They are totally regarding these beads as their own.

Not in the eyes of Zhang Bin three gods.

Also, Zhang Sanhe Li Si only cultivated to the late childhood. Zhang Bin seems to only cultivate into the beginning of the god.

And their five gods are very powerful, and any one is cultivated to the latter day, and it is also cultivated to the peak of the little god.

According to the truth, it is one of the people, and it is also possible to deal with Zhang Bin.

Moreover, there is more.

Zhang Bin has a nose, and these beads are their hard work for ten days. They have been in the road, they have encountered the horrible crisis. I almost didn't fall into the deep pit, almost did not be given by finished pits. eat.

But now, a group of sick wolves is now to grab their treasures.

"You can go. You don't want your life on your own treasure of your treasure."

The god of the head is in the unquestionable tone.

"let's go……"

Zhang San knows that it is impressed, but the heart is on the blood, but he said Zhang Bin and Li Si.

If you don't go, the life can't keep it.

Zhang Bin has secretly admired that Zhang Sanrui is the old rivers and lakes, so huge wealth, say abandonment.

However, Zhang Bin did not leave, he looked at each other and said faintly: "You really want to win our beads? Don't think about it?"

"Good bile."

The god headed is a great anger. He has an ax in his hand, and it is crazy and anx will go to Zhang Bin.


Suddenly the sound is screaming.

The space is solidified, and the time is also stopped.

Let Zhang Bin have no possibilities to escape and avoid.

"Hahaha ..."

The four gods were issued a laughter. They seem to have seen Zhang Bin's bloody scene that was smashed into the ground.

"Lao Wang ..."

Zhang San and Li Si were very shocked, but they had no way to rescue. They can only look at Zhang Bin in the crisis, because the other laws have long been spread, and they have brought them.

Their movements become slow.

Seeing Zhang Bin's tragedy.

Zhang Bin's mouth opened, killing, killing, has become a white light.

The speed is too fast.

In an instant, the other party's rules are desired.

The forehead shot on the other party.


The horrible voice sounded, and the god alpha was as broken as tofu.

In his head, wear it from the back of the back.

With a bloody blood.


The scream of screaming, but it is abrupt.

This guy is on the ground, and it has become a body.

His soul was killed by horrible destruction.

There is no vitality.

The four gods were filled with fear, and they continued to retreat continuously.

And Zhang Sanhe Li Si is also thoroughly shocked, watching Zhang Bin like the monster.

At this time, they only knew that Zhang Bin's artifact was more than they estimate.

Such treasures are definitely the kingdom artifact.

"Quick escape ..."

The four gods were scared to have bitter, turned and fled, and the speed was very fast.

However, how Zhang Bin may let them go.

His mind is always moving, and the gods will become a cold light, take it.

I passed from their head.

Ah, ah, ah ...

The four screams sounded, they all fell to the ground.

It's not moving, it has become a body.

Just kidding, they are just a small state of the gods, and the gods headed low.

Where can I resist the attack of the royal artifact such as a god?

"God, it's all killed? This is a killing."

Zhang San and Li Siyi's shock, that is, it is, it is not good for half a day.

In such a place to kill god, although there is no need to avoid anything.

However, it is also possible to get trouble.

After all, they are God, it is impossible to fall.

They can still be revised through the soul.

If they are very rich, they are arranged in a resurrection place.

That can even be resurrected immediately, the other party will naturally come to see revenge.

However, Zhang Bin can't be afraid.

He is the trial of the god, and the trial rule is to be tried. For such gods, he directly sentenced the other party's death penalty.

He walked in the past, search for their body, and found their space containers.

It also collected their artifacts.

Then the secret law, the imprint of the soul inside is destroyed.

Zhang San and Li Si are also coming over to help.

The wealth of the five people is not a lot, and most of them may have a bank, this is no way to get it.

However, they also have some gold coins, medicinal herbs and gods with some silver tickets.

Add up, it is also a look worth 3 tens of thousands of gods.

It is a lot of wealth.

Zhang Sanhe Li Si did not dare to pay these wealth, all returned to Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin released the flame and wanted to burn their bodies.

"and many more."

Zhang San said, "These autopsies are useful, you can attract a lot of insects, if you kill the worm, you can exchange a huge wealth."

"This method is good."

Zhang Bin and Li Si's eyes lit up.

So, they first divided the beads first.

Then Zhang San took the road and found a deep cave and put a body nearby.

Sure enough, a lot of gum wings and other insects.

They are crazy to bite the body and eat in Meizi.

Waiting for a lot of worms, the body is also eating almost.

Zhang Bin rushed over, showing soul attack, shot on the worm.

Suddenly, the worms have dropped, and the large blocks died.

"Good soul attack ... absolutely can be greatly satisfactory than the small god ..."

Zhang San and Li Si look at the shocking eyes, it is amazing.

There is a new understanding of the strength of Zhang Bin.

In this way, they have attracted many insects with five bodies.

Then Zhang Bin will kill it.

Get about two million insects. A value of two million gods.

Zhang San and Li Si also do not do this part of the benefits.

Anyway, in the process of treasure hunt, it will lead to the murder to kill, and don't spend any time.

And on their strength, there is no way to kill so many worms.

Zhang Bin is also a peaceful, if he is not him, the bead is robbed, and where can they get so many beads?

They continue to look for the bezora veins.

After three months, it was founded in a mine pulse, and it took out about 50,000 days of beads, including ten king-level beads, worth about 6,000 gods.

Zhang San was closely looked at the sky, said seriously: "We can go out, may soon there will be a horrible storm."

Zhang Bin naturally did not oppose it. He also queried each other and how to judge the storm.

With this experience, the next time he can enter it alone.

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