The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4243 Cohesion Internal Law

And in other laws, Zhang Bin also has a magical discovery, that is, other laws are extravagant, which is wide than his trial rules. Moreover, other rules are very advanced, basically reached the highest realm, 45.

That is to say, other things, basically have cultivated the rules to the extreme.

Their realm is absolutely reached a great place.

As for whether it is a creation of God, then I don't dare to assert.

After all, Creative God must master three thousand avenues.

This is a difficult thing.

Any true God is impossible to pay all the true God.

What's more, three thousand true gods, half of them in the god, and the other half is in the beast.

And these two worlds are hostile.

Also, the gods are also divided into two camps, dark attributes of the devil, and the fairy god of bright attributes.

They mutually authorize the rules, it is impossible.

However, even if it is not a creation of God, even a big god emperor, it is also very powerful.

Although Zhang Bin has made six kinds of roads, the current realm is too low, the law is too low, he can't be their opponent, it can be said that the current Zhang Bin is a matter of them, it is really a Ants. However, it is an infinite antique, as long as Zhang Bin also cultivates them to let them the same realm, you can rush them.

After all, any true God is only good at a rule, and the rest of the law is authorized, but it is impossible to authorize the most advanced rules, and it is already very disappeared at level 40.

However, Zhang Bin himself can cultivate six laws to level 45.

What is the terrible?

Soon, Zhang Bin went to the area of ​​killing pigs.

If he made the law, he obtained the authority of the Kill Pig Cause.

His killing knife also has a singular change.

It is a pity that he only cultivates the killing of the pig to the first level, too low.

Therefore, there is no combat force in the god.

Next, Zhang Bin has also went to several other rules, gaining permissions.

This is the recognition of Hongmeng, he is this six kinds of creation.

Six laws only he can manipulate.

Of course, he can authorize it.

If it is authorized, you want to reclaim the permissions. Then you have to pay a huge price.

It is basically a period of time that it cannot be manipulated.

Time is also a long short.

It belongs to your own rule that cannot be manipulated, and the combat power will naturally be reduced.

Moreover, it is not possible to enter the following method of the law.

That is in an extremely dangerous situation.

After all, people who are dismissed will immediately promote this secret. The enemy of the real God will naturally do not hesitate.

Therefore, once a traitor has, it is basically unlocated to be authorized, but it will find a way to kill each other. The authorization is also equal to the collection.

So, in the gods, it is not a heartbeat, and the hurricane is very common.

However, God is God, as long as a law is also grasped, their soul is still resurrected, but it needs to be swallowed with massive energy.

If there is no energy, it is very difficult to resurrect.

Therefore, the Lord of Jin Yi and the magic sound is so incapacitated in the source of the universe.

Zhang Bin found that the law is three-dimensional and huge.

The underground is land.

The rock is hard, but the soil is God.

"I should be going……"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

However, he didn't go out immediately.

He sits on the knee and thinks fine.

Do a plan.

"It is still condensed to belong to its own internal law."

I thought half a day, Zhang Bin muttered.

He began working hard.

And his attention is also a mysterious area that concentrates on his own mind.

This is a region without sea water.

Exudes a strange breath.

"French condense ..."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

Suddenly, there are six rules that condense in this area.

The shape of this law is almost the same as this law.

But the size of the scale is of course no way to match.

However, this is the formation of the sea, and Zhang Bin felt that his law had a mysterious link in the sea and the rush of Hungong, as if there were six invisible channels, and the law of the sea and Hongmeng's law Link.

His mind can move, you can use these six rules from the Rule of Hongmeng.

Thus explosing a more considerable force.

And Zhang Bin knows that if it is in the future, it will cultivate it to level 45, and that channel will be disconnected.

I am strong enough to fight against Hong Kong law.

If it takes more than 3,000 kinds of rules in the sea in his law, it has reached 40 or more, that is, the god of the world, his body is a Hongmeng. It is much more advanced than in the universe.

"Timing rule agglomerated ..."

Zhang Bin thought about it and shouted again.

Suddenly, his internal law will begin to condense the timing rule, and an invisible channel is also connected to the rush of the Hongmeng.

It is a pity that he can only call the first-level timing.

This is not to get certain permissions. After all, Zhang Bin fused time gods, which may be permission to get a few of the specific rules, but because Zhang Bin's compre between time laws.

He needs a lot of time to practice and feel.

In fact, Zhang Bin can also condense the jade law and wither the rules in the sea, and then the law is also established with the law of Hongmeng.

But he dare not do this.

Because of this, the gymnastics and jade gods must be able to induce him.

But but I don't know that they are enemy or friends.

However, time is really a dance, she is Master Zhang Bin, that is absolutely impossible to be an enemy.

Moreover, Zhang Bin also expected that he has established such a channel, and the dance rhyme may contact him.

Then he has to grow up.

Otherwise, it is very difficult.

Zhang Bin waited for a moment, and there was still no movement.

He is a little frustrating.

Obviously, the time really did not find him.

There may be two reasons.

One is that time, I realizes a lot of gods, giving a lot of gods, they may fell gods at any time to get the timing rights.

Another one is what problems like time.

For example, she is hurt, or closes, and may even miss.

There is no way to pay attention to Zhang Bin.

"The rule sea, send me to go ..."

Zhang Bin suddenly shouted.

Suddenly, Zhang Bin's foot appeared in a transmission array.

I saw the white light flash, Zhang Bin didn't come.

This is a terrorist ability to protect my true God.

Can send true God to a secret place.

Not found by any God.

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