The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4242 is to take the trial rule

Six new rules are formed in the law in the sea, and the color light is blaming, and the heavens and earth are shaking.

The gods, the beast god community is constantly changing.

The sky is rumored, and the sound is also ringing in the void, and it is endless.

Six colors spread from the void, singing dance, looks beautiful, light monster.

The sixth rules are also condensed in the void.

Then, the area of ​​the gods and beasts is quickly expanded quickly, the dark area of ​​the edge is rapid.

As if there is a giant hand to tear the darkness.

This momentum is really too horrible.

At this moment, all the gods and beasts in the gods of the gods were all thoroughly, and the face was full of colors.

God, the rule of the sea changed? How many ways?

At the same time, there are six real gods to grow up? Is it from the source universe?

Countless horrible knowledge and eyes are projected, bringing together at sea.

I want to see the appearance of six real gods.

However, today's law is not the last rule of the sea, there is a lot of expansion.

And there are more than six rules.

Even if they are powerful, but they still look at the sea, especially the six laws of the sea.

But they know that from today, the gods and beasts will have a huge change.

"It's amazing ..."

Zhang Bin is still standing in front of the passage, looking at the law of the law with the shocking gaze.

Then he felt that six shares were extremely kind, but they were transferred from the law.

He can't help but accept five laws and walked over step by step.

Slowly, he walked into the area that belonging to the trial of trial.

Then he found that the trial law in this area is condensed, but it is a very low-level trial rule.

Even, he felt that the rules here have a big relationship with themselves.

It is because I only master a very low-level trial rule, so it is only possible to give birth to a low-level trial rule.

He can't help but sit on the knee.

Started finely.

Of course, it is in the sense of trial.

His body is also a shining ray, released the field of trial rules.

Suddenly, the magical thing happened.

This trial rule is beginning to park.

A little golden light is also slowly collected in the central area.

Endless majesty is also broke out.

The trial rule quickly aggregated on this golden light.

It took about three hours, the golden spot completely condensed into a golden sentence pen.

Then it is chemically formed into a golden light, incorporating it in the Libra.

Suddenly, the light of the Libra exploded, majestic skyrocket, it seems that it is particularly terrible.

Zhang Bin's heart, the Libra appeared in his hand.

An a-shaped mind is also a brain of Zhang Bin from the Libra, "" Trial the trial rule, trial the heavens and the earth, the trial of the gods, the law is authorized, all between one thing ... "

And Zhang Bin also understood that any law is 45.

Zhang Bin has only only mastered the level 2 trial rule.

He can only grant other gods or secondary trial rules.

And on his current strength, you want to trial the gods, that is, a big joke.

Because many gods have mastered a lot of rules, and it is very advanced, may reach 40 levels, and even some gods have reached 45, which is of course the most powerful thing in the dominance.

And Zhang Bin can deal with the mid-term god in the source of the sources, it seems very good.

However, in the gods, he can only deal with the post of the post.

Because any god goes to the source, the war will reduce it, which is suppressed by heaven.

And Zhang Bin can deal with the late stance, or because he is the true God, the trial rule is very powerful, can deal with the rules of the high level.

"The goddess is really not mixed."

Zhang Bin sighed deeply. He thought that he had nothing to do so, but now I know, I am wrong, I am defeated in the source universe because they can't play all the strength.

However, he is extremely excited and excited.

The more powerful, the more you have a desire to conquer.

If it is too easy to deal with, there is nothing fun.

He is looking forward to one day, cultivating the trial law to level 45, then trial the gods and tried to trial. High tall, in the world.

"It turns out that the law is the shelter of the true God."

Zhang Bin has got a special idea, muttered in his face, and his face has floated a strange smile.

The law is located in the boundaries of the godship and the beast, accounting for a wide area.

Any true god, if it is chased by God, if it is a region that can enter the rule of the law, it is incomparably safe, any strong enemy, even the master is also very difficult to kill.

Because in this area, you are dominated, master everything.

The rules that can be manipulated here, eruptions are incomparably terrible.

And this is the reason why God came to the gods, and it is difficult for other gods.

After all, the real god came to the gods. First, it is to enter the law, the rule of the sea, can control the rules, go to any place in the regular sea, and then secretly lur out.

You can change your face at any time, not being hampled by God.

Because there is a certain rule, other gods, even the even estimate is also unfair.

Therefore, it is more difficult to fall.

However, the plum deer is telling Zhang Bin, and it is also possible to fall.

Once the fall, although the law will not collapse, but the permissions will fall into the other God, then who is the day, who is deeper than the understanding of this law.

Therefore, there is also a fight between true gods, war.

Even, there are countless era, the real God is also a lot of false, but it is a new real god.

So, regardless of the real God how to replace, the three thousand laws of the law will always be forever.

Now, of course, it turns into 3006 laws.

Of course, after some true gods, it will be resurrected again, and even God once again killed the enemy again and retained the permissions.

Therefore, the gods and beasts are not a peaceful and one, but there is a great danger.

Not only because of the competition, it is not only the battle of the gods and beasts, but also exploring the new world, sometimes it will come to treasure, naturally bring killing.

Yes, the dark world around the gods and beasts is called Hu Hongmeng.


Zhang Bin shouted, and suddenly the trial rule set out a special passage, and the pen passed through many rules, and entered the definition of the Kill Flat.

He is coming to kill the swing rule permission!

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