Zhang San first went to the sand dune, and he felt hard to fade.

And I still walk a few turns.

He joys: "Okay, you can come over, here is a safe place, the following must be rock, the worm is not there."

Zhang Bin and Li Si have walked over, and their faces also have a look forward to the color.

"I dive down, check out."

Zhang San did not master the jade rules, but he had experience, and he mastered the gold law, and it was also able to quickly dig, and the exploration of the mine was very suitable, so he said.

He was posting a special convulsion in his body and dive.

Zhang Bin and Li Si stood on the sand dunes and warned.

"Li Sister, when did you know?"

Zhang Bin asked.

He is trying to try their truly relationship.

After all, so far, Zhang Bin still didn't see that both of them were lovers.

And both, have a rich experience in treasure hunt and dealing with danger.

He hopes to cooperate well for a period of time.

Instead of huting angle.

So, he can get a good benefit, even more experienced experience.

If you have a good cooperation, you can continue to cooperate in the future.

"I have known him for a few hundred years, but it is not too much opportunity to cooperate for treasure hunt."

Li Si said, "This time, I am thinking about the Tiangle with him. This time, if we can find a lot of beads, you can sell a good price, because that The big main market is willing to use 1200 gods to acquire the beads, how much is it. If you find the king-level Tianshu, then he is willing to go to a acquisition of 10,000 gods. "

This Bin understood that both of them were not a couple, just join hands to treasure hunt.

Then Zhang Bin asked in confusion: "Is there no bead on the market?"

"The bee is there, but it is almost no king-level Tianshu. The big contact is mainly wanting to get the king-level Tianshu, which has released such a task in the Adventure Congress. My level is relatively high, I can first Receive this task. "

Li Si smiled and explained like a flower.

Obviously, Zhang Bin conquered her with strength.

Almost there is a question.

After about an hour, Zhang San took out from the distance from thousands of meters, his face floated, excitedly: "This is a good luck, soon, it must be a storm, put it here. The sand is open, revealing this dune, which is indeed rock, and there is a large mine and ten small mine veins. "

"That's great."

Zhang Bin and Li Si's face have also floated a strong surprise.

Not only because of the mine veins, but also because it is a safe place.

Then even have a big storm, don't worry, you can sneak into the rock, regardless of how terrible storm is terrible, and you don't think about them.

"let us start……"

Zhang San did not delay. He took a space container, enlarged, and started to quickly advance the space container on the sand dune.

Obviously, he wants to open the sand and open it.

"We can hide and make up."

Zhang Bin asked some questions.

"I have a dangerous to explore it." Li Siped first replied, "Because I can't dig it to the cave of the worm, there is no way to escape. And, you can make the rock will collapse below, maybe the rock will collapse, then It will be pressed into meat sauce. After all, the rock here is very easy to collapse. "

"It turns out."

Zhang Bin nodded, he did not oppose it.

Also start moving sand.

It is also a collection of space containers.

They are very powerful, the speed is also very fast.

Just half a day, the sand on the sand dunes did not see.

Instead, it is rock.

It's like a dark, occasionally red in bloom.

Zhang San took out the hoe and the hammer and the iron shovel. Of course, it is a artifact, very hard, specifically used to dig treasure.

Hey ...

Zhang San danced the hammer, showing the law, and crazy.

I have sent an incomparable horror.

The rock has a fine crack.

Zhang Bin and Li Si are in the hoe to make the shovel hard to excavate, and the gravel excavated is collected in the space container.

About the five meters distance.

The mine pulse is exposed.

The blue light is also taken.

Because the black is dark, there is a crystal blue beads inlaid.

"It's so beautiful."

Zhang Bin and Li Si made a surprise voice.

"Be careful, if the bearer is broken, it is not worth money."

Zhang San threw the hammer, took out the dagger, and started a grain to dig the beads, throw it in an early iron bucket.

Zhang Bin and Li Si are also like a law.

At this moment, they all have the joy of harvest.

You know, any of the beads is worth a thousand gods.

Two capsules are equal to a lot of gods a month's salary.

And here is a large bead mine vein, which may dig tens of thousands, and even more than ten thousand.

Zhang Bin took out the dagger is to destroy the god, and it is of course a sharp rhite.

Of course, he secretly changed the shape of the throne. It is different from before. Worried about what flaws left, and it was found to be true.

Cutting rocks is like cutting tofu. Therefore, excavating the beads is also extra fast.

Zhang San used a jealous eyeliner glanced at Zhang Bin. It is obviously a jealous of Zhang Bin.

Also, the soul is so powerful, but also has such a sharp artifact, although the realm is low, but it is very unhorse.

As for Li Si, it is done without seeing, continue to hit the beads.

Since Zhang Bin showed strength, she saved her life, she no longer guarded Zhang Bin.

"What is the Wang-level Tiarow?"

Zhang Bin found that these beads only had a big boating bead, and it feels that this is a very ordinary bead, and asked curiously.

You must know that ordinary beads are only worth a thousand gods, but the king-level bead is worth 10,000 gods.

The difference is huge.

Therefore, he still looks forward to finding the king-level mine pulse.

"The king-level bezhi is not simple, there is a baby's fist, in general, a large mine, can only dig the hundred king-level beads. Even one is not. This time I can dig, just I have to look at luck. "

Zhang San replied.

They continued to dig hard and dig the beece.

Ten days and ten nights also tapped out of the large mine veins and small mine veins.

Get 100,000 ordinary beads, ninety king-level beads.

A value of about 130 million gin.

This is a huge gain.

Each person can get about 4 million gods.

Zhang Bin wanted to buy the Tan medicine of Houji, and the auxiliary enlightenment, basically there was no problem.

Therefore, Zhang Bin is very happy.

"We will divide the beads and continue to treasure hunt."

Zhang San said.

"I disagree."

A molan voice sounded, five treasures turned out from another sand dune, they all used a hot eye to look at the beads of the mountains, and their faces were filled with greed.

Zhang Bin's face has become very difficult, they know, today is troublesome.

Such a huge wealth, can the other party not red?

The five gods came over with a huge momentum. He said excitedly: "This time, good, good, good. Soon after entering, I got so many beads."

"Hahaha ..."

The remaining four gods are also excited to laugh.

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