(The words of the true God of the time will be wrong. It should be a dance rhyme. It is not a spirit. The latter is the true God.) In fact, Zhang Bin has made several ways, that is to lift Zhang Bin. .

Although Zhang Bin's talent is good, it also created a horrible trial.

As for the rest of the road, kill pigs, nursing chickens, crushing, resisting, and souls are from others.

However, they have not yet become a god. If these new roads are the first cultivation of Zhang Bin, it is equal to Zhang Bin to create it.

Zhang Bin did not count such a saying, he was very surprised, shocked: "Other ways, can't God in the gods?"

"The god circle is very special, suitable for temperature to develop God, but will not let the trend do not have any progress."

Meihua deer said seriously, "This is a big secret. A lot of true God regrets yourself to the gods too early. Otherwise, they may create two kinds of roads, even more ways. However, a person's Tianfang is Very limited, the adventure is also very limited. After homemade, you want to create more, it is very difficult. If you continue to stay in the source in the source, because you have become God, the source is even Will work hard. You barely gain any adventure. Moreover, some gods in the gods are also excuses to deal with you. However, if you don't have a god, you will go to the gods, that is also It is unfortunately. "

Now Zhang Bin finally understood, why did the plum deer come to him.

It is to tell him this secret.

And I am really worried that it is too horrible. I don't want to let other roads to cultivate into God. Because I think I can go to the gods.

Once I went, then regret it.

You know, these roads are gods, just only one wire.

Switch, Zhang Bin asked: "The three thousand avenues, I went to the gods, can I fix it into God?"

"Three thousand Avenue is ok, the new road is not good. However, the three thousand Avenue also needs to be a teacher." Meihua deer said, "must have the god pass the god of the three thousand Avenue. Otherwise, there is no way to make a god and progress. Because the rule of the sea is controlled by them, without their permission, you can't call a certain law. In the future, you will go to the gods, the trend will be several kinds, other people want Recognizing that you create the way, you must get your teachings and allowed. And you can use it to exchange other ways. When you cultivate the three thousand Avenues to the genius, it is possible to cultivate the point of the god. Therefore, the more the more you master, the bigger value is, and you want to exchange the secret law to other ways, you will be more likely. Naturally, it will be more strengthened. "

"It turns out."

Zhang Bin suddenly realized that his face has also floated the color of exciting.

If you use the six kinds of roads into the gods, go to the gods, you will have six kinds of words alone, and you can cultivate a lot of disciples in the future. If you are destined, you will become the giant of the god.

"You don't want to be too early." Meihua deer said seriously, "Those powerful gods, they don't talk about the rules, if they want to use your many cultivation of cultivation, you want you to give the reputation of the rules of the sea. Are you or not? If you don't give it, they will kill you without hesitation. However, their way, you can't learn. Their law is the sea, you are not called. Even if they are willing Give you permissions, but it is very low-level permissions. What is used for you. "

"What should I do?"

Zhang Bin's brow is deeply awkward.

"It's very simple, that is, hiding yourself, secretly cultivating, becoming super powerful." Meihua deer said, "Otherwise, you will live a day. Only you secretly cultivate it to super power. Darkly cultivate some Disciples, in the future, they can trial three thousand avenues, trial the gods, and still a Lang Langkun. "

"Can you hide yourself?"

Zhang Bin's face floated on a strong accent.

He knows that he is very powerful in the source universe, but if it goes to the god, it is not enough.

It takes a long time to be strong.

In this process, those who don't want to accept the trial will never let him go.

Even if there is Zhang Bin, Liu Chao, Master Dance Rhyme, no security is guaranteed 100%.

Today, Zhang Bin knows clearly that the gods may have three thousand cream, that is, the batch of true gods, Zhang Bin, Liu Chao, and dance rhyme, which he created the avenue.

They are also with other gods, exchanged the permissions of cultivation and calling rules.

Therefore, they can also cultivate into creation.

However, the three thousand creams may have some do not want to accept trials.

It is very dangerous to go to the gods.

If you can hide yourself, wait for yourself to cultivate the six kinds of avenues yourself to a very high level, and then secretly cultivate the additional road into God, and get the privileges of the calling law.

Then I will become very powerful, that time I can appear.

Only it is eligible to trial everything.

"Of course it is ..."

The plum deer told the hidden approach.

When Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin had a bamboo, he sat down, and continued to cultivate it.

Of course, it is in cultivating the chicken.

He is also to cultivate it into God.

As for horror, he also has to degrees.

The plum deer is looking at it, and its face floats.

It seems that it is very satisfied with Zhang Bin's heroes.

It seems that it has also hidden what secret is the same.

Just three months, Zhang Bin broke through again.

His roar chicken is also cultivated into god.

Suddenly his body and the strength of the soul have risen again.

His body is also a sharp pressure and momentum that is incomparably incomparable.

In the future, if Zhang Bin went to the god community, the rule of the goddess will have a singular change, and there will be several rules.

However, now Zhang Bin has not been in the past, and the rule of the gods still has no changes.

" ..."

Zhang Bin flew out the Tibetan Tower.

He is proudly suspended in the void, and a chicken cage in his hand.

The singular rays are flashing, that is because there is a chicken rule to condense on the Jack cock.

"Bang Bang Bang ..."

I once again appeared a dark cloud in the sky, and the voice of the extremely horrible.

The horror of the robbery is coming again.


The broken sound sounded, and the void is like a dark mirror, but it is suddenly broken.

A horrible monster appears from it.

It's a powerful fairy.

This is a giant, nine heads, and huge body like a mountain.

Excorps a breath of scary!

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