The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4226 Terror Power

Bang ...

A loud noise, this mountain is completely cracking.

Most of the mountains are like a nail, which is rapidly entered the earth.

Through the role, shoot out from the side of the rice, and then shot into space.

That is, the earth is done.

Perhaps because the power is too horror, the speed is too fast.

Just like a needle quickly passed a watermelon and did not bring too much disaster to the earth.

But it is still a magma sprayed out, and two crater appeared in the air.

Everyone who watched the lively nearby fell to the ground, and even someone was spraying blood.

You must know that they are all monks.

But it is almost being shocked.

" ..."

Zhang Bin quickly flew, he went to the high altitude.

Now he clearly understands that you can't be robbed in the earth, perhaps, you will let the Earth destroy.

This is not what he is willing to see.

"Where to escape?"

God will shout, and it has become a golden light.

I once again slammed Zhang Bin.

"Review ..."

Zhang Bin roared, the Tao Tong of the trial was completely launched.

The Libra in his hand is also awkward on the other's hammer.

The rules broke out, and the golden glare.


The sound is also a shock.

The hurricane is also an emergence, the horrible shock wave swept the world, bombing countless white clouds.

I didn't know how much flying birds.


Zhang Bin felt that a strong force is coming, a killing breath is also a blowing.

He actually stabilized his body, he was retired, and there was a few hundred steps to retreat.

However, God will not be pleased.

He also stopped in the back, and then retired from 30 steps.

However, a horrible majesty was invaded his hammer and invaded his body.

Let him feel an inexplicable fear, and I feel the sin of sin.

So, he is .

"God, this god will be hit by Zhang Bin, do you want to fight for a fight?"

Countless people who watch the battle are shouted in the heart, and their faces are filled with the colors that they don't dare to confuse.

Just now, the god will say, he is better than Zhang Bin's strong.

But how can it be such a result?

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin also felt the magical situation of his trial rule, although he still did not have a strong opponent, but his trial rule is the bov.

Can be weak.

Can fight the enemy to ask for mercy.

Can let the enemy recognize the sin.

"Ah ... you are looking for death ..."

God will be the master of the gods, it is powerful, and I wake up in an instant.

He is ashamed to die, and it is urgent to corrupt.

He jumped up quickly and burst into the extreme golden light.

It has become a model of gold, and he is completely packaged by himself.

Then he danced his hammer to Zhang Bin, launched Zhang Bin, launched the same attack as the wind.

The fierce is extremely crazy to the extreme.

He seems to have become thousands of million, he seems to be everywhere.

Jin Guang filmed the world and blocked everything.

Zhang Bin's face is serious. He fully implements the trial rule, dances the scale, and the god of the god will.

Now he has just become a god, naturally there is no way to show the field of trial rules.

Therefore, he can only show the composite field of 3006 Avenue.

Gold rules of enemies against the enemy.

But of course, you can't resist it, it is thoroughly rolled.

However, Zhang Bin is not a powerless.

He is the most horrible cultural genius, is the most horrible enchanting.

His soul and body are extractive.

Therefore, he is still trying to dance with heavens, to resist the enemy's attack.

Although the trial rule is, it is still very weak, but it has already initially bloom the power of terror.

It can affect the mood of the enemy, which can reduce the enemy 's war.

Dangdang ...

Libra and the gold hammer bombard each other, issued a sound as the rain playbame.

Sparks are also extraordinary, so that the world has become extra bright.

Half of a war.

God will still have a way to defeat Zhang Bin.

Because Zhang Bin has been stronger in the process of this war, the trial rule is also slowly condensed.

Not only on his lilaship, the trial rule is condensed, but also on his gods, it also condenses the trial rule.

Therefore, Zhang Bin did not have not to attack as before.

It is already possible to counterattack.

"Review ..."

Zhang Bin is like a trial of giant gods and shouting in a majesty.

At the same time, Zhang Bin crazy one day scales on the gold hammer of God.


A spark of horrible sounds, sparking again, but also a lot of fireworks.

Zhang Bin flezer in a huge anti-earthquake.


God will also make a shouting that is incomparably fearful.

He once again felt his sin.

After his wolf, he retired again, and once again, he couldn't help himself.

"Heaven, once again being kneelted. What God will be very powerful, but it is burning."

Many monks who read the lively shouted in the heart, they also used Zhang Bin with the eyes of worship.

They look forward to Zhang Bin to win.

Because Zhang Bin looks like it is a planet.

What's more, Zhang Bin represents justice.

Homemade trial, if you go to the gods in the future, you must be the most powerful god of the god.

"Review ... Conquer your sin?"

Zhang Bin stood there and shouted in a majesty.


God will almost start to explain the crime.

But he was still awake in time, jumping up, and his face became iron.

The eyes are also shooting fierce, smiling and saying: "Zhang Bin, you really are a peerless genius, there is no one after the ancient people. However, you have a trial, but you can only fall, there is absolutely no living road. You will die today. "

"Do you have any bottom card?"

Zhang Bin looked at each other with a contemptuous gaze and said.

However, he is secretly taboo.

The other party is so big, and it comes from the gods, and it is a gods.

It is certainly with a horrible killing.

At the same time, he secretly began to refine the 20th layer of the gods.

Now he cultivates the god, his soul is strongly dozeproad.

The same is true.

Therefore, he has the ability to refine more layers of array.

So, this, he refines the potential as a broken bamboo, and quickly lights up the line of the 21st group.

Then he was imprinted on a soul imprint at the central area of ​​the 21st layer.

Then he started to refine the 22nd layer of law ...

"Ha ha……"

God will make a smile, and his hand has a champion.

This is a thing that draws an inconspicuous thing, that is a minority.

Of course, this is a red needle.

Excluding a strong bloody breath, also blasted a fierce fierce.

(Sorry, there are only two chapters today. It will restore normal updates tomorrow.)

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