The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4230, Treasure Chest

Although this treasure chest is extremely hard, it is still unreliable.

After all, it is a terrorist murder that can kill the king.

Therefore, the four-hexic needle is quickly rotated in.

Then blinks from the opposite side.

The four needles rushed rapidly with the murder of the sky, and the sound of incomparable terror was issued.

God A is like a paper paste, it is passed through.

I passed through a dozens of gods in a breath, and I passed the armor that Zhang Bin used a trial rule, and took it into Zhangbin.

This is a terrorist rule that can kill the king.

And you can only do it.

Zhang Bin is four, which is simply no vitality.

However, the four-hexad needle has been broken, so many gods have also consumed massive energy.


Zhang Bin made a scream, he turned over.

Stop convulsion.

The horror is that a needle that is previously killed and sailed once again, and the pen is straight to Zhang Bin's forehead. It is necessary to kill Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin shouted his face.

Suddenly, the god is scrape, and it is in this needle.


The needle is broken, and it has been made into white light.


Zhang Bin was once again sent a sharp scream.

Because the four needles in the body have burst out of the horrible destruction.

His lung instant is a meat sauce, then his heart, and it is flying as average.

The creation of the cream in the heart will be revealed.

Perhaps it feels the crisis of the host.

The created fragment bursts out of the green light, which is a horrible life energy.

Crazy in four needles.

Bang ...

Unparalleled sounds.

Destroy energy and life energy are rapidly annihilated.

However, there is too much energy in destruction, and life energy is still not enough.

Zhang Bin's chest, neck, small abdomen, annihilated in rapid.

Just when this is very critical.

Eight high school green light is taken from the box.

Of course, it is emitted from eight pinholes.

It shook the needle in the four heels out of the needle that is extremely horrible.

Suddenly destroyed energy has been offset.


Zhang Bin is big, he yells.

The god is ignorant on the box.

The box is worn by four conifers.

Therefore, the array of the inside has suffered damage.

Defense has naturally dropped a lot.

Hey, the box is broken.

Suddenly a piece of foot is, half a basketball is so large, and the debris is blasted.

In an instant, it is integrated with the cream in Zhang Bin's chest.

Sudden green light has skyrocketed ten times.

Life energy is also a raging, and it is in many destruction energy.

Suddenly destroyed energy and lifetime of life energy.

You can't hurt Zhang Bin.

Then, life energy continues to madly impact four needles with a sharp reduced.

And Zhang Bin's neck, the chest is also rapidly recovering.

"Ha ha ha ... Zhang Bin, you will give me a fall."

The Devil saw Zhang Bin to hide into the space of the beauty map, and the needle is also followed by chasing.

So, he issued a lot of arrogance and crazy laugh.

He knows that Zhang Bin will die, and the beauty map is very powerful, but it can only deal with two needles.

And you can't persist too long.

As for Zhang Bin's strength, it is not worth mentioning.

After all, he also cultivated the god.

The middle of the district is medium in the district.

Even if you have the initial mid-term strength, but you can't resist a needle.

This is a big name.

One of the most vicious gods of the gods.

"The owner must be fine."

Big fat and two fat are also a little worried, but they know that Zhang Bin is invincible.

And the wisdom is against the sky, he must have a way to spend such a horrible gratitude.

"Ha ha ha ... I can not only kill Zhang Bin, but also get the god dagger, you can get a beautiful picture, this time earns big." The Devil laughed excitedly, his face was also floating. ecstasy.

After all, this treasure is also worth the city even in the gods.

"Ha ha……"

He didn't see it, and a plum deer appeared in the void as ghost.

It looked at the magic god like a fool, and his mouth made a uncomfortable laughter.

If Zhang Bin saw, it will be recognized, this is the plum deer in the time of the valley.

Zhang Bin, I didn't know a plum deer.

He is still excited to look at the creation of the debris released life energy to deal with the odor.

His eyes are also shot a burning rays.

The heart is also emerging.

I didn't think that the box didn't have a way to break, and he didn't think that there was such a big piece of creation.

Can release such horrible life energy.

This is simply Hong Fu Qi Tian.

He had already contacted the beauty map soon, so that the beauty figure seized everything.

Let the outside world and people can't see the situation inside.

Otherwise, he has the secret of the crestation of the debris.

This is a treasure that is extremely precious.

Even Jin Yi is because of the crestation of the debris being killed.

You know, Jin Yizhi at that time is the beast.

Super powerful.

Just use a few breathing time, the destruction of the four-hexin burst is completely annihilated.

And four needles are also thorough disappeared.

Life energy begins to quickly repair Zhang Bin's body.

Similarly, only a few breathing time, Zhang Bin recovered as early.

Even Zhang Bin also felt that his body is still strong.

There is more energy that contains.

This is perhaps the magical ability of the cream.

Then, the creation of debris will enter Zhang Bin's heart like a ghost.

And the space among the hearts is also getting bigger.

It can easily install the fragmentation.

"I don't know, what is the creation? How many pieces are there?"

At this moment, Zhang Bin is a little deed.

I can't wait to know everything in the past.

"Hahaha ..."

The Devil is still laughing madly, and his hand also grabs the beauty map.

But at this time, Zhang Bin took out.

The mouth is also crazy: "I am sentenced to death ..."

The Libra in the hand is also a head of the devil.

This is an expectation of the devil.

So, even if he rapidly retreats, he still did not avoid it.

The scale is that it is in his head.


A horrible giant rang, his killing armor is broken, and God A is also broken.

Scales play on his head, playing him with Venus, screaming.



However, Zhang Bin's hand is suddenly a rotation.

Libra's scales have joined his throat!

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