The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4210 The Field is completely fallen.

In this case, how can the skyscide have such a horrible treasure?

Obviously, that is God from the gods to him.

And it is used to refine in the universe.

Thus, although it is violated, it is difficult for other gods.

Obviously, in the back, it supports the god of the Field, is very powerful, absolutely super powerful, or the devil.

It's very despicable.

"No matter who you are, I must find out you, trial your evil."

Zhang Bin scratched in his heart, there was a shield in his left hand, and he hit his hit on the destruction of the obman, and he quickly retired.

Bang ...

A loud noise of the sky.

Destroy the ,,,

But it is not possible to hurt Zhang Bin.

Not only because Zhang Bin retreats a far distance, but also because of his hand again.

Blocks the impact wave of incomparable terror.

"How is this possible? Can you still kill him?"

The ski is completely dumbfounded, and the face is full of fear.

He also wants to show what magical or bottom card, but it is too late.

Zhang Bin suddenly screamed, "killing pigs ..."

Then the flight turned into a big fat pig in an instant, and shook his head.

Zhang Bin's electric shot, the shield in his hand has gone, and it is a sharp killing pig knife, and it is a knife to pierce into the head of the big fat pig.


The skysclamise sent a scream of the extreme.

Turn over the ground, it can't move.

Because his soul was killed, it became a body.

"God, the skyscraper is so easy by Zhang Bin, he is born first, it should be the strongest."

"The sky is falling, but unfortunately, he is really the best ..."

"This episode is very special, the son of the three universe is true God, but Zhang Lao San is the top. So he easily kills the sky. It is difficult, he will definitely regret not to deal with the skysclamise. Zhang Lao San. "

"Teacher" ... "

The disciples who watch the battle under the stage shouted in the madness, and their faces were filled with enthusiasm.

"Bang ..."

Suddenly, a horrible loud sound broke out, a golden thunder fell from the void, slammed on the body of the ferrous, and suddenly the body of the Ferday became ashes.

It is completely annihilated in the heavens and earth.

The son of the universe fallen, and even the body will be destroyed by the universe.

Just don't want someone to get his body, if there is a cell that has a vitality, there is a possibility of resurrection.

Zhang Bin looked at the ashes of the corpse of the skyscrapers, his eyes were projected on the face of , "

"Hahaha ..."

It is madly laughing in the madness, "Zhang Lao San, in my eyes, you are a frustic ant, I still want to kill me? It is too much smile."

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin is just a cold laugh, he is not busy using the whole force to deal with each other.

He has to look at what is powerful, and I want to see what the card is there.

Even he wants to use a battle to temper yourself.

As far as the strength is now, it is basically universe, and it is almost impossible to find an opponent who is a strong enemy.

So, this opportunity, he didn't want to miss it.

"It seems that you don't believe it?"

It is said that "I tell you, my power is that you can't measure."

After finishing, his back floats 3001 cars, intertwined together, has become a strong field.

And his body is also a powerful momentum, which is much stronger than the sale.

It is also much more powerful than Zhang Bin just shown.

"My God, I am actually blended 3001 kinds of avenues? How is this possible?"

"After the end, Zhang Lao is to tragedy."

Suddenly, countless giants under the stage have issued a shouting shout, and the face is full of colors.

After all, there are countless era, I have never seen the son of the universe that integrates the three thousand Avenues, that is, the ten kinds of avenues are very rare, but it is blending 3001 Avo.

Cultivate the god-level field.

And it is a super powerful god-level field.

In this field, he is invincible, you can dominate the life and death of others.

Just now Zhang Bin and the Field Wars did not show the field.

In fact, because Zhang Bin is too strong, let the skyscrapers are not as good as the field, it has become a fat pig, and it is killed.

Therefore, people who watch the excitement don't know Zhang Bin's 3006 kinds of roads, which is more than it.

They naturally don't be optimistic about Zhang Bin.

"Zhang Lao San, have you seen it? I blended 3001 kinds of avenues, and I just cultivated half a era. I didn't have ancient times before." Said said proudly, "I see, you still have to let it be? No necessary Strive. That's useless, in the end, you still have to be ash like a ski. "

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin made a scream of contempt, his heart, his field is also thoroughly launched.

In an instant, behind his back, there were 3006 cars, and the light of the rays, constituting a field of glimpse, and enveloped the scope of the square round.

Sudden eyes are wide, and the eye beads are almost dropped.

The pride and arrogance on the face also become stiff.

As for the lively, everyone is stunned, breathing is rushing, and it is also said that it will not come.

All shocked to the extreme.

Just only 3,000 avenues, can be integrated successfully.

However, it is strange to blend 3006 avenues.

This shows that Zhang Bin himself created 6 kinds of avenues.

This is a violation of the cultivation rules, but also completely subverting their cognition.

"Now, who is the antite?"

Zhang Bin looked at the rid of .

"It is impossible ... It is absolutely impossible." Duang sent a big shouting, "I got the heavenly drawings, and I was so fast that I could blend 3001 avenues, but how can you take it? So fast? And can also fusion 3006? How do you integrate with six new roads? "

"If you don't have a good way, you can't integrate so many? This is a big joke."

Zhang Bin said with a cold and said, "I will tell you on the copy of you will fall. I will tell you, in the gravity continent in the Black Sea area, there is a magical blessing, just understand the mystery of the farewell, then use the blood to practice, The speed is very fast, and it is absolutely will not be absent from God. "

"Fu Land in the mainland?"

, ... ......

This is what he doesn't know.

And many people who look at the fun are thoroughly shaking, God, Zhang Bin actually went to the Black Sea area? Can you find what blessings? Can he get a lot of blood?

(Six chapters sent, seek recommendations, ask for subscription.)

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