The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4220 is despised

"What work is given to him?"

Wang Hao is also a bit hesitated, and the teenager in front of me has saved the life of their three.

He is the rich.

If you don't arrange a good job, it is a big joke.

However, the teenagers in front of me are illiterate, and I don't understand anything.

Suitable for his work can only be security, but also need to train for a while.

Let the savior to do security guards, saying that it is a little shame.

He is not a big boss, his mind is alive, and the eyes suddenly lit and said, "You go to school first."

The two bodyguards are stunned, how do you get to school? Do you let him read primary school?

That's absolutely uncomfortable.

"What do you learn?"

Zhang Bin is also awkward.

"Let's read primary school." Wang Hao said, "I will ask the teacher to teach you."

"I want to work. Not reading."

Zhang Bin did not do it.

"Only learn knowledge can we find a good job, and we can better feel that life-death reincarnation."

Wang Hao said.

"You have reasonable." Zhang Bin nodded, "But I don't ask private education. I am going to school reading, I will study at universities, um, read high school."

"You have no foundation, you can't get high school and universities."

Wang Haodou said.

"My Master and I have said that there is money to let the ghost." Zhang Bin said, "When you see you is a rich man, you can use money."

"It's not the problem of money, it's not to do, but your own problem, are you illiterate?"

Wang Hao said black face.

"My Master said, I am a peerless genius, I understand, I know, my secondary school and junior high school courses I have learned, so he doesn't have to teach me to study. Let me go out again. Now you can rest assured. Have Zhang Bin said.

"Ok, you will read high school."

Wang Hao also agreed, he certainly didn't believe Zhang Bin is a peerless genius.

However, if he lets him read high school, learn elementary schools and junior high school courses, let the teachers come to make up the class, and have not tasted the classes. As for the university, it is not a matter, take money, university casually read.

Finally, they came to the road, a small selling department on the roadside, parked their cars.

It is a very high-level luxury car - flying.

A bodyguard drives, Zhang Bin is sitting in the cab.

Wang Hao and another bodyguard sitting behind.

Zhang Bin is very interested to look at the outside of the car, the crowd, and buildings.

A pair really looks like it.

Wang Hao has been observing Zhang Bin.

I found Zhang Bin although it is really true, but it is no big call, and it is very fast for new things.

He is in the heart.

Instead, I look forward to it, if it is a talent, the defense ability is strong, and it is also very achieved.

In the future, perhaps, Zhang Bin can also make a career.

Even, you can let him assist his daughter to master this huge wealth kingdom.

When you think of it, his heart has become hot.

Because of special reasons, he has only one bud, named Wang Yu, seventeen years old, reading high.

It's a bit delicate, not too obedient.

It is easy to sin.

If there is such a boy to protect her around, it is very safe.

The Qinglin Villa is the most luxurious villa in Wengang City.

It is also the development of Wang Hao's luxury real estate.

A luxury car came in, stopped in the wide, most luxurious villa garage.

At this time, it is already evening.

Wang Lu took Zhang Bin to go in.

"Dad ... You are back? Is it hunting to the bear? I have to eat the bear's paw."

Wang Yu Nan has a fragrant wind and shouted.

She is approximately 1.68 meters high, and the hair is more, the hair is dark, and the skin is also snowy. As for the face, it is even more in the country, especially the big eyes, charming extreme, and a beautiful woman.

Holding her, she saw Zhang Bin behind Wang Hao.

Original Zhang Bin is going to go in front, but this is Wang Hao's home, he can only go behind, otherwise it will go to someone else's home?

He also saw Wang Yunan, but he just glanced at it, he would ignore it.

He remembered that Master and he said that women can not provoke, once they are encompassed, after the end of the disease.

So, he has long been determined to be single.

Therefore, such a beautiful Wang Yunan is in his eyes, it is similar to a stone.

"Dad, where did you bring a township?"

Wang Yu Nan's anger said.

"Let's go," Wang Hao strives to face his face, "this time, dad hunting, he met a wolf group, he saved your dad, he is your dad's savior, otherwise, you are already an orphan. Don't apologize?"

Wang Yunan looked at Zhang Bin's old jacket with a desirable gaze. Finally, he fell on the liberation shoes that had a slag. Ah. Why do I have to apologize? "

Wang Haoyi vomiting blood, but it is a way. He is reluctant to fight, and he is also reluctant.

Even, I don't wait for him to talk, Wang Yunan has been crying and dripping, and she shouted. "Mom, Dad saw a wild child, he didn't love me, I don't know if he is illegitimate?"

Then, the beautiful woman in a charm still walked out and looked at Wang Hao and Zhang Bin coldly.

A look of Wang Hao explained.

Undoubtedly, she is Wang Hao's wife Wei Qingli.


Wang Hao had to black his face and said this time.

Two bodyguards are also proven over.

Wei Qingli believed it.

She immediately greeted them.

First, I arranged Zhang Bin to have a room and then dinner.

Zhang Bin has not been humble and is free.

There is no bureau to promote restlessness.

Also, he can not bear the kindness of others.

Instead, he saved Wang Hao's life.

As for the food very beautiful, the villa is very luxurious, he doesn't care.

Because he is inexplicably in his heart, these are nothing.

Zhang Bin was pure and pure, and there was no intentional return to the home special to dress Wang Yu Nan attracted by Hua branch. Even if the eyes fell, it is like a stone without life.

"I am mad at me, where is this township? I just ignore my existence?"

Wang Yu Nan was originally very despised Zhang Bin, can't stand him, but he was ignored by such people, but he was more and more angry.

Wang Hao is very satisfied with Zhang Bin's performance.

He gave Zhang Bin to buy clothes, what to do.

Then I took Zhang Bin to the backyard.

"Zhang Bin, your strength is very big, the defense is very strong, but there is no fight. In the masters, it is inevitable that it is, especially in the firearm, then trouble. You will work with Al Li and Axion Aspect, how? "

Wang Hao looked at Zhang Bin said.

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