The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4231, Meihua Deer


The devil made a scream.

He struggled desperately, but because of the field of Zhang Bin's god, he was also hooked by the scale of the scale.

Where can I break free?

"Killing pigs ..."

Zhang Bin yelled again.

Suddenly, it happened, and the devil hanging on the Libra became a big fat.

Zhang Bin killing the pig knife, which is a horrible murder, and piercing into the heart of the fat pig.


The fat pig has made a scream of fierce.

Blood shooting out.

Then the sound is abrupt.

Because he is falling.

The soul is killed.

Killing pigs will be horrible, let alone he was imprisoned by Zhang Bin's Libra, and he was crushed by Zhang Bin's trial, the power and defense capabilities were reduced to the limit.

Naturally, I was killed by a knife.

"My God, what is horrible? The way of killing pigs? Do you kill the god as a fat pig? This is too burning?"

Everyone who watched the lively is completely dumbfounded, and the face is full of colors that don't dare to confuse.

Where did they have seen such anhenoon?

Where have you seen such a powerful, can you kill such a strong god?

Zhang Bin took out the jade bottle and collected all the blood.

Then he searched the spatial container of the devil.

This time he was a little disappointment, perhaps because of the last time, he will be killed by Zhang Bin, let Zhang Bin got a lot of gods, so this time this devil's space container, what God tree is There is no fruit.

Just only have two .

This is two kinds of magical power, which can seal the powerful magic weapon, or seal the neopes of the nephew.

This is exactly the same as Zhang Bin.

If Zhang Bin uses the god, it may be seal.

That Bin is difficult to have this horrible crisis.

If Zhang Bin uses the disintegration, he will have less than two power.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin made a joyful laugh.

Suddenly, there is a masterpiece in his heart.

This lobby is terrible, but there is a line of life.

If there is no such thing as a life, it is considered cheating.

Some people in the gods still don't dare to pay bad names.

However, Zhang Bin is also a bit hesitated.

Do you want to put the rolling path and the Word of the Chicken?

As for the soul of the soul, he did not have a way to cultivate into god because he did not get the tool.

If there is no arm, it is almost impossible to cultivate it.

Because Jin Yi is autonomous, even the space container is also exploded, Zhang Bin did not find the road of the soul.

It may be hidden by Jin Yi.

It is also possible to war, Jin Yi does not take the road of the soul.

Zhang Bin is so hesitated because God robbery is too horrible.

This time, if it is not a huge conflict fragment in the treasure chest, he may be tragedy.

Even if you can escape a robbery, you will also face the chasing of the devil.

If you let the additional roads will become God, the sky will be more powerful.

It will be more.

You may not be able to resist it.

"Whether, practice first."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he took out the treasure tower, suspended in the void.

He entered it.

Sitting in the light knee in the lightweight array.

He did not start cultivation, but took out a black book.

This is also the treasure in the treasure chest.

In other words, there is not only conflicting fragments, but also such a book.

This book has a name - dark god.

Distribute powerful and horrible momentum.

Zhang Bin opened and read it fine.

Unfortunately, the content does not understand, although he meets these gods.

Then Zhang Bin understood, because he didn't cultivate the darkness of the darkness, so I can't understand the content.

Perhaps, this dark god code may be a generous treasure for the god of the Dark Tao.

Zhang Bin received it, he began to practice hard.

The cultivation is of course a way to kill the pig.

He knows that he is not possible to cultivate into the middle of the god.

Because he did not cultivate resources.

Although he has a lot of god fruit, because it is taken, take it again, there is no use.

However, he is a solid realm.

Enhance the war.

At the same time, he can also feel the way to raise chicken, crush, and resist.

Due to the cultivation of the trial of the trial, let him touch bypass.

With the help of the army, he quickly understood the mystery of the killing of pigs, and finally cultivated the way to kill pigs.

As long as it is, it can also cultivate the other three roads into God.

The only thing to worry is that you can spend more terrible gratitude.

"Hey ... Zhang Bin, don't be innocent."

At Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin completely stabilizes the realm of killing pigs, he suddenly heard a strange voice.

His eyes opened, then he saw that the plum deer appeared in his Tibetan treasure tower, looked at him.

"Is you? How did you come in?"

Zhang Bin was surprised to look at the plum deer in the same way as the monster.

Since he cultivated to the realm, he didn't put the pluma deer in the eyes.

What is the zooming of the plum deer?

However, now he suddenly understands that the plum deer is not simple, and it is certainly hidden.

Otherwise, it is not possible to sneak into the treasure tower without sound.

"I am not easy to come in?"

The Meihua Deer said, "The creation of the creation is that my master is put in the source of the universe. The Tibetan Tower is natural is one of my treasures. And you are the disciple of my master, and my brother."

"Lying in the trough, you don't know anything for the past?"

Zhang Bin jumped up and said nothing.

"I don't know anything for the past. Because I was sealed by the owner. Only a brother became God, my memory will recover." Meihua deer said sincerely.

"Well, I believe you."

Zhang Bin said, "Then you tell me, who is your master?"

"She is naturally the trend of the time - the dance of the rhyme. The picture of the beauty is her refining."

Meihua deer said worship, "The owner is the first God of the source. So, she likes to cultivate disciples in the source ..."

But it quickly became lonely, and sighed: "Many of the masters have not entered the source of the universe. I am very worried about her. If you are in the future, you must go to the gods, you must inquire, the master How's it going?"

"Master is so powerful, there should be fine, you don't have to worry."

Zhang Bin said comfort.

He is now in the heart, and it is true that it is the cultivation of the spirits. Libra is also a secret method of secret law. Even, even the Usuren is also her hair.

Plus the creation of the creation is also her.

Can he not admit that he is the other party's apprentice?

Moreover, it is believed that such a powerful creation God is a master, and the future will be high.

"hope so."

Plumi said.

"Right, are you coming to me, is there anything else?"

Zhang Bin asked again.

"Of course, there is a very important thing." Meihua deer said excitedly, "You are the super genius that the owner has cultivated, will inevitably be the giant giant in the gods. But I want to tell you a secret, to the gods, your homemade Several ways, there is no way to become God. However, if you are god in the source, you will be a lot, and the starting point in the gods will be much higher ... "

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