The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4216, 700 billion years old

After that, there are many big horror, magic souls, worms, , monsters ...

But I was easily killed by Zhang Bin.

Almost no one is falling.

And Zhang Bin has overturned so many horrific. The world is also a good Zhang Bin, and there is no countermeasure against Zhang Bin.

Everyone is a Thanksgiving Dade.

Even, someone squatted to hoe.

"Hey ..."

Finally, the new universe expanded to the limit, started to extend the empty, and it also began to faint, and it seems to be integrated into the void, and an entry is also suddenly opened.

" ..."

All people are happy, they rushed in the same lightning.

As if the raging river.

Zhang Bin did not even enter, he stood on the platform and glanced at his eyes.

The new universe flew over the sky, rapidly became large, becomes large, and bigger.

Finally, it's an incredible point, and then integrated into the void.

It disappeared thoroughly.

It seems that there has never been the same.


Zhang Bin stepped out, and he had already lost the universe, went to the ban on the fog area.

He found that the ban on the sea and waved the waves.

Have a horrible voice.

But with a horrible vitality.

Then Zhang Bin knows that it is already in the new universe.

If it is powerful, not afraid of any terror, do not enter the new universe at the universe.


Zhang Binno has a void, goes to the continent.

He also saw that there are some powerful giants, falling from high altitude in the continent.

Nowadays, the mainland is also very different, and the vitality is agglomerated.

Dead gas is dissipated.

Plants are also beginning to appear, white fog is filled, it looks like a new baby, with a special breath.

Zhang Bin quickly flew down and went to the Black Sea area and observed in detail.

He found that the Black Sea area also recovered a living.

Plants have also begun to appear.

Then he understood,

At the end of the era, the universe is old, and the defeat universe falls.

But the Black Sea area is very special and will not collapse. Then they were directly swallowed into the new universe.

Since it will not collapse and shrink, it will not withstand the power of terror.

Therefore, there will be no life-limited restrictions.

However, Zhang Bin still found that the five thousand era of human beings has special significance and mystery.

Any giant, can only live five thousand elements, may be conscious in the world, remember anyone's life.

He also went to all observation.

Then he found that all the stars were newly formed, full of vitality of the wave.

Some planets have begun to gestate plants and microorganisms.

Even stars are also new.

Zhang Bin has a little sorry, and he stills can't afford to attack. Therefore, when the new universe starts, he does not dare to enter, otherwise he can control Wu American people, observe the universe freshman.

He also found that there is now no Earth.

It must be more than 60 million years, some land from the Taikoo continent, go to all the world, become the earth, appearing in the solar system.

He returned to the gravity mainland in the Black Sea area, and gathered with a relatives.

He started hard to practice hard.

First, in the sea of ​​the sea, under the pressure of horrible gravity and seawater, we will have bitterly temper yourself and inspire their potential.

Then in the gravity continent, the thunder and the flame are arranged, wearing a gravity armor, cultivating in it.

He turned a little bit, so strong.

He seems to be a piece of iron, which is used in such a way.

He didn't take the outside world, and he didn't go to the universe of this episode of the three sons and the universe.

He is self-cultivation.

Today, he has long been invincible.

He is using cultivation to his own limit, then become a god, gaining the gods, and has a good foundation, and it will be farther away in the future.

Have a sway for 700 million years.

Zhang Bin finally cultivated to his limit.

Whether it is his soul or a body, it is powerful to terrible.

There is no way to improve again.

Unless breaking through the realm, become a god.

However, Zhang Bin's two bordered still did not cultivate to the limit, so continued to cultivate.

It is far from the sky, the faster progress, the more easily cultivate it.

"It's time to draw the people."

Zhang Bin's face floated the singular smile.

He took out the pen and had a good beast skin.

Start drawing, just a few breathing time, draw success.

Suddenly, a magical mortal person appeared.

As long as the character is stuck on the chest, it will become a birthmark, appearing on the skin.

And your own memory will be sealed, and the magical Tong is also sealed.

I am a mortal.

Can experience the mortal life and death.

Watching the life and death of others, it is better to feel your life and death.

Therefore, progress will be fast.

It will be more fast.

Otherwise, it is a few hundreds of millions of years, Zhang Bin is not a grasp.

After all, anyone has become a few era, even hundreds of tens of thousands of era.

It is too much to become a big feeling.

"I will go to the gods first."

Ye Lian can't wait, she said.

Nowadays, she has got a lot of treasures, blood, black mushrooms, and even a blessing land, and even the Fudi's scriptures ...

Therefore, she is now blending 2950.

The soul is also strong, I don't know how many times.

In addition, in gravity environments, as Zhang Bin, it has stimulated potential.

So, she is much more powerful than before.

Of course, she has a grasp of crosstalk.

Go to the god.

"Then go, in the future, you will gather together ..."

Zhang Bin did not retain it.

Even Zhang Bin also let the fox beast to the Baiyun continent, then go to the beast.

Just do one internal.

Of course, Zhang Bin has unlocked the control of its soul.

Otherwise, it will certainly be discovered by the beast.

However, the fox beast saw everything experienced by Zhang Bin, knowing Zhang Bin is a peerless genius, in the future, the achievement is absolutely terrible, and saving her own cultivation, even if it goes to the beast, it is also the weakest beast.

Therefore, she also swearing to continue to loyal Zhang Bin, and continue to admit that Zhang Bin is her owner.

Willing to give Zhang Bin to listen to the news.

And Zhang Bin is also not worried about her betrayal.

Because he still has a secret question, it is Yu Wen Cheng Tian.

He never let the fox beasts and Yu Wencheng meet.

If she betrayed it in the future, Yu Wen Cheng Tian must know that she can kill her.

Of course, Zhang Bin is also a grasp, the fox beast is not betrayed.

He even secretly followed her to the white cloud continent and looked at her ladder.

She did not show any resentment to Zhang Bin, but they were grateful.

She can go to the beast of the god, is really Zhang Bin's credit.

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