The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4209, the skyscram, there is still a card

The snow is bright in the heart, and today you are the weakest.

Because he didn't even have a division, and the stone blind is lost.

Even, he also cultivated to the nine layers of the top.

After all, he used the soul again to give birth to the body, absorb all the energy of the body, but it is still not enough, even if it takes too many genius, it is also very long-lasting year. .

But his war is far from taking the body of God Dan, weaker twice.

So, he did not grasp Zhang Bin or Yan.

He must rely on wisdom.

First, Zhang Bin first, is the embodiment of wisdom.

If it is killing Zhang Bin, he suffered from heavy, then he may kill.

Then he is the last winner.

The eyes of Angang also brought to Zhang Bin's body, and his face floated a faint taboo color.

He is also a smile and said: "Zhang Lao San, your tale is really very good, better than me and the skysclamise, you only cultivate the nine floors of the whole road with only 300 million years, and blended a lot. I I admire you. However, today you have to die, the shape is off. "

"My God, I cultivated it to the nine floors of the whole three hundred billion years, but also blended a lot, how can this? Zhang Lao San is simply against the sky."

"It is terrible, this day is ..."

"Unfortunately, Zhang Lao is still falling, because the skyscrapers are much stronger than him, because more cultivation is hundreds of years."


People watching the lively people shouted.

"You, you go. I want to fight with the skyscrapers ..."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

His intended is the speed of speed, first killing the weakest ferris.


As for the joint hand, deal with another one, he doesn't want it.

Because people who join hands will pay attention to him at any time, so they are giving up, and they may even make themselves.

" ..."

It is a big joy in the heart, and immediately retreats.

The era bat, the two of the first battle is very losing.

The people who are easy to wait for the people, and they can also see the strength of the two.

"He Yong, we join hands to deal with Zhang San? Otherwise, you regret it."

The skyscide is anxious, the sound said.

"You first, I will attack him at any time. I will give him a fatal blow."

Angang said that his face is full of deceittones.


Zhang Bin yelling in a crazy, rushing, he scales a day.


The sound is scream, and there is a crack.


The flight has to be roared, and the ax is on the Libra.


A loud noise of the sky.

Spark splash.


The skysclamise has made a painful scream, and his ax in his hand flew to half the air.

His people are also overfold, and they spurt their blood in their mouths.

And Zhang Bin is a step without refund, but also continues to slam the heavens.

Fear of the Fashion, he took the fastest speed rolled out.

However, it doesn't prevent the scale, suddenly flying out, and slamming on his head.


The broken voice sounded, and his gods broke thoroughly.

Then his head is also broken as a hitted watermelon.

There is no ability to abine the ability.

The gap is too big.

Bang ...

When the flight is extraordinary, he has an unsatisfactory secret method, let his body disintegrate, and it has become a red light, and it is blasted to the edge of the ring.

Everyone is also like a fool, of course, is shocked by Zhang Bin's terrorist strength.

This is too powerful, the skyscraper can't resist Zhang Bin.

How can this be?

Don't say they, even the faces of Ang have become ugly, and it is full of jealousies.

Obviously, Zhang Bin's strength is also exceeded his estimate.


Zhang Bin shouted, he once again pocked the flight.

The skyscram wants to jump off the ring, but here is the era, can only enter.

Only after three people died, they can go out.

"Hey, together, otherwise we must die."

After the game was completed, he rushed to Wang Yun.

Of course, I am looking forward to Agon to assist him.

"You are just a waste, don't you play pigs?"

It is quick to move quickly, not letting the sky close.

Grand is almost vomiting blood.

He had to face Zhang Bin alone, and his face is filled with anger and fear, his mouth opens, and a compliance out.

I turned into a sharp arrow in an instant.

Dragon arrow!

Last time, he used such a hob, almost kill Jin Yi.

Although the body is killed by Jin Yi, the treasure is lost.

But there is also a magic weapon in his division, and there is a long time, and there is an adventure.

Got some very good treasure.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin issued a scream of contempt. If he used to resist the attack of the arrow.

But now, he is not afraid.

He smiled and shouted: "Hey, don't move, take a needle."

Suddenly a horrible thing happened.

The speed of the arrow of the gods is reduced too much, and the power will naturally fall a lot.

And Zhang Bin is also a scales to slap in an arrow.


A loud noise, and the god archer fell to the ground.

When I was stepped on Zhang Bin, I took it directly into the powder.

"How can this be?"

The eyes of the skysclamise are straight, and the face is full of colors who don't dare to confuse.

He clearly knows the horror power of the arrow, and the murder is like killing ants.

Even, it can easily kill the gods.

However, how can it be so easy to break away from Zhang Bin?

As for those who read the lively, I haven't seen any mystery. After all, they have not seen the god arrow, I don't know the horror power of the arrow.

However, it is a slight eyebrow, he felt that the floor was very weak and it was unbearable.

However, this character is very powerful, but it is even easily broken by Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin once again shouted, pounced to the skysclamise.


However, the foot of the skyscram has floated, the mouth is once again opened, spurting a dark ask, with the momentum of destroying the earth. Zhang Bin.

"Destroy the ?"

Zhang Bin's eyes were wide, and the face was full of not born.

Because of this treasure, even Jin Yizhen can't refine.

That is the giant of the Lord of the magic, can be refined.

The power of explosion is incomparable.

If there is no sense, Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin is also a tragedy.

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