The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4205 Beauty Goddess

"You are right, Jin Yi will still resurrect in the beast." Zhang Bin's eyes shot the light of wisdom, muttered, "the last time he no longer beast resurrection, because he worried The treasure of the Hesse beast was found, coupled with him and he wanted to get the treasure hidden in the universe, he chose to resurrect in the universe. But now, his Tibet is owned by me, but unfortunately, he There are two very powerful treasure hunting gods and hunting gods, and they are escaped by the Lord of the Magical Sound. So, he is no longer in the universe. "

He didn't have any delays, and immediately returned the submarine cave of the Lord of the Magical.

Because his branch has special discovery.

His shades have already collected all the soul energy.

The soul energy is much, beyond Zhang Bin's imagination.

More than one hundred times more than his soul collected in the mainland in our hometown.

This is simply an incredible thing.

After all, these soul energy is formed after the soul of the soul of the magic sound.

As for the soul of thousands of guards, only a few parties.

"Nima, how much the beast and God have killed this magic,?"

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, and his face was full of color.

However, for him, this is a happy event.

These soul energy is quenched by the master of the magic, it is extra advanced.

It is definitely used to evolve mushroom.

Then he can use it to cultivate it.

However, Zhang Bin's distinction is of course not these soul energy, but the huge dark gold column and two light blue chains.

Today, the Lord of Magical is equal to suicide escaping.

Zhang Bin's division is of course wants to take the column and the chain.

After all, this will lock the soul of the Lord of the Magical Sound, inevitably be extremely precious, and may even be advanced than the hunting god.

It is a pity that Zhang Bin's fresher is that it can't shake it.

That is not to get it at all.

Zhang Bin hugged the column and began to shake crazy, and his mouth was also shouting: "Give me ..."

Of course, he has a full force, and even calls two power.

But the same shakes.

As for the refining, it is not necessary to say, because there is no passage that has no mental effort.

Then Zhang Bin began to attack the rock.

But it is also attacking.

He turned his eyes, grabbed a chain, pulverized.

Unfortunately, still can't move.


Zhang Bin touched forehead, he a little headache.

Such a magical treasure, there is no reason.

See you, bring you. It's really aesthetic.

He thought for a long time and thought many ways.

Still can't do it.

Even Yu Wen Cheng Tian also can't think of a good way.

"For, this treasure is owned by the owner, that is, the emperor of the Lord of the Magical Sound. I got unused. I can't use it at all." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart and turned to go outside.

However, after a few steps, he retired back.

He looked at the column and chain in both eyes.

I am sinking: "Seniors, I know what you can hear. I also know that you must be very powerful. Today I will help you kill the Lord of the magic, not, destroying a Magical Strong Racing Resurrection Opportunity. How do you send me these treasures? "

Zhang Bin's voice just fell, weird things happened.

The column pulls out quickly from the ground.

But did not give Zhang Bin, but it has become a dark golden ray, and the cave is burst into the sea.

"Lying, isn't it given to me?"

Zhang Bin was very happy, but now it is a seven-hand smoke.

He also has become a black ray, and the lightning is chasing it.

Soon, Zhang Bin chased it on the sea.

Jumping up highly, hugging the pillar of high altitude.

The column is a bit helpless, there is no stop.

Then, a hazy goddess appeared.

That is like a ghost, in front of Zhang Bin.

She is wearing a golden robe, with a golden crown, high expensive, majesty, with a powerful breath.

As for her face, it is more glamorous.

Anyone is seen in a glance, it is definitely going to worship.

She looked at Zhang Bin with a smile, and her face was full of play.

"Seniors, is you forbidden by the Lord of Magic Sound?"

Zhang Bin is not afraid, but it is extremely exciting.

Because he found that this is not a living god, just a thought.

A idea, basically there is no killing force.

In other words, he will not happen.

The other party makes the idea, it is obviously to give Zhang Bin.

"It is indeed this emperor."

The beauty of the gods said, "Do you want me this treasure?"

"To the right, ask the seniors to reward this treasure. I have not had any good artifact."

Zhang Bin said.

"Since you have helped me a little busy, I have to give you a little benefit." The beauty of the gods said, "It's all, as long as you can refine this lock magic column, this treasure belongs to you."

She finished, the passage of mental efforts was opened.

"Thank you for your predecessors."

Zhang Bin is big, he immediately released his own spirit, like the Yangtze River river.

Then he found that the array of complex mystery this is the pole.

And it is also divided into multiple layers, as for how many layers in the end, he doesn't know.

He exhaustive to make mental pour into the array, lightning the array line.

But let him dumbly, he even refines the first layer of law, he only looked up the first layer of array of 1 billion unique lines. That is to say, he must be strong than 1 billion times to refine this layer of array.

Then he understood it, and he was taught by this goddess.

He had to take back the spirit, and in love, the column will be released.

Now he also understands that such a magic will not use it now.

Get not a good thing.

" ... ..."

The beauty of the beauty sent a string of smuggling like a silver bell. "Since you can't refine, then I will take it away."

"This, can you send me another magic weapon?"

Zhang Bin asked a bit awkwardly.

"You also know, I am just a sense of consciousness, how can I enter the treasure?"

The beauty of the beauty seems to like to make people, she continues to play.

"Then I go to the human world, you will send me a treasure, how?"

Zhang Bin asked.

He clearly knows that the black sea area, God is difficult to enter.

Of course, there is not a giant of Zhang Dong.

So he said to the human area.

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