The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4241 arrived in the gods

Zhang Bin is rapidly traveling in the fog area.

With five laws, he left a six-line footprint.

Represents six kinds of his own way.

In the future, this six kinds of gods and buttons, that is, you can fly quickly, don't worry about horror gravity, don't worry about time and space storm.

The probability they go to the god will be a lot.

This can also be said that Zhang Bin left behind.

In the future, he must have a certain position in the gods, but also need to become super powerful, but also need many days of the six weeks, all cultivated to a strong point.

The little god and buttons, it is very sad from the gods.

For example, if it is a metallic state or butt, go to the gods, you can only do the God of God and the servant. That can get the privileges used by the rules, in order to have certain war, in order to be eternal, eternal.

Only true God, because of the past, it can be said that this is the founder, this way is due to him, so this kind of law is in his hands. They went to the gods, that is not to go to the true God, you are to open a ancestor.

However, real God is going to the gods, I like to hide themselves.

Because once it is disclosed, it may be killed by another true God. After all, it is not strong, it is easy to kill.

Only the ability to have self-insurance will be displayed, and open the place.

"Hey ..."

Countless beasts are still tracking Zhang Bin, and their mouths have made crazy screams.

The sound was shocked.


The front is also a horrible sound.

A head from the sea, huge to incredible.

It seems that it is so big in a continent.

That is not ahead.

It looked at Zhang Bin with a greedy gaze, and his mouth was also open, and Zhang Bin was crazy.

In an instant, a huge black hole appeared, rapidly rotated.

The death method is also condensed.

The power of terror is also role in Zhang Bin.

It turned out to swallow Zhang Bin into it.

Let Zhang Bin are dark, and this is actually a beast.

And it is the beast that has mastered the death of the rule.

This is simply an incredible thing.

However, he did not fear, and his hands appeared in the hands, and instantly became a large coverage.

Then he slammed the heavens on the head.


A horrible giant ring.

The head exploded and turned into a meat sauce.

Suddenly blood is splashing, screaming is also very firmer.

Then it will stop.

Because this beast is completely fallen.


The horrible voice sounded, and countless beasts were swarming, and they were squatted on the body, and they were madly biting.

Just a dozen breathing time, this is like the mainland that has become a bone.

Zhang Bin secretly shocked, this fog area, how many horrible sea beasts?

However, he is not afraid, he continues to travel quickly.

Perhaps it is the power of Zhang Bin, no more beasts to attack Zhang Bin.

After a month, Zhang Bin went deep into the depths.

Then Zhang Bin's face has floated a weird expression.

Because he saw a dive in front.

Titting over the sky.

However, there are two doors in the front dike dam.

It is obviously possible to push the door.

Zhang Bin quickly went to the door, and pushed it hard.

The door opened.

He walked in.

Then the door is silent.

It is also a wide sea of ​​sea.

However, it is a dangerous breath that exudes an incomparable terror.

The beast can be seen everywhere.

They all look at Zhang Bin with greedy eyes.

On the sea, there is still three thousand rows of footprints.

Of course, the true God of the past is left.

In the past, Zhang Bin didn't know where the dam is here.

However, now Zhang Bin knows, here is actually the source universe.

Give birth to a lot of beasts.

However, they cannot come to the human area.

And they are different from the beasts of the Black Sea area.

Because they can practice adults.

So they can say that they are a monster.

After cultivating the god, it is human form.

Zhang Bin continued to go.

"Kill kill ..."

Suddenly, the crazy voice sounded, and hundreds of monsters jumped out of the water and shouted crazy.

At the same time, Zhang Bin launched a crazy attack.

They are talented, and they have mastered a rule.

Hundreds of laws are condensed together, and the power is terrifying.

"Trial ..."

"Killing pigs ..."

"Time Stagnation ..."



Zhang Bin smiled coldly, and nine laws started.

The field of terror is constitutes a terrorist field.

Rolling on many monsters, also rushing in their laws.

... ...

The broken voice sounded, the law of the monster collapsed, and the body was broken.

Blood stains red sea.

They just have a very thick rule, where can I compare with Zhang Bin?

It is not the opponent of Zhang Bin at all.

This is also some statements and buttons to step on the footprints to the gods.

Of course, there are still some little gods and buttons because of luck, encounter a number of monster attacks, so falling.

Zhang Bin did not move, and Zhang Bin did not move, and easily kill a lot of greedy monsters.

He continued quickly, his face also floated the color of the expectation.

Because he knows, it is not too far from the god.

Ten days again.

He finally arrived at the entrance of the god.

There is three thousand elements that look very unbelievable.

It is condensed with the rules of three thousand avenues.

The law is filled, which constitutes a lot of channels of glimpse.

Everbutive breath.

And the distance is the thorough darkness and death.

Obviously, this is the end of the universe.

And three thousand rows of footprints are divided into one channel connection.

"Let me create a passage belonging to me."

Zhang Bin muttered in his mouth, he and five laws have gone.

Their hand detects simultaneously, is in the darkness of the dark as ink.

Then they broke out the rays in their hands, and their rules were also starting to condense.

Bang bang bumps ...

The voice of the horrible sound is shocked.

Six channels are also slowly formed, extended from far away, extends.

Soon, it extends to the rule of the gods.

This is the world of the law, which contains three thousand councils.

Each occupies a very wide area.

When Zhang Bin created six rules of the channel extended, it was connected to the law.

The law is crazy, and the light is scrape, the sound is also a shock.

The region of the law began to expand rapidly.

Judging, killing pigs, raising chicken, crushing, resisting, the soul law is also rapidly forming the rules, there have been six huge areas, and the regional chambers of the three thousand Avenues ...

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