The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4252 Zhang Bin Zhuang

"Ah, whispering, escape ..."

Zhang San shouted very fearless.

"I can't escape, they can fly, the speed is not that we can match."

Li Si is the goddess, but it is very calm. She shouted. "We can only serve, but there are not too many quantities."

"Killing ..."

They both crazy shouted, and they burst into a bright aperture, and they became a rule of field, and they danced with a long sword, and they had a bright aperture, and the countless blood wings were together.



The blood wings are very powerful, and the defense is very strong.

Flying by the sword, but did not die, dropped on the ground, soon flew up again and continued to attack.

Moreover, in their mouths, they are sprayed, which is a horrible high toxic. It has become bleak in the invasion of the drama in the field.

Zhang Sanhe Li Si's face has floated the color of the desperation, because he found that the blood wings were too much, but also continued to fly, it is not that they can deal with.

" ..."

There are also a lot of blood wings to fly to Zhang Bin, you have to eat Zhang Bin.

"court death……"

Zhang Bin is anger, his hand, there is a sharp sword.

Dancing crazy, of course, he also released the rules of the self å.

Of course, time, space, jade, wither, wood rule field.

And countless blood wings together.

He was surprised to find that even if he himself, there is no ability to kill, even a whimfing.

After all, their body is too hard, and the defense ability is too terrible.

Instead, he himself, in jeopardy, not too long.


Zhang Bin shouted, and his forehead has a thousand eyes.

The red rays that burst into shot, and the shackles of all the blood wings were swarmed.



The soul attack can be said to be one of Zhang Bin's most powerful.

He has created 6 kinds of avenues, the soul blended six new world rules, plus Zhang Bin's adventure too much, so his soul is also very powerful.

He is worried about exposure, which is suspected to be Zhang Bin, so he did not dare to show six rules.

However, it is difficult to suspect that it is difficult to use the soul attack.

After all, the soul attack is impossible to expose him to the six ways.

It can be said that it is a talent, but it can be said that it has gone a adventure and let his soul super powerful.

Seeing the soul attack effective, Zhang Bin's heart is big, he continues to shoot the soul attack.

In an instant, you can kill more than a thousand blood wings.

He seems to have a hot weapon, and one thousand bombs can be shot in an instant.

Only listening to the sound continuously sounded continuously.

The blood wings were rapidly dropped, as in the snow met hot water, rapidly melted.

It is worthless.

Just a dozen breathing time, Zhang Bin didn't kill hundreds of thousands of whishes.

On the ground is a full place.


Zhang Bin continued to attack, and the blood wings surrounded by Zhang San and Li Si were also thoroughly killed.

And this deep hole is also flying out.

Even some are that the wolf fled back, and they didn't dare to come out.

"My God, Xiao Wang is too powerful?"

It was also a bit of a bit of Zhang Bin, Zhang San and Li Si, were completely stupid. The eyes were sluggish, and I can't say it for a long time.

"Is these fun values?"

Zhang Bin looked at the bodies on the ground and asked.

"There is, you can refine the medicinal medicine, there is a big use for those who practice the poison law, about a gods. These are all killed, the body is intact, maybe the price is higher." Zhang Sanqing woke up, excitedly, "Wang Ge, you make a fortune."

"Wang Ge, you are amazing, your soul is so powerful."

Li Si also walked with a beautiful fragrance, looked at Zhang Bin with a hot eyes, and said.

"Since we are working with treasure hunt, of course, it is."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

He has seen a big scene, and there are many gods, but it does not buy a medicinal medicine.

He doesn't place it in your eyes.

However, now he has finally got some gods.

If you work for Jiang Qingqing, one thousand and five cities a month, it takes a few hundred years to earn.

Sure enough, the treasure is the best way to get wealth.

"We teamed up with treasure, who killed the monsters of the worms, and the beads found. These blood wings are all killed, how can we want?"

Zhang San finished, and Li Si, rapidly got a lot of blood wings, and gave Zhang Bin in a lot.

Zhang Bin also did not have a resignation. If he is not him, they must fall.

And these is also his trophy.

He proposed a score, just want to test it, the gods of their two gods.

It is basically satisfactory now.

"We continue to depart, this time, we have to be more far from each other."

Zhang Bin said seriously.

From this time, he became the leader of this temporary team.

This is obtained with powerful strength.


The two god promisely promised.

They continue deep, but they are extraordinary.

"Don't worry too much, if you encounter insects, you can also sell money."

Zhang Bin rushed away from the front of Zhang San.


Zhang San has promised and accelerates the footsteps.

His experience is very rich, and the eyes are also sharp, and it can be seen that there is dangerous, where it is safe. Even, he can also see where there is a bead.

He walked, and he said his treasure hunt experience. "I have a treasure hunt in the Tiangle Mountain, but there is no danger that has encountered today, because the cave collapsed is generally, will not Too big, but this time is too wide, it is not a way to escape ... I have to find the beads. The most important thing is to find the place where I have not been excavated, and then I have to find it from this place. The mineral pulse of the beads. Judging there is no minery ... "

After three days and three nights, they have been more deeper.

Heavy grants are more horrible.

It is a long black sand everywhere, rarely seen the rock.

Simiming the desert of all years.

It is extremely difficult to find the mine pulse of the beads.

If there is no experience of treasure hunt, even Zhang Bin, it is estimated that it can only enter the Bibao.

"Do you see it? The front is a Sha Mountain. It is relatively large. It is more ancient atmosphere. Describe the underground rock support, although there is no mine, but it is a relatively safe place, it is also worthy of detaining Zhang Sanxi said.

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