The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4204 Jin Yu fallen


The Lord of the Magic Sound is already sitting on the ground, but it is still shouting in the madness, showing a number of speech swords, crazy, dying Jin Yi.

Jin Yi can only roll up continuously.


But from time to time, the armor is broken, and the scars of dense numbness appears.

Zhang Bin was able to snew the past.

Finally, it is close to the Lord of Magic.

The Lord of the Magic Sound has been hit hard, and Zhang Bin came back to him.

Zhang Bin came out of the public.

His forehead has floated many days.

At the same time, the gray light is bursting, and the atmosphere of destroying all the body is the whole body of the Magic Sound.


The soul attack is on the main body of the magic sound.


The Lord of the Magic Sound made a sharp call.

And Zhang Bin's mouth also issued an incomparable horror, "trial - sentenced yourself ..."

The Libra in the hand is also full of full-scale pheasles.

Bang ...

A horrible giant ring.

The head of the Magic Sound is exploded.

Then his body is also an explosion.

Have a black smoke.


Screaming screaming, a soul imprint is also in the central area of ​​black smoke.

Beginning to swallow the soul energy quickly and want to form a residence again.

"Judging you to death ..."

Zhang Bin shouted, and the Libra in his hands continued to be crazy.

In an instant, I was in the soul imprint.


A horrible giant ring.

The soul imprint is broken.

A little black light is taken out, and blinks into the black ship.


Then the black ship is also moving, and it has become a black light, and it is taken.

There is no trace of blinking.

However, the sound is left, "Zhang Lao San, I read you Xiao. You will give me waiting, there will be one day, I will revenge."

Zhang Bin's reaction is not too late, and only the main energy of the Lord of the Magic Sound is to escape the black boat.

Zhang Bin also secretly praised it, the Lord of the Magic, the old Devil God, I want to kill him thoroughly, it is almost impossible.

However, today's Devil's God has only a little bit of its own energy, he wants to turn into a disabled, and it is necessary to accumulate many era.

He is also afraid of fear and worry.

He also did not immediately collected the soul of the soul of the Magic's Lord.

It is like a lightning in the same way to Jin Yi.

Although Jin Yi has two super powerful magic, hunting god and hunting, but it is imprisoned by the Magic Sound.

In addition, Jin Yi suffered from hunting, Zhang Bin also feared Jin Wei?

That is to kill the gold.

As early as Zhang Bin suddenly appeared, when the Lord of the Magic Sound, Jin Yi knew, he was a cold in his heart, and his face became pale.

Originally, he thought Zhang Bin was started to run the transfer, and the transmission of the Bin willing to be on a continent, then you have to come over, how can you have more than three hours.

So, he dares to fight with the main blood of the magic.

Originally, there is a basement, there is a master of the magic sound, and then he can quickly devour the source of the spirit of the Lord of the Magical Soul, soon you can recover.

That Bin came over, it was sent to death.

However, now Zhang Bin suddenly appeared, killing the Lord of the Magic Sound, and Zhang Bin did not have any experience, there was no energy of the Lord of the Magical Sound, so that I went into the black boat and escaped.

He not only didn't get the source of the Lord of the Magical Soul, but also face Zhang Bin's strand.

He immediately jumped up and became a black light, which broke out.

Escape with the fastest speed.

Zhang Bin thought, and his first Tianling tree flew out.

He is responsible for collecting soul energy.

And he is also chemical into a black light, hurriedly chasing it, and the mouth is also kidding me, "Jin Yi, you can't escape today."


They scored voids, go to the black sea, and then rapidly.

Blinking is on the sea.

Then continue to flee a chase.

Speed ​​is like electricity.

Jin Yi suffered from hindling, so his speed also fell a lot.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is rapidly close.

"Zhang Lao San, I am wrong, I shouldn't calculate you, you spare me once."

Jinshang escaped and asked for mercy.

"Oh ... I will spare you? You are just dreaming."

Zhang Bin issued a despise, he continued to be crazy.

"Zhang Lao San, doing people to leave a line, good evening, tell you, I am not destroyed." Jin Yi was shocked and angry, he shouted angrily, "you killed me, I still can resurrect. Revenge, not you can bear, don't forget, I am the beast God. "

"I do what you are, I dare to calculate me, I have to have a sense of death. In the future, if you can resurrect, I will continue to suppress you." Zhang Bin said.

He believes that Jin Yu has resurrection capabilities, after all, he has its own energy, and can rely on any soul imprint.

However, he is also very confident, on his talent, wait for the future Jin Yi to resurrect, you must be much stronger than Jin Yi.

So, how can he fear the retaliation of Jin Yu?

Even, he is not afraid of the retaliation of the Lord of Magic Sound.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is to continue to chase crazy.

He has a 3,006 cars behind him, and the speed is skyrocketing.

Now he truly uses the whole force.


Jin Yi sent a big shouting, "Zhang Lao San, you have a bastard, you have been concealing strength. You are waiting for me, I will kill you in the future."

He didn't escape again, but the lightning is like Zhang Bin, he is to be desperate with Zhang Bin.

Even, he may be self-explosion.

It is necessary to pay with Zhang Bin.

"Review - to determine your death ..."

Zhang Bin smiled and shouted, and the Libra in the hand bombarded the past.

Scales are smashed on the head of Jinyi.

Bang ...

A horrible giant ring.

Jin Yi exploded, the horrible shock wave appeared, and the skeleton of the broken meat was also taken.

Like a horrible artifact, shoot to Zhang Bin.

" ..."

Zhang Bin retired in the same ground.

I took the way out of the moment.

He knows that Jin Yi is not his explosion, but self-explosion.

Jin Yi's giant self-burst, of course, is extremely horrible.

If he is not returned, it may suffer hitting, or even false.

Bang ...

The explosive sound is still transmitted rapidly, and the Black Sea has set off a huge waves such as mountains.

Fly over the air.

The impact wave is also chemically formed into a mushroom in diameter, and it has a sky.

Zhang Bin showed the sky of the sky, scanned, induced, looking for.

Unfortunately, he still didn't find the moving of Jin Yi.

Even Jin Yu's source of life is also no found.

"Is it false, or escape?"

Zhang Bin's face was full of doubts.

He really has no way to assert.

"This self-burst is too horrible. Jin Yi this body should be completely destroyed. Even his own soul energy is also exploding. Estimate that he can't use the body of the body." Yu Wen Cheng said seriously. " However, he will have a soul imprint, or will resurrect, even I am worried that he is resurrected in the beast, but you have to go to the gods in the future. "

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