The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4185, Devil

This time Zhang Bin's cross is not easy.

He is proud to stand there, yelling in his mouth, "time falling".

His back is also a white ray that bursts, covers a huge area.

Suddenly, the time of this area is inverting, rapidly, and a moment is millions of years.

Ice and snow melts, green, even, can see human figure.

But of course it is a flask.

Million years, thousands of years, billion ...

10 million years.

Four billion years ...

Soon, it will fall for more than 3 million years.

Finally, it was the era of the ice.

Suddenly slow down.

Finally, I went to the time period that the ice was detached by the Moz.

And it is the moment that the magic is killing the snow.

Even Zhang Bin also saw himself.

Perhaps Zhang Bin is too powerful, and there is no big horror.

Zhang Bin's hand suddenly explored, and grabbed the snow and the snow, and she had embraced her to her arms.

"Fu Jun?"

Snowfast sent a very shocking voice, "Two?"

"I have passed over from the later generations, so there are two."

Zhang Bin said.

"Fu Jun ..."

When the snow is sudden, I will understand it, and it is certainly fallen.

Zhang Bin had to save people through time and space.

She is very moving, holding Zhang Bin tightly, tears.

"Time fast!"

Zhang Bin did not dare to delay, yell.

Suddenly, the time started rapidly.

Such as light.

It has become dark in the world.

The breath of death is also extravagant.

The big terror is finally coming.

Zhang Bin's heart was once, and the snowmen received his own dragon pool.

There was a scale in his hand, and an immersive momentum was blamed.

He is ready to prepare.

"Hey ..."

The horrible voice sounded, and the void is broken.

A huge black hole appeared.

Then there was a black armor, holding a huge machete in his hand, in the moment, in front of Zhang Bin, his body made a murderous murder, his eyes burst into ice cold Ray, smile and drink: "Zhang Bin, you have a big courage, dare to destroy the rules of time and space, cross the time to save people? You committed it, don't do it."

"Who are you? Is there any qualifications?"

Zhang Bin's face has been taboo, because he felt that this god is very strong, it will never be palatable, and he is very confused, in the universe, how can there be such a powerful god?

Does the other party from the universe?

God inserted outside the universe, finally found a reason to kill him Zhang Bin?

"Hey, this god is the unsteran magic of the Montenegro, the beginning of the middle of the gods, killing you in front of you. You don't have a rule of the rules, if you let you become God, it is a great disaster. You go to the road. "The devil said.

"The God outside the universe can intervene within the universe?"

Zhang Bin's face became ugly, and asked anger.

"The universe has no ability to punish you, only God will punish you."

The devil is laughing and said, "If you regulate the torque, the old is true, maybe there is no way to deal with you. But you destroy the universe rule, it is to find it."

"Oh ... who is looking for death, wait for you to know."

Zhang Bin's mouth made a contempt.

"Death ..."

The devil was so angry, he was crazy, a flashed, the knife in his hands was also lifted in the high place, and then he went to Zhang Bin's head, and he wanted Zhang Bin to be two and a half. .


The sound is scream, the void is broken, and the thin crack appears.

Cold light is eye-catching.


The law is intertwined.

Numerous light is also distorted.

The space is banned, it is much harder than rocks.

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin did not fear, he screamed.

Show is the most horrible trial righteousness.

The sound is shocked, the Thunder is flashing, and the pressure is like the sea, covering around.

At this moment, Zhang Bin seems to become the dominance of the heavens and the earth.

You can trial everything.

And the Libra in his hand is also on the other side of the knife.


A horrible to the extreme giant ring.

Spark splash, hurricane whistling.

Ah ...

Both people have sent a bad shout.

Almost at the same time, they have been retreating quickly, and they will stop with more than 1,000 steps.

This trick is a flat autumn, regardless of high low.

"My God, Fu Jun became so powerful? He can fight God outside the universe? Saving people throughout the time and space is so difficult? Even God will dispatch?"

Snowfast is in Zhang Bin's Tibetan Tower, of course, I saw everything.

That is extra shock, and the face is full of colors that don't dare to confuse.

"Killing ..."

Almost at the same time, two of them shouted, rushing up again, crazy wars together.

Dangdang ...

The magic weapon bombards each other, the spark is extraordinarily, the voice is also intensive as the wind.

Killing is extraordinary bloody and horror.

A few minutes, still did not share the winning.

Zhang Binn is anger, his body shakes, it becomes a six-two arms.

Dancing six magic weapons, four of them, two artifacts.

Ship all the universities and strength, the war is also skyrocketing.

I suddenly kill the magic, and the evil festival was retired.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible, you have not yet become a god, can not be strong enough?"

"How can you create six kinds of roads? It is impossible ..."

Zhang Bin will wast the time, continue to attack crazy, he is in the heart, since there is God's appearance, it is very uncommon, you must speed up the speed of speed, otherwise, come back to a middle-aged magic God, the consequences are unimaginable.

Although it is powerful, it can only confront God in the early days of God.

And the god circle, that is, a master like a cloud, a big can rain.

Nine realm.

There is even creation of God, and there is an dominant.

I hope the most horrible God should not shoot.

Although Zhang Bin believes that such existence will not take his hand.

What's more, he still has an incomparably powerful fellow Zhang Dong.

But he is still worried about the night's dreams.

"Dangdang ..."

Sound shock.


A crafted rang.

I didn't care about the devil, and I got Zhang Bin's killing pig, the lower abdomen was smashed.

Even the gods broke.

After all, the way to kill the pig is still very horrible, can reduce the enemy's strength, so that the enemy becomes a fat pig, it is easy to kill it.

After his lightning, he retired very far. He had a weird treasure in his hand. It was a thing like a hand strainer, which exuded a lot of impaired the earth ...

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