The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4211, is so arrogant

It is finally calm down, and his face has once again floated and said with a smile: "How do you blend 3006? My power is not you tuned. Today, you still have to die. , Death is miserable. "

After that, he was chemical into a black lightning rushing past. In his hand, it was like a kelp, but it turned into a sharp chopper, slashing to Zhang Bin's neck.

Suddenly knife skyrocket, murderously shoot.

The horrible momentum is also an earthwork.

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, and the Libra in his hands was in an instant.


It seems that the big louds of the iron, almost do not shock all the eardrum.


It felt that a horrible to the extreme power came, he actually stabilized the body, and continued to retreat from 23 steps, the arm was also numb.

Anti-view Zhang Bin, he is a step without refund, arrogant stands.

It has a sharp pressure and momentum of the world.

A tricky, Zhang Bin took up the wind.

"God, Zhang Lao San is so powerful, even if you get the height of the Taoist map, it seems not his opponent."

"It seems that this era can live the universe, Zhang Lao is three."


Everyone under the stage is that it is stunned and shocked.

Someone cheered in madness and shouting.

"It's impossible ... how can you so powerful?"

It has sent a lot of shouts who did not dare to confident, and the face was full of shock.

You know, he also stood in his back, giving him too much good treasure.

Among them, there were gods, and he tied soon, let his strength rose ten times.

Such treasures, the son of any era cosmo is not available.

This time, it was because Zhang Bin like such a self-created judge, the god of the gods did not want to accept the trial, and they had to cultivate him, and to borrow his hand to kill Zhang Bin, remove this disaster .

However, how can Zhang Bin may be strong than him?

"You are also very good. Unfortunately, you have encountered me Zhang Bin."

Zhang Bin praised him.

This is his truth, and you can resist him, just follow the 23 step, which is simply ahead.

You know, Zhang Bin's adventure is too much, killing too many strong enemies, even Jin Yi and the Magic Lord are killed by him, their treasures are returned to Zhang Bin.

As far as he is now fighting, it can fight against the early gods.

"You are really a disaster, today, you still have to die."

There are many ways to be, he immediately calmly, and he is a heart, suddenly, his two bordered from his space container, a sharp ax, there is a take Holding a sharp sword.

It seems that it is a very cattle.

They all blame the horror to the ultimate percentage and murderous.

It seems that his part of his body is similar to his body.

Therefore, they stand together, combined into a three talents.

Suddenly the momentum has skyrocketed.

It looks shocking.

"My God, I actually cultivated two borders, and his two were so powerful? This old three is buddy." Some people under the stage shouted shouted.

Don't say they, even Zhang Bin is secretly surprised.

He can also think that the toe can think of it. It has become a knife of some gods, so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, It has improved ten times the power.

Of course, it is also possible to take many kinds of god fruit.

Therefore, it can be so powerful.

However, Zhang Bin still has no fear, and even he is not summoned.

He is still cold and standing there, to the Hand Hand, "Come, to show all your magics, otherwise, you regret it."


He smiled and shouted, with two blessed past, danced the artifact, and launched Zhang Bin as an attack like a water silver diarrhea.

The ax, the sword, the knife, has become a numerous cold, and the void of the ring is flooded.

Zhang Bin is also packed.


Zhang Bin shouted, danced with the Libra and the battle.

Dangdang ...

The magic weapon bombards each other, issued an intensive voice like the rainbacha.

Kill it is flusk, and there is no light in the sun and the moon.

Horror pole.

They have become a vague shadow, and they will turn on the platform.

Even, the hard relatives have also appeared on the footprint of dense Ma Ma.

I have a unbearable .

Rolling murderous is the face.

Let the people who look at the lively platform is a refund.

It's all stunned.

It is also no one to talk for a long time.

"Three talents, siege, kill ..."

It suddenly sent a big shouting.

He and the two of the two bordered 3001 bright apertures, gathered together.

Their magic weapon is also from three directions to Zhang Bin.

Among the void, there is a law, the imaginary shadow appears, and the powerful horror is extreme.

This hit can actually cause a law, it is absolutely horrible.

It must be one of the tricks of the three talents.

"Review ..."

Zhang Bin's face became serious, and he yelled in a majestic.

Suddenly launched the label, the rays were bursting.

There is a judge that has been combined by the trial of the rules of trials.

Light like lightning.

Suddenly a majestic rolling out, swept the world.

The first thing that is the first, and the two are inexplicably trembled, and the head turns a blank.

Three talents also pause a moment.

Suddenly Zhang Bin's sentence pen is already on the magic weapon that bombers.

Dangdang ...

Three loud noises.

Three people are back.


Zhang Bin launched a foot and kicked in a small belly of the squat.

I sent a loud noise.


When he screamed, he flew away, hit it on the transparent wall of the ring.

Fall like paintings.

Looking carefully, you can see that his godl collapses, and it returns to Dantian in an instant.

His lower abdomen also appeared a clear footprint.


His mouth spurted the blood director and was discounted to the ground. It was even thus caught up.

"Judging you to death ..."

Zhang Bin once again roared again, he was chemically built into the past, and he wanted to kill it.

However, Zone and the other one fade, but the past, intercept Zhang Bin, once again fighting with Zhang Bin.

"Judging you to death ..."

However, the scale of suspended in the void is a horrible voice, and the scales suddenly rushed.

The speed is too fast, and I bombard my eyes on the head that lying on the ground.

Bang ...

A huge, this headed head exploded.

Strip is splashing everywhere ...

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