Zhang Bin crossed the void, went to all the world, came to the earth.

He quietly suspended, the huge gods took out, wrapped the earth, observed any corner of the Earth, read the information stored in any form.

The earth has formed more than 400 billion years, and civilization has risen and destroyed. The rise of strong people, even many geniuses went to the fairy, become a cacto.

However, today's planet is a scientific and technological civilization, and it is extremely backward.

And Zhang Bin of the previous episode is similar.

Even many countries have different countries.

Nowadays, there are rice countries, and there are also Huaxia, and even there are white swans.

This is definitely not a coincidence, but a kind of reincarnation, a reincarnation in a mortal.

Until this time, Zhang Bin also understood why Zhang Dong's giant will maintain the earth?

It is because every era of the earth is reincarnating, and even the life imprint of Zhang Dong is also reincarnating.

It can be said that the age of Liu Chao live in the past, it is similar to now. So there are nurses sisters.

The mystery of the reincarnation is infinite. If it is able to understand, you can understand the god of God.

Reincarnation and life and death, only this process of life and death, withstanding old and sick.

I can feel faster.


Zhang Bin is like a lightning, landing on a mountain in the big green hill of the previous era.

However, this era is not called Big Qingshan, but the name is Dafu Mountain.

In the legend, in the ancient times, it has evolved that there is a unparalleled life. They are the witch, perhaps the worship of the previous era, all of the refining.

So, I was named Dafu Mountain.

Let Zhang Bin regrettable that the original Sanchahe Village is now no smoke.

Substituted by dense plants.

Today's environmental protection is better than before.

"That's it."

Zhang Bin explored the finger to calculate a while, and his face floated a touch of smile.

Then he reached out and said that his mouth said faintly: "From ..."

Suddenly, a broken way to get rid of the ground, exudes a historical vicissitudes.

However, there is no door, the wall has a lot of holes.

The road is surrounded by a big tree.

The scenery is still very beautiful.

Even Zhang Bin also made an ancient well.

He put it on a set of clothes now, but it is very old, and it is also very old.

Shoes are also a pair of liberated shoes.

"Big fat, two fat, come out ..."

Zhang Bin is big and two fat, and the told one will be told.

These two now powerful dogs have changed, becoming two small diges, which look at it.

" ..."

Zhang Bin took a big fat and two fat to the roof of the Taoist view.

Just sitting there, and generous lie in Zhang Bin, lie in Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin took out the mortal character of his own refining, and he did not hesitate to attach it to the chest.

Suddenly, the rumor lit up the light.

When the light is dissatisfied, it will be invisible, but the chest has a weird birthmark, and it is a lock shape.

And Zhang Bin's momentum is also the same as the mortal. The percentage that he is emitted is also completely converge, it is not inductive.

Even, Zhang Bin's face was filled with confused colors, and the mouth was also muttered: "Who are I?"

Obviously, his memory is also locked, and the huge soul energy is also sealed.

He thought for a long time, he remembered his name, his name is Zhang Bin. It is an orphan. It is this Taoist Qing Dynasty to pay him, raising him to 22 years old.

Qing dynasty, long, I went to the clouds, I went to the quarter, saying that I would never come back.

That told him to go down the mountain to find a job, support himself, and feel that he will live back to the avenue.

The two dogs around me are big fat and two fat, which is his player.

"Looking for a job, support yourself? It seems to be difficult. It seems that I have not learned, and there is nothing special ..."

Zhang Bin sat on the roof, depressed.

"Wang Wang ..."

Big fat and two fat have been looked at Zhang Bin with a very good look, and a very loud dog is called.

"Are you hungry? Go to two haresters or pheasants. I am hungry ... The bastard master, even a dollar did not leave, even a rice did not leave ..."

Zhang Bin's eyes fell on the big fat.


Big fat two fat simultaneously jumped into the way, it seems to be a healthy.

Soon ran into the woods.

Just a dozen breathing time, their respective mouths have a large chicken.

"Hahaha ... The father of the bahman is always because I know that the big fat is fat, I am hungry, I am relieved ..." Zhang Binxi smiled, he also jumped down and started to open the wilder Broken belly, then barbecue ...

"Run ..."

At this time, the mountain is coming.

Three big men, one is the boss look, two are bodyguards.

But they are all very embarrassed, very strong, holding a shotgun in their hands.

However, their buttocks chased a group of wolves.

There are more than three hundred vishes of these wolves, and any little foal is so big.

Evil at the fierce breath.

They have a powerful momentum, chasing three people, and their eyes are bloodthirsty.

Anyone encountered such a scene, then it is absolutely scared.

Wang Hao is 40 years old, from 100 billion, twenty-year-old white hand, engage in real estate industry, Haofu real estate, in Huaxia is famous.

And he likes fitness, hobbies, often going out to hunt, adventure, and climb.

Dealing with several ordinary people, it is .

His two bodyguards are retired special forces, although they are not soldiers, but they are also rare masters.

However, now there is more than 300 giants to kill, they still have been huge.

I can only race.

"Boss, you run, there is a big tree on the mountain, climbed up ... we cover you."

The two bodyguards are faithful, and they have been guarding behind Wang Hao.

One of them shouted.


Wang Hao was desperately rushed to the mountain.

Soon he saw a look, his eyes lit up, but it was bleak, because the Taoism was tattered, and there was no.

Therefore, he hugged a tree immediately, and the hands and feet climbed.


The wolves chased, two bodyguards danced the dagger, and waved with the wolves.

They are very good, soon killing two wolves, but they are injured.

On the back, on the thigh, it was scratched by the wolf claw.

"Caring ..."

Wang Hao shouted, he threw two ropes.

Two bodyguards grabbed, Wang Hao took advantage of it, and the two hopped at the same time.

They jumped on the big tree and grabbed the branches.

Take out the danger.


Zhang Bin, sitting on the roof of the road ...

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