The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4225 of God's threat

The golden god will come, and the war is swept the world.

At this moment, any animals on the earth include humans, but squatting in this horrible pressure, that is, it can't move, their hearts stop the beating.

"God, what is it?"

Countless people squat on the ground, shocking the golden gods that landed from the sky.

Looking at the golden light, murderous and rolling, suffocating the sky.

"Zhang Bin, you dare to create a trial of the trial, it is simply don't know how to live? You also dare to trial three thousand avenues? You, you also dare to trial the king, the emperor, the emperor, the god emperor, the goddess ,dominate?"

The gold armor will come to Zhang Bin step by step, and there is two huge rules in his feet, which is made by the model of gold.

"God, this boy, it is not a god, isn't it become a fairy? And he is a good trial of the trial? To trial three thousand avenues, trial of the gods? Including the creation of God and dominate? Is he really our planet? "

Many people who look at the lively are more dumbfounded, and their faces are full of not credits.

Even, they all doubt that they are dreaming.

"The world needs order, the gods also need to supervise, I tried Wan Dao, trial of the gods, for justice, fair, let the god dynasty people live better, let the gods, etc. ..."

Zhang Bin stood up, his body exploded the majestic and horrible to extreme momentum.

His body and soul are in the magical changes.

Since I realized the mystery of the soul, let his soul are rural sharply, and his soul particles become a soul imprint, carrying him Zhang Bin's memory, gene, and magical.

Since then, any soul particles can be resurrected.

So, his soul is strong in rapidly, although the number of soul lights did not change, but his soul light became extra bright, and the rays released were also golden, even from his moon. Come out, let his body becomes a golden.

Rotary, his body is also a giant change.

This is because the shining of the soul light may also be Zhang Bin's new feelings.

His body This universe is crazy.

The space of the inner planet has skyrocketed, the expansion is several times, and the inner stars are also skyrocketing, and dozens of times the same expansion.

The energy that can be called is also several times.

At the same time, Zhang Bin first sent it to the existence of the law.

Of course, it is the rule of trial.

Even, he has a magical understanding. Only by power is so much, you can have the basis of trial avenue, trial the gods, and can also prestige the judicial rules.

His hand lifted, grabbed the Libra.

Suddenly Libra is big, the trial of the trial begins to condense on the surface of the Sale.

The pressure has skyrocketed and crushed the world.

Even, let the gods before Zhang Bin will feel huge pressure.

Of course, other gods, even when the three thousand great gods are God, they may not understand the law of the way, must also need a long time to understand, even, they have to go to the gods to understand the law.

Zhang Bin is because of the integration of 3006 kinds of avenues, plus his soul, when you have never been strong, the ability to comprehension is extremely horrible, plus the promotion of Tianshui, before the initial understanding of the judgment.

The trial of trial is not the trial of the Tiandi Rules.

Only the rules are integrated into it, they can begin to understand the rules.

The rule is the sublimation of the rules, which is the embodiment of fighting.

The rule is also the strongest magical idea.

"Golden Road Law, dominate the murder. I am the golden god of the gods. Any rebellion, any enchanting, you have to die in my hand. Nowadays, the current situation of the gods is very good, don't need your trial of the trial, I represented most of the gods of the gods, came to destroy you. "God will laugh and drink," If you give up resist, then I may not destroy the earth, otherwise, the earth will give you a burial. "

"How do he dare to use the earth to threaten me? Don't he do not know that Zhang Donghe Liu Chao is born in the earth?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but his mouth was a clear scream: "If you are you?"

" ..." Golden God will make a crazy laugh, "I don't know how much you have such a heroic and rebellion, otherwise, where is the three thousand avenues? There is a state of the district, and it is just got. I want Kill you just like kill an antity. "

"Are you really stronger?"

Zhang Bin put out a very suspicious look.

In fact, he is delaying, because his body and soul are in the event of a huge change, he is rapidly revolution, is rapidly turning, more delays in a second, he is much more powerful.

And he is also instinctively, the other party is very strong, this is not too easy.

After all, the gods who got a multi-ended god did not want to see a trial of the trial in the gods.

This god sent will undoubtedly be extremely powerful.

"Hey ... The power of this God is you can test?" God will laugh and drink, "God can be the realm of the big god, the distance breaks through the medium and not far." More than 10,000 more than you. " Now, can you commit suicide? Remember, let the other two borders also commit suicide together, otherwise, I will kill them, and even let your loved ones and friends. You don't want to see such things. ? "

"My God, than Zhang Bin strong more than 10,000 times? How is this day?"

The people who watched the excitement were completely scared, and their faces became pale, one fear.

Worried that Zhang Bin will be tired.

"Are you really God? I doubt that you are magic, no evil."

Zhang Bin is a great anger, and his eyes are also shooting the cold light, projection on the opponent's face.

"It seems that I don't want to commit suicide? Then I can only send you in your way."

God will laugh and finish, the gold hammer in his hand lifted highly, and he was a hammer to Zhang Bin.


Hurricane whistling, golden light bursting.

The murder is crushed down, and the suffocation is on the sky.

The law of gold is intertwined, and Zhang Bin is completely parked.

This is so powerful, it is really horrible.

However, God will still play an empty.

Because Zhang Bin flashed like a ghost, it rushed out of the parcel of the golden road, avoiding it.

Of course, he showed a magical trial of the trial, just use the Libra, there is a crack, he flashed.

After all, today's labeling has condensed the trial law, with magical abilities.

Therefore, God will fall this hammer, it is awkwardly on the mountain.

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