The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4247 Human pole short

Jiangjia Village, medicine garden.

Zhang Bin and Jiang Qingqing are cultivating gods.

In fact, it is to give several very precious trees to show the time and the road of wood.

Zhang Bin's body burst into white light and built a time field.

And Jiang Qingqing's body is also an explosion of green rays, which constitutes a field of wood attributes.

Cage in a few small saplings.

Suddenly, the magical thing happened that the speed of small saplings visible with the naked eye is growing and growing.

After using it for about half an hour, several small saplings have grown up to the thick legs, and start flowering.

And Zhang Bin is not supported, that is a butt, sitting on the ground, and the field of the rules that he issued is also completely collapsed.

However, Jiang Qingqing is much more than Zhang Bin.

She continued to make a wood rule, and the god tree continued to develop, but the speed is slow and terrible.

You know, the year of the gods is an era of the source of the antern.

The world is naturally long.

And the god tree is basically a year.

If it is a time and wood attribute law, it can be more familiar for more than a year.

This is also a skill that masters the gods of the wood law and the time law.

Zhang Bin sat on the ground and overlooking the horizon.

The face is full of calm.

As if he is very satisfied with the current life.

He has been here for ten days.

Therefore, there is a new understanding for the gods.

The gods and the source are different.

God of the god, especially the low-level god, although living in the bottom of society, but is more secure.

Don't worry about life.

God is unsteady, even the weakest butt, as long as a law can be mastered, you can do it.

And the little godd, as long as you have a skill, you can raise your family, you can live a leisurely.

For example, the villagers of Jiangjia Village, most of them are the descendants of the real God of Wood, they have mastered the secret law of cultivating the medicine, although because of very weak, cultivation of the gods is very low, but still find the job, being hired by the city .

Many of these villagers have cultivated godbs of tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years.

This is a long time.

They have been able to live, they are so humble, but they are also active, basically will not encounter death hazards.

If you have the little gods and buttons that master the law, you can refine artifacts, you can also support your family.

The rule of the rule is refining.

The fire rule is also a refining magic.

Master the killing rule, then you can make your guards and even participate in the army.

Three thousand laws have corresponding work.

And to make a qualified god of cultivating the gods, it is not simple.

It is necessary to master a variety of rules, wood rules, earth rules, jade rules, stone rules, water laws, ice making, rising rules, death law, and even master the time and space law.

Death rules, of course, used to insecticides and kill weeds.

But the first floor of the gods, such almighty gods are almost no.

Therefore, the villagers in Jiangjia Village are all mastered one or two rules, and they will bring together the cultivation of the medicine.

Jiang Jiacun is a villager who lacks the time law.

Although there are several, the level is not high, and the number is too small, only some top gods can only be cultivated.

Jiang Qingqing has finally can't support it.

The field of wood rules she show is also completely crashing.

She is also sitting by Zhang Bin, and I will breathe.

"Waiting for us to cultivate seven-color god fruit in advance, we must get rewards."

Jiang Qingqing is looking forward to saying, "Maybe award a grain of thick base. If you take it, your foundation will play better, breakthroughs will become easy."


Zhang Bin's face floated the singular expression, "Doesn't there to get such a medicinal medicine?"

"Houji Dan is precious, it is a more than a thousand precious gods, and one is worth 1 million people, and our annual salary is only about 20,000 gods." Jiang Qingqing said.

"So precious?"

Zhang Bin's brow is deeply awkward.

Today, he knows that Jiang Jiacun is very large, but it has only dozens of cultivation of the kind of medicine. And precious gods less than half. This is enough to make more than a thousand precious gods, it is too difficult.

What's more, it is very difficult to cultivate precious gods in the gods.

The first thing is to cultivate the godding, this place must be rich in land, and there must be natural Shenquan.

This place is very rare.

And it is basically the master.

Of course, you can buy it. But it takes too many gods. And there is a need for a certain background and origin.

Powerful strength is also the foundation.

Therefore, there is no nuances that have been accumulated for years, and it is extremely difficult to get the land of cultivation of gods.

In the god, the big family is more burger, all are the descendants of true God.

They take good land for a good land.

Of course, it is also possible to cultivate a godding in the space container.

God soil is also easy to get.

However, the space container is no Shenquan.

You can only buy Shenquan from time to time, it takes too much wealth.

Of course, it is also possible to cultivate with God.

However, the god of the gods is a lot, but you want to gain God, but it is very difficult.

Unless the horror of the gods and beasts broke out.

Therefore, cultivation of godbs in the gods will not cultivate in space containers.

"We have to cultivate seven-color god fruit, how long does it take?"

Zhang Bin looked at these seven-color gods and asked.

"If we use three laws every day, it is estimated that you can mature every year."

Jiang Qingqing said excitedly, "If we have progress in our cultivation, then it can be advanced."

Zhang Bin is thoroughly speechless, long-year? That is 10,000 era.

Although the time the time is very special, the year and the Earth are almost the same year.

But thousands of years, it is not willing to wait.

It seems that it is not suitable for yourself, you still have to leave as soon as possible.

"The seven-color god fruit is a very precious godphadia, which can be mature once, so after our cultivation, shortening to 10,000 years, it is already very fast." Jiang Qingqing said, "In fact, the time is very fast, a shake I have passed. "

Obviously, she also saw Zhang Bin's heart thinking.

"Is there a good place for treasure hunt?"

Zhang Bin asked.

He thinks to go, you have to rise rapidly in the gods, or you must first get huge wealth.

If you make money by working, it is impossible.

"Treasure Hunt?"

Jiang Qingqing looked at Zhang Bin like a fool. "The gods, even the first floor, there are many places, producing a lot of magical treasures, great value. But, such a place, too dangerous, not suitable for you "

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