The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4221 I don't need to sleep

Ali and Axion are the two bodyguards, once a special forces.

They cultivate Zhang Bin very suitable.

If you can cultivate Zhang Bin into a qualified bodyguard.

That's cool.


Zhang Bin promised some helplessly.

So, two bodyguards began training Zhang Bin.

Put the fighting skills, be aware of bodyguards, and say what the firearms, poisons, etc. are said ...

Wang Hao naturally won't look here, he turned back to the hall.

"Husband, how do you plan to place him?"

Wei Qingli gave Wang Hao massage shoulder, asked.

"Let him read high school with Rain South."

Wang Hao said.

"How is it? He has never worked."

Wei Qing Li also said.

"Is there anything? It doesn't matter. He needs to learn the ability to get along with people, integrate into the lives of the same age. I will let Otiens and Ali training him, will be a master, I will tell him, in the future Just reading, I secretly protect the rain and south. Give him the same salary as Al Li. There is a safe place around, and the rain is safe. "This is two games." Wang Hao said, "Of course, I will ask the teacher to give him a teacher. Rationale. "

"This method is good." Wei Qingli nodded, "The daughter has always opposed to the bodyguards, if you arrange a very strong boy, you block the knife and bullets, the daughter is really safe. However, don't tell you The daughter said that he is a bodyguard. Also let him not say it. Let him secretly protect it. "

"You go to the daughter to explain it."

Wang Hao said a little head pain.

"What? Let the township plus illiteracy and I am going to school together? Let's go together, come back together? I don't do ..."

Wang Yu Nan was shocked, and Wei Qingli, who walked into the door with a horrible look.

She can think of her head with her toes. This is what her dad makes it.

Even, she has a deep fear. Her dad will not look at this wild kid, want to recruit him to do the door-to-mouth woman?

If you marry such an unpredictable, you don't understand the treasure of the style, how do you live in the future?

At this moment, her heart has flocked four words, "Ning death is not."

"He is your dad's savior, let him read, and give him a suitable job in the future, even if it is reported, you don't agree, do you tell us that we are uncomfortable?"

Wei Qingli said.

"Isn't it good to give him a lot of money?"

Wang Yu said in the south gas.

"He and the society are out of breath, give him a lot of money, not only will not let him happiness, but will bring him a disaster. So, let him adapt to this society, give him a good job, is a real report."

Wei Qingli said.

"Don't be a class with me, how can he have a literacy?"

Wang Yunan still feels a bit wrong, refute.

"Don't care, he needs to adapt to the society, and you will be a class, then at least you an acquaintance, you can help him. We can always master his situation ..." Wei Qingli said.


Wang Yunan said that he had to agreed.

When Wei Qingli went, she was irritated and immediately gone.

Go to the mansion next door, looking for her dead party Su Sixi.

"What, you doubt your parents want to make the wild child to do the door women?"

Su Sixi heard it, his face was full, he did not dare to confuse the color. "Is this impossible?"

"Is that impossible?" Wang Yu is airs and sorrow, "I am a boy, this era, I am looking for a giving girl. But this wild kid is different, he is an orphan, there is no way, not like Other orphans, there is a relative. Plus he saved my father's life. They have such an idea is completely normal. "

"You have reasonable." Susixi looked at Wang Yu Nan with a mercy, "What do you do?"

"I just came to you to negotiate? Anyway, I would rather death, I don't want to marry the township."

Wang Yunan said.

"I have a way." Su Si Xi said, "When you want to let the wild kid you leave?"

"Yes, I want to take him away." Wang Yunan's eyes lit, "or let him take him away. If you let him consciously, you will leave. Even I can give him a lot of money. Let him go. However, this must come slowly, at least let him adapt to this society, there is survival ability, otherwise, my parents will certainly find him back. "

" ... ..."

Two beautiful women smiled well.

Su Si Xi is of course also a beautiful woman. After all, it is a small princess of Da Fuwaute, the gene is well.

She and Wang Yunan are the school flowers in Wengang, and is first.

And both of them are also learning tyrants, the top ten in the school.

In the future, the famous university is properly.

Wang Hao also, I invited Zhang Bin to come to the family teacher and give Zhang Bin.

Three days later, it was the date of opening.

"AL, O'Hion, you train Zhang Bin, what is the situation?"

Wang Hao began to ask.

"This, how to say ..."

Ali said a bit awkwardly, "he didn't brag, I understood, I haven't teach him anything."

"All my books also teach him, even the firearms are the same, he is a hundred and far, far more than me, it is a enchanting."

Ohro is also depressed.

"so smart?"

Wang Hao was shocked.

Then he asked several teachers who gave Zhang Bin.

"He is very smart, the foundation is very good, and it has been completed from the priest to a high school."

The teacher answers like this.

"How can this be?"

Wang Haicun, "he never passed through."

"He learned, it is the demon. Such smart students, I have never seen it."

The teachers are also complicated.

Obviously, they are still in shocking now.

Wang Hao took a shocking mood into Zhang Bin's room.

Zhang Bin is sitting in front of the computer and is being skilled.

However, he is in Baidu, search for some problems, such as living, the mystery of death, what is the meaning of reincarnation?

"Uncle, do you have anything?"

Wang Hao came in, Zhang Bin heard, said faintly.

Wang Hao walked over, looking at Zhang Bin's display with the weird eyes, "" You go to school, can you secretly protect my daughter Wang Yunan? This is a job, salary for a month, but you don't tell her .how is it?"

"Three thousand months, secretly protect your daughter?"

Zhang Bin's eyebrows were slightly, he didn't want to deal with the beauty like Wang Yulin, but he still agreed, "Okay."

Today, he also knows that a 30,000 months is very good.

Naturally, I don't want to give up.

After all, he can't always rely on Wang Hao.

He wants to support himself.

"I have to go to school tomorrow, go to bed early?"

Wang Haixin is big, and immediately said.

"I don't want to sleep. I haven't slept from Xiao."

Zhang Bin said.


Wang Hao's eyes are wide, watching Zhang Bin like the monster.

"You have not heard it wrong."

Zhang Bin said, "My Master has never been sleeping, so I thought that human beings didn't need to sleep. I didn't think that you need to sleep, it is very weird."

Wang Hao: "..."

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