The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4219 Talent

The wolves bite Zhang Bin all the whole body, crazy.

... ...

The broken sound sounded.

The teeth of the wolf are broken, they seem to bite a stone.

Although Zhang Bin sees the strength and memory with Mrs., his body is still a horrible insigniety. It is difficult to break his defense, that is, it is difficult to do it.


Zhang Bin greeted, his body shook hard.

Suddenly, many wolves are fly off.

Bleeding in your mouth, screaming.

"Sure enough, some harmless animals, even my skin is biting."

Zhang Bin is big in the heart, he dances his branches, and there is a mess.

Wherever you have, the wolves have fallen, or they are flying.

All is seven bleeding, screaming.


The Wolf King is very angry, and the lightning is in the same place, and he bites Zhang Bin's throat.

The bite of the wolf king's teeth is terrible, and Zhang Bin felt a touch of pain.

He is also anger, thrown into the branch, he grabbed the neck of the Wolf King, and his right hand slammed on the head of the Wolf King.


A loud noise.

The head of the Wolf King exploded.

It is miserable.

Then Zhang Bin grabbed the two legs of the wolf king and danced crazy.

Bombard in the wolves, playing a wolf, is a human horses.

The wolves are afraid, and they will start to escape.

Zhang Bin is still chasing.

His speed is very fast, not as a wolves.

Big fat and two fat are also jumping down, and after the mold is sampled after Zhang Bin's body, then chasing.

Until Zhang Bin killed more than a dozen wolves, I walked back from a river.

Three people who saw all this on the tree were also awake.

They looked at Zhang Bin with a very shocking gaze. I can't believe it. A teenager who has never practiced Wu, there is such a big force, so horrible defense, even the wolf is also biting his skin?

Hey ...

The three people quickly jumped down the tree.

In front of Zhang Bin, we wideful to see him, especially the throat site, seeing is extra careful.

The throat portion has no broken skin, only two rows of faint dental printed.

As for another place, even dental printing is not.

"Zhang Bin, are you not a legendary gold bell? Iron cloth?"

Wang Hao asked €,

"What is the Jinzhong hood, what is it?"

Zhang Bin is very curious.

"What kind of work do you have to practice? How do you bite your skin?"

Wang Haicheng said.

"I didn't tell you? I didn't experience the kung fu." Zhang Bin said that "I am a human, the most advanced creature, how can the wolf bite my skin?"

"Don't we be people?"

Wang Hao and two bodyguards are a face, their brains are a bit messy.

After a long time, they woke up and continued to ask.

Finally, they finally understood that the teenagers in front of me are talented, from small and endless, and the defense ability is very strong, so he thinks that humans are the same.

"The talented boy, but unfortunately missed the time to practice, otherwise it will definitely become a martial artist. Unfortunately, unfortunately."

Three people looked at Zhang Bin with a very regret.

"You agreed before, gave me a job, you won't let the words?"

Zhang Bin did not understand the three people in the hearts. He looked at Wang Hao and asked.

"Of course, I will not yet, go, let us go ..."

Wang Hao said.

"Two greeds are afraid of dead bastards, give me a good guard. If you lose what treasure, I will punish you. Right, if you are hungry, go to you to eat rabbit pheasant, know? "Zhang Bin also did not have any delays, he pointed to two dogs shouted.

Big fat two fat is a nodding.

Wang Hao three people have once again floated the black line again, so the treasure is truly the four walls of the family, where is there?

At this moment, they all worried, with such a defensive ability, strong, but the teenagers who did not pass the world went to the human society, and I won't know what kind of chaos will be?

They quickly launched.

Four people walk straight outside.

Great fat and two fat, send them to leave, but it is a bleak radiant, a flash.

They are of course returned to the Tibetan Tower on the head of Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin took the way in front.

His speed is also very fast.

So, they quickly came out of the mountain.

Then Wang Hao three people screamed.

Because Zhang Bin is in front of it.

As if he is a big boss.

The three people are the same as a small class.

Every time, Wang Hao wants to go in front, but it is pulled behind Zhang Bin.

"What kind of kid is this ..."

Three people are facing each other, and the headache wants.

"Hurry to give him a job, then don't take a headache."

Wang Hao squatted in his heart, he stepped a few steps, finally he was connected with Zhang Bin, he asked: "Zhang Bin, what kind of work do you like?"

"The maternity of the maternity, or the crematorial fireman, I like it these two work."

Zhang Bin said.

Wang Hao and two bodyguards have been stunned, and the eye beads are almost dropped.

They all mourned in my heart. What kind of monsters are this in the end? I like this work?

After a long time, they woke up, Wang Hao asked: "Why do you like these two work?"

"One is a birth, one is dead. My Master and I said, let me feel a life-dead reincarnation, I think, these two work are more suitable for me." Zhang Bin said.

"I feel the reincarnation of life and death?"

Three people are mad, don't have questions about this guy in front of you?

Is it mentally ill?

"How? Do you have no ability to arrange my job like this?"

Zhang Bin asked Surprisingly.

"I have no way to arrange the two works, I have no way to arrange. If you are a woman, then you are still. But you are a man, you can't do it. As for the latter, if I give you, I still lost God can't help this person. "Wang Hao said in his heart, and his eyes turned:" I feel that you misunderstand your Master, let you feel that you will die, let you live well, watch the world, marry wife Born, in the future, the hair is white, then the life is ending. It is not letting you go to make a bonor and the fireworks. "

"Is that so?"

Zhang Bin's face was full of doubts, but he still felt that Wang Hao said.

"Of course, this is the case, don't believe you ask them?"

Wang Hao pointed to two bodyguards.

Two bodyguards are toddling.

"Well, I believe it." Zhang Bin said, "What job is you giving me?"

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