The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4212 is dying

"God, a branch of Zone is killed?"

Everyone can see it, I can't believe my eyes.

"Bang ..."

However, their worries are redundant, because this is unparalleled, realizing the oysters of unsatisfactory. Therefore, he instantly disintegrates, and it has become a red light, and it has been combined again.

It seems that there is no difference before.

Even him also danced with a sword, and he attacked Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin is anger, he turns a body, turn it into a three-arm.

The three hands were taken by killing pig knife, stone mill, chicken cage.

The mouth is also shouting: "Killing pigs ..."

Suddenly, the horror thing happened.

The previous part of the disintegration, which dislikes Zhang Bin's killing pig, after all, this is the horror trick to kill pigs, sounds, thunders, and souls.

So he immediately became a big fat pig.

Being pierced by Zhang Bin's killing knife.


The fat pig has made a severe scream, fell to the ground, and it can't move.

I didn't never disintegrate, I was killed directly.

This is because Zhang Bin is the most horrible killing pig magic, plus three gods.

He believes that killing a calculation.

In other words, he decided to speed up the speed of speed, lest the night grew more than night.

"God, this is really killing?"

Everyone under the stage was once again shocked, Zhang Lao San Shi Shi Shi Li Tong, and it is so horrible?

"Heaven and Earth Tongshou, kill ..."

The face of the became iron, shouting crazy.

And the other part of the madness attack Zhang Bin.

I don't know what I am showing, and their combat power has risen again.

"Review - Judgment ... Death penalty ..."

Zhang Bin shouted, the chicken cage and stone mill in his hand went out.

Painting their attacks.

And the Libra bombards from the sky, and the scale is squatting on a headed head.

The scale hook is like a lightning in the neck.


The broken sound sounded, and their godlings broke.

It is the strongest, and it has escaped it.

However, he is divided into the trial of the trial, and it is directly scales.

Falling into the ground, I still have to disintegrate, Zhang Bin's sentence pen in his hand is in his chest, and the mouth is also roaring, "I am sentenced to death ..."

Suddenly, this vitality of this branch is rapidly dissipated, the soul of the soul is also extinguished.

There is no ability to connect any resistance.

It's so easy to fall.

It is not the opponent of Zhang Bin at all.

When making it in just a while, two of the two blessed were dead.

He was killed by Zhang Bin.

"God, I am dead, and I'm finished."

Everyone is shocking, they all look at the eyes with mercy.

The face of the became pale, and he didn't dare to confuse Zhang Bin. The mouth was also shouting in the madness: "Impossible, how can you be so powerful?"

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin made a faint laugh. He stepped forward to Heng, "You will fight, it is best to commit suicide, we didn't have much hatred, I didn't want to completely kill you."

"But I must kill you. You are destined to fall."

It is a madness of hysteria.

His mouth opened, suddenly shot a weird magic, it was a bullet, the surface of the bullet carved several gods, "dead, dead, destroy, destroy ..."

Excorps the momentum of destroying the world.

It is unbearable to hunting.

This is a super horrible magic weapon. It is God to kill Zhang Bin.

God even smiled and said that no matter how strong Zhang Bin is strong, it is also resistant to this magic weapon, and will be easily killed.

Because this is the most horrible one-time magic - destroying bullets, popping up, with curse, can always chase, speed is also extremely horrible, shooting into the body, I will issue curse and destroy death, etc., the god is also able to destroy kill.

Even, can kill the body and furnish.

Especially in the Era Wars, you can use it, because you have to bring your face, so even if you fade, you will be killed.


Zhang Bin felt a crisis of death, but there was no panic.

He smiled, and his mouth was sprayed out, and he became a large network, and it became a huge net, and the net network to the bullet.

"Ha ha……"

It has a scornful laugh.

God told him that Zhang Bin had a horrible magic beauty map to charge and seal the many powerful artifacts.

So, I have already told him how to deal with it.

His mind, destroying the bullets into a black lightning, landscape, blinking out the beauty chart, after Zhang Bin's back, with the murder of the sky to Zhang Bin's back.

"Amazing ..."

Zhang Bin is dark and dark, and today's beauty map is not seal any artifact.

Therefore, it can show all the strength.

However, there is no successful seal this particle bullet.

This is a incredible thing.

Obviously, this bullet is terrible, it is God special production to deal with him Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin is in front of the lightning, wants to enter the beauty map space.

But it is a bit unreasonable.

The speed of the bullet is too fast.

Seeing Zhang Bin's tragedy, a red light burst out from Zhang Bin's head in the head of the head, with a horrible momentum to the bullet.

This is an inexplicab.

Originally a super magic treasure of the Lord of Magical.

Nowadays, Zhang Bin is one of the most powerful bases.

The bullet wants to bypass the gods, but there is no success, because the speed of the gods is also incredible, but also quickly and flexibly.

Therefore, the hunting god is instantly and the bullets are bombarded.


A horrible giant ring.

The gods fly back, and many black spots appeared on the surface.

It looks shocking.

The destruction of the bullet is also flying back.

But it is immediately to shoot Zhang Bin.

It is a pity that Zhang Bin has entered a beautiful figure.

Bullets can only be shot on the beauty map.

In an instant, a horrible destruction of a horror was built.

Bang ...

The bullet exploded.

It has become a countless fragment, wrapped countless dark spots, and burst into the space of the beauty map.

With the murder of the sky, Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin's face became serious and shouted.

Suddenly, the two hands of the beauty statue danced quickly.

It has become a Tianluo.

The many pieces are intercepted, caught in the hands.

But there is still a piece of fragment into a fish, blasted to Zhang Bin, with the most horrible curse.

Suddenly black light is filled, murderous ...

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