin secretly praised in his heart.

Of course, Zhang Bin is also secretly jealous.

When you go to deal with the Lord of Magic Sound, Jin Yizhang will have more base cards.

After all, he is from the beast, once is the beast, seeing more and wide, knowledgeable, mastering too much secret law.

"It seems that I have to prepare some bottom cards."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

He stood up and tested it in detail.

Due to the power of the soul, he also became incapacitated by the body, and the real is like the arm.

The energy he can call is also twice as much as it can be called.

Even the external energy he called is twice.

In other words, his war has increased twice.

If you continue to work hard, you should also have a certain increase.

The war is estimated to be three times the previous.

Such strength may be more than Jin Yi.

But with wisdom, it is possible to let Jin Yi eat a big loss.

After all, Jin Yi can't think of Zhang Bin's strength can also skyrocket.

"It's time to cross the time and space, save the snow after."

Zhang Bin muttered in his mouth, his face floated gentle and thoughts.

As far as he is now, he believes that he can deal with any terror.

Zhang Bin got an Yuxian Dongfu.

Show big gods, I have already went to the Taikoo continent.

For today's words, crossing the sea, it is simply not too easy.

Taikoo continent is still in turn in the past.

Even Zhang Bin also saw some acquaintances.

But he did not appear, through the special passage, returned to the earth in the first time.

He wants to cross and must only be on the earth.

When I arrived at the earth, Zhang Bin's face floated the color of the sadness.

Because too many years have passed, the sun has become bleak.

The earth has become ice and snow.

Can't see any creatures.

The prosperous bustling is completely incomvented.

However, Zhang Bin knows that the earth human beings are still unsatisfactory, but they are all immigrated, go to the starry sky, in the different planets.

"To see the bustling of the earth, you must next an era. At that time, I have to come back to the earth, look at the evolution of life, death, and reincarnation, and understand the god of God." Zhang Bin muttered His face is looking forward to the color.

He no longer delayed, began to cross!

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