The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4240 to the gods

Of course, the reason why the shadow falls in the lower wind, and there are many merits of the sudden attack.

The black shadow palm was worn, and the projection has a flaw, and the power will naturally drop a lot.

Kill kill ...

Zhang Bin continued to attack crazy, without any stop, fierce, and crazy to the extreme.

It seems that he is not the same.

The black shadow is angry, and strives to resist it, and it is desperately roaring.

But you can't resist it.

After ten minutes of war, I finally be exploded by Zhang Bin.


Black shadow became a black spot and dissipated the void.

Silk's soul energy is also exploded rapidly and wants to escape.

But how can this be done?

Zhang Bin has experience in this area.

His hand suddenly explored, it was chemically formed into a giant claw, and he would catch it.

Numerous rules condense into special rumors.

Seal it thoroughly.

This soul energy may not be used by Zhang Bin, now, and Zhang Bin has no way to purify.

However, if it is used to evolve the high-level Zi mushroom, it is useful for two borders of Zhang Bin.

Therefore, such treasures, Zhang Bin is absolutely not let go.

This is his trophy.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin made an excitement to the ultimate laugh, and his face has also floated strong ecstasy.

So far, he can say that it is satisfactory merit.

Because he has already made a six way, it has become a god.

Moreover, he also spent the most horrible god robbery, at least, in the source universe, no more dangerous.

He can go to the goddess.

"Teacher, congratulations, congratulations ..."

Meihua deer shouted excitedly in Zhang Bin's dragon pool, "In the future, please also take care of the brothers."

"This time I rely on you, thank you." Zhang Bin's voice sounded in his own dragon pool, "I will defense in the future."

Meihua deer is more happy, because I got Zhang Bin's commitment.

For it, Zhang Bin is a big monetary owner, because Zhang Bin has a six kinds of privileges, he can give the privilege of six laws, that is any true God can't match.

"Right, are you going to stay in the source, or return to the god?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"Stay in the source of the universe, maybe, I can help you with two."

Meihua deer said, "I can't go out without the summons of the owner."

"You see, how many people can I go to the gods?"

Zhang Bin did not reluctantly, and asked in the same way.

"If you are not completely created in the three thousand Avenue, you can take a thousand people to the gods. However, you are a successful today. Plus your assault trial of the horror Road. Many God wants to kill you. So, you'd better not bring someone. Otherwise, it may be tired of them, don't forget, your two are not a god. So, no hurry. In the future, you have become very powerful in the gods. You can protect your loved ones and you can let your two divide them. What you can make, you can make a lot of gods, let them become God, you can also go to God Direct. "Meihua deer said seriously.

"The trial, it really is a lot of gods, I am afraid to accept my trial. It seems that I can only go to the god of the gods." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, then he asked a lot about the situation about the gods. .

I also asked how I have hidden identity.

Many strong enemy can't find it.

The plum deer has answered one by one.

Zhang Bin made a thousand years in the light millet, making a lot of gods.

It is a hundred years old with your loved ones.

He finally started, and went to the gods.

At this time, Jian Di has already become a god. After all, she has already breakded at the last era.

In the past, the life and death reincarnation, soon, I quickly realized the mystery of God.

In 10 million years ago, she has also went to the god.

That is to say, Zhang Bin has a person who recognizes the appreciation, and the Jian Di first went to the gods.

If Zhang Bin went to the gods, it would contact them.

Zhang Bin went to the continent. Under the vast eyes, Zhang Bin was a fog area step by step.

His body is swaying, it has changed five laws.

Through himself, it is six people.

It represents six ways, respectively.

His foot is falling, and the rule is condensed, there is a footprint, suspended on the sea, exudes an endless and eternal breath.

Therefore, he has left, leaving six lines of footprints.

"Bin brother ..."

"Fu Jun ..."


"Dad ... all the way to wind ..."

Zhang Bin is under, relatives, children are here, they all look at Zhang Bin step by step by worship.

Looking at the six-line footprints extended deep into the fog area.

"My God, what kind of cattle is this? I actually create six ways?"

Many people in the mainland are also here to send Zhang Bin to the gods.

They are a stunned and shocked to the extreme.

The face is filled with a lot of money.

"This genius is simply no ancient people before the ancients."

The way to the Towers sent Zhang Binyuan, muttered in his mouth, and his face was also full of worship.

And his heart is also sad, when can you understand the mystery of your god?

If you can't understand it, is it going to ask Zhang Bin to ask a gain?

Zhang Bin Black Hair, with five laws, walking on the sea of ​​the fog area.

He burst into the war and the power of the sky.

The ban on the sea is also a waves of the sky, and the horrible sea beasts are also over the sea.

They looked at Zhang Bin with the eyes of shocking and fear, and they did not dare to deal with Zhang Bin.

After all, Zhang Bin is the true god, and it is six real gods.

Such a horror giant, they have not seen it.

However, if you can eat Zhang Bin, they can get huge benefits.

Even, they can also capture Zhang Bin's tools, and they can also cultivate into true gods in the future.

Yes, although Zhang Bin has made six kinds of roads, they also cultivate into gods, but he has not gone to the gods, no laws with the gods.

Therefore, the law of the gods does not change in the sea.

If you can kill Zhang Bin, these six ways are still not created.

That getting the college person and the beast are qualified.

So, many horrible sea beasts still don't want to lose such opportunities, they have been following Zhang Bin.

Therefore, the powerful sea beast is more and more.

The quantity is also a horror.

If the little god and buttons, they are not such a big interest.

They go to the gods, naturally they have a lot of security.

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