The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4233 Wars Giant

The giant is to show the way of nursing, which is definitely a restraint.

After all, giant is born, I like to eat chicken.

"Be careful, this is a very horrible god of the snake, the god circle, the battle is better than the middle of the gods. The poison is no better, and the giant is more powerful. The ability to fight is also very horrible. Also, it must have the owner Its owners may be the king of the devil, and may even be the emperor of the demon. "

Meihua deer said seriously in Zhang Bin's Tibetan Tower, "So, it must have a horrible bottom card. You don't want it."

"I will be careful."

Zhang Bin's face has also become serious, he shakes the body, turns a three-headed arm.

The three hands are holding a heavens, killing pig knives, chicken cage.

He is waiting.

He is also secretly calculating his own base card, lying on the god dagger, two seals, and a neopes.

As for other treasures, almost no use, can't deal with such a strong giant.

"Zhang Bin, you have a big courage, and actually dare to create three kinds of ways, it is simply committed anger."

The giant looked at Zhang Bin and said, "Today, you must die."

Also, Zhang Bin's enchanting has created three kinds of roads, trial, killing pigs, and chicken.

It is a very horrible way, especially trial, too horror, so that too much godsick.

If there is a super giant giant to protect Zhang Bin, they have long thought of killing Zhang Bin.

Let this giant grow up, it is incapacitated.

In the gods, a true privilege of a true god assignment, if you want to cancel, you need to pay a certain price. Therefore, the permissions are not casual.

And once it is given, it is basically not canceled.

Even, I would rather kill each other, and I am not willing to cancel the right.

Therefore, many of the real gods that create their own way are basically taught, and they give certain permissions.

Even, there are some true gods to prevent each other, never give permissions to each other.

And I didn't get the god of three thousand avenues, there is no way to cultivate into a creation of the world, and the universe in the body will never have a way to become like the source. The war is limited.

However, Zhang Bin has made six kinds. If you cultivate into gods, if he is a sly, it will hide the gods, and it is very dark to cultivate strong, and he has created six kinds of roads. It's amazing. If he goes secretly and some real God exchange rights, it will naturally become extremely horrible.

After all, he can give another six law permission.

And other gods can only give him one.

His capital is so strong, and it is more convenient to exchange it, it is more likely to be strong.

And once Zhang Bin is strong, he may trial the gods.

Just give a tightening spell on the head of all the gods.

This is the vast majority of God who is not willing to see.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin made a scream of a contempt, "Come on, use your top card, otherwise, you regret it."

Now he can only wait for the enemy to use the end.

His own base card may be restrained, after all, the other party comes from the god.

"Dealing with you, don't need to use what the card."

The giant python sent a arrogant voice, and a mouth of his mouth suddenly opened, and he was sucking in Zhang Bin.


Suddenly, a huge black hole appeared.

Crazy rotation.

Send a power to swallow everything.

The role is on Zhang Bin's body.

The phagarization method is also condensed in the void, and it is also condensed on the giant python.


Zhang Bin felt a strange law that hit his body. He actually flew over himself.

"Trial ..."

"Killing pigs ..."

"Chicken is home ..."

Zhang Bin's three skulls shouted at the same time.

His body also burst out three bright light.

It has become a field of God.

In fact, it is mainly to trial the field of God's god.

In addition, two kinds of roads have not been cultivated to the middle of the god, and it is difficult to form a field of God.

To put it bluntly, the field of God is the rule of field.

In other words, Zhang Bin has not strongly driven the killing pig and the chicken law.

Suddenly, the power of phagocytosis is much smaller.

However, Zhang Bin also flew past.

It seems to be swallowed by the other party.

However, Zhang Bin didn't panic, he was swallowed by many giant, even if he entered the opponent's abdomen, he may also be defeated.

However, this time Zhang Bin did not dare to take risks.

Because the other's back has many horrible gods, it is certainly a horror that is trapped in the abdomen.

Therefore, when Zhang Bin flew over, he lifted the heavens in his hands and became the sky, and slammed the head of the giant phagocytic force.

However, the giant bun is a laughter, it is another head, which suddenly spurting the liquid, the dark, quickly, and chemically became a black sword, To Zhang Bin's neck.

Suddenly, it is dark, and the law is agglomerated.

Murderous is also rushing up, making people creepy.

Zhang Bin is really a jealous. The other party can show the path of poisoning, and the district venom is energy into a sword. How do you deal with this enemy?

He kills the pig knife in his hand, and he is in the black sword.


The horrible voice sounded.


The poisonous sword is broken, and it has become a liquid, and the sky is covered with Zhang Bin.

Plus Zhang Bin has been phagocytic power by terror.

He wants to avoid it, it is completely impossible.

Suddenly, Zhang Bin felt a crisis of death.

Because he instinctively feels that these venoms can absolutely corrode everything.

Even his godlor is also unable to resist.

As long as the trick, it will die.

"Trial, kill pigs, raise chicken armor, condense ..."

Zhang Bin did not panic, he shouted in his heart.

Suddenly, three rules are rapidly aggregated in his body.

It has become a three-color armor, which is hanging on Zhang Bin.

In an instant, the venom has sprayed on his armor.


The horrible voice sounded.

His channel has been slowly corroded.

Although he is three kinds of channels, the defense ability is very horrible, but he just prestably mastered these three rules, and it is very low-level law. If the other's poison's path law is very advanced.

So, it is still very difficult to resist.

However, because Zhang Bin's trial kills the law of pork chickens, it is still very special, especially the trial rule, can restrain any rules.

Therefore, the venom wants to completely corrode the channel, nor is it easy.


Zhang Bin's body has jeoparded the flames, of course, is a horrible death of the dead.

Crazy burn the poison.

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