The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4222, let them play enough

In the morning, Wang Yu will walk out of the door.

Then get out of the hall.

She found that Zhang Bin was standing in the yard with a bag.

Wearing jeans, white t-shirt, wearing yellow leather shoes on the feet, standing with the judge, face, the face is like ax, the eyes are deep, look indifferent, proud. And his body also exudes a mysterious breath.

"God, this is a peerless beauty ..."

Wang Youtan is a bit of a little dare to believe his eyes, and the heartbeat is accelerated.

I am very doubtful, I am a huge change in a wild child, how do you three days, how do you three days?

However, when he found that Zhang Bin didn't look at her, she was completely angry, and I was acknowledged in my heart. "Don't think that I have changed a layer of skin, I am not a township. I have a way to toss you, I will let You leave. "

Zhang Bin went to the garage to open a dragon's luxury car came out, and said clearly: "Get off."

"Don't you do it?"

Wang Yunan suddenly said.

"This kind of thing is too simple, I have a driver's license."

Zhang Bin took out a driver's license to say faintly.

This driver's certificate is of course bought, but this three days Zhang Bin really learned to drive and spent less than ten minutes.

Wang Hao no longer arranges the driver and bodyguard to Zhang Bin and Wang Yu, Zhang Bin, one person.

He is very secure, and it is strong than the strength of Zhang Bin, which is strong than AL and Axiong.

Wang Yunan is also big, soon, she will go to the car, but she did not dare to take the cab, but she was sitting behind.

The safety factor is large.

She also called Suiyu, let her also get on the bus.

Then Zhang Bin took the car with two two schools.

"God, he is a wild child, township in your mouth?"

Su Siyu took out the phone typing, "He is clearly handsome guy? Now I finally understand, why your parents want to recruit him for the son-in-law."

"Go to you, where did he be handsome? You didn't see him from my family ..."

Wang Yunnan also took out the phone typing, replied, "I can't wait to drive him now."

"Zhang Bin, do you really live in the mountains for more than ten years?"

Su Siyu began testing.

"Yes." Zhang Bin said.

The sound is indifferent, dull, no one is wrong.

He has long found that Su Siyu is also a beautiful woman, naturally does not want to have any intersection with her.

If you can't talk, you will not talk.

"It's too cold. It is estimated that there has never seen the world, so I don't know how to please beautiful ..."

Su Siyu is in the heart, she is also a bit sympathetic Wang Yu Nan, how romantic personality is Wang Yu Nan, if it is married to such a cold boring, I don't know how it will be miserable.

At this moment, she decided to help Wang Yu will find a way, let Zhang Bin are difficult to retreat.

So, she turned around and said: "Yinnan, the first school Heroes Jiahao wrote to your love letter? Give me a look?"


Wang Yunan took a letter from the bag and handed her.

Obviously, she also wants Zhang Bin to refund.

Su Si Yu hung opened the letter and began to recite feelings.

Finally, she also sighed: "God, it is really good, there is no sentence, but there is no sentence, it is not affectionate, it is a school's first school grass, the first talent, the first rich, the first handsome guy, First fight master, dunk master, football prince ... "

Wang Yu is listening to it, his face is blush.

It seems that she is happy to listen to this.

"I admire Yu Jiahao is, he is still painting genius, calligraphy master, it is said that even the painting and calligraphy, Zhao Lao is adopted, maybe he will receive him a close disciple ..."

Su Siyu is still in admiring, "Youtan, you tell me, do you like him? Do you want him to pursue?"

"I hate it, ask such a shame." Wang Yu Nan is ashamed.

At the same time, they have always observed Zhang Bin's response.

But let them disappoint, Zhang Bin has no response, as if he is a stone.

Indifferent, driving the car four flat.

"I am difficult."

Two beautiful women are embarrassed in their hearts.

I finally arrived in school.

Two beautiful women walked into the classroom with Zhang Bin.

Liu Guangsheng, the class teacher, I was waiting.

After all, the principal has already told him that there will be a successful group today, named Zhang Bin ...

"Classmates, there is a new classmate today." Teacher Liu said enthusiastically, "Zhang Bin, you are here to introduce."

Zhang Bin walked up, he said faintly: "My name is Zhang Bin, 18 years old, from Dazhou."

After that, he left, sit down at the last row.

"Heaven, I have a high-oriented handsome guy, it is so handsome."

The female classmates in the class shouted in the heart, most of them were a picture of a flower.

"I tell you, that is just a embroidered pillow. He has never had a study, real illiteracy, and a ah, or an orphan, and a old road has lived for more than ten years. If it is not good to save Wang Yu Nan, he It is necessary to starve to death and go to the deep mountain ... "Su Siyu said low voice and at the same table." He is going to live with Wang Yun in the future. "

Nearby male students have heard, a very angry and destroyed.

After all, Wang Yu Nan Qian Jiamei is the first school flower, and it is also their dream.

And a wild kid has such a good blessing, can you live in Wang Yunan? Go home with Wang Yu Nan.

Soon, the textbooks in this semester were sent.

Zhang Bin faihi quickly turned over, he sat there stupid.

In fact, I think about the mystery of life and death.

He felt that this is very important to himself.

Otherwise, Master is impossible to take him again.

His eyes slowly moved to the window, looked at the rushed in the distance, caught in a deep thinking.

"Hey, a person who has never passed the school, I have to read the high two, which is simply a big joke."

Teacher Liu, who is in the above language, is a bit helpless, and sigh in his heart.

However, he knows that he has no way to resist, because Wang Hao is too rich, use money to smash his dizzy.

And this is an aristocratic school, private high school.

He has no way to complain.

In addition, the principal also told that when Zhang Bin did not exist.

Therefore, he also ignored Zhang Bin without class.

I really don't have the same thing, continue to class.

After a day, Zhang Bin came to the basketball court with Wang Yunan and Suiyu.

They are living school, go home a week.

And today is Monday, nature is not going back.

Zhang Bin, agreed to Wang Hao, secretly protected Wang Yunan.

So, you can only follow each other.

"This township looks high, but in fact, but I don't know how I want to pursue me, so I have always followed me." Wang Yu is in the heart of the heart.

Susi is the same idea.

On the basketball court, the first school Hero Hao is with four basketball experts, and playing basketball games.

Yu Jiahao is really powerful, dunk again and again.

A lot of beautiful screams and cheers.

Even Wang Yunan and Susii are also shouting crazy.

Susixi also said to Zhang Bin stood behind them: "Zhang Bin classmates, do you like this exercise?"

"Bored, so many people grab a ball. Wait until I have sent salary, give them one." Zhang Bin said, "Let them play enough."

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