The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4246 Temple

Jiang Qingqing took Zhang Bin to go out and moved to the temple.

The temple is located in the village.

It looks glory.

On the way, Zhang Bin has seen many medicine governments, which cultivates many gods, most of the fruits are not mature, but there are also many mature, exudes a rich aroma.

Zhang Bin secretly pulpted water, and he can't wait to pick a few eaten.

Because he looks at these fruits is very advanced, it is far from the god fruit that he got in the source housing can match.

"Although these gods are our cultivated, they are not belonging to us."

Jiang Qingqing said a little stunned. "The pharmacies here are the city of Tianhua City. We are he hired ..."

Obviously, she saw Zhang Bin's heart thinking.

"Do we can't cultivate fruit trees?"

Zhang Bin said.

"Nurturing fruit trees requires land, you need Shenquan, and you need numerous saplings, which we don't have."

Jiang Qingqing said, "Moreover, there is no strength, cultivation of fruit trees, that is, give people a marry."

After a meal, she pointed to a military camp nearby, saying faintly: "They are all private soldiers of the city, they are very strong, they have mastered the sharp rules, the golden law, the killing, the fight is extremely horrible, deal with us like this Good at the little god of cultivating fruit trees, it is not too easy. "

"How can this be? Isn't your ancestors really God?"

Zhang Bin is very confused.

"We are the blood of the blood, and the talent is not good. It is the bottom of the gods. In the gods, strength is respect, no strength, no talent, good, good, we are ginger, genius, Living in the sixth floor and seven layers of the gods, it will get a ancestor shelter. "Jiang Qingqing said.

"It turns out."

Zhang Bin nodded, he finally understood, the rules, strengths and talents of the gods were respectful.

Although Jiang Qingqing's ancestors, although it is a wooden system, because she is a strip, there is no good talent, can only live in the bottom of the god, and is exploited by other gods.

She must be very unwilling.

But it is only possible.

Soon, Jiang Qingqing took Zhang Bin into the temple.

Then Zhang Bin saw that there was a hundred gods in the temple.


Qing smoke.

And one of the gods is the real god of the wood.

Jiang Qingqing pulled Zhang Bin to the front of the wood system, she smashed the sound and said: "If it is a worship, there is no hundred years, it is not possible to get the rules permission. However, there is a blood of the trend in the body, use My blood came to pray and worship, but I can get privileges soon. However, it is the lowest authority, you work hard, you can only master the five-level wooden rule. "

"Is it easy?"

Zhang Bin's face floated on the face, even if you could only master the five-level law, it was very good.

And he wants to cultivate to five laws, but it is a long time.

However, Zhang Bin is a little worried about leaking his secret.

So, he asked: "If you get permissions, if you have a good job, you know how everything is, if you can feel at any time, if my talent is good, add my god, add my god. Will he improve my permissions? "

"You think more." Jiang Qingqing said, "Get the law permission, that is, in your internal law, the sea is condensed out of the rule of the law, then constitute the channel with Hongmeng Fa, constitute the purpose of the channel, not let you call Hongmong Fa-ruin The law, but let you learn and feel. Because there is a senior rule ... As for your situation, the wood is not careless, and it will not pay attention to it. And to get more advanced privileges, you need to work hard. By worship and pray, it also requires a certain amount of promotion, and it is realized by the idiots. "

"Then why only this is only such a little statue? Is there all?"

Zhang Bin asked in confused.

"The statue needs very special materials to refine, it is difficult to get. Moreover, it is necessary to obtain the law to authorize, and it is necessary to have a heterogeneous, not to mention that the beast god will not give human authority, so the most human temple There is only one thousand and five of the gods. We have a hundred gods here are already good. "Jiang Qingqing said.

"I must find a way to get the material of the refining god, first refine a few idiots, sneak in some temples, then you can get the power of faith, let your law grow. Of course, I must also work hard. Decorative refining, even to get precious genius, including God fruit and Dan. "Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

He is bright in his heart, only you will refine your own statue, other God will refine according to law.

His God can also appear among the gods of the gods.

Jiang Qingqing pulled Zhang Bin to kneel down in front of the real God of the wood.

She took a drop of blood, dripping in the palm of the real god of the wood.

Suddenly, the magical thing happened.

The eyes of the god opened, and looked at Jiang Qingqing and Zhang Bin.

"Old ancestors, he is called bow, is my good friend, please grant his low level of authority ..."

Jiang Qingqing said respectfully.

Her voice just fell, this god broke the green light. Illustrated in Zhang Bin's body.

"You tried to understand the wood rule, build it in your internal law ..."

Jiang Qingqing said.

Zhang Bin horses do this.

It is really amazing, his internal law changes in the sea.

Wooden law with first level began to condense.

When the green light dissipates, his internal law has a wooden rule, and it is an invisible passage with the law of Hongmeng, and Zhang Bin's knowledge can pass, and then you can pay attention to Hongmeng's wooden law area.

And Zhang Bin is also equal to Master a law, that is, the wood rule.

However, Zhang Bin is found that his body and soul are also blended with some wooden road rules, but there is not much.

Obviously, this is only given to a permission, and if you want to thoroughly master the first-class wood rule, you need to work hard.

"Thank you for the ancestor."

Jiang Qingqing said grateful.

Then she took Zhang Bin and walked outward.

"Do I want to worship the gratitude, so I get the right to get that law?"

Zhang Bin asked some greedy.

"That's very difficult." Jiang Qingqing said, "I still have a friend who will make some realist descendants, let them guide you, that is fast. And, true God is also looking forward to this, because this is also a kind of welfare for oneself. "

"Then do you not worship and pray?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"We are all worshiped and prayed once in January." Jiang Qingqing said, "The special incense is very expensive, you must work hard, in order to change some prayers."

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