Even Zhang Bin is very interested in the central area of ​​the Temple Mountain.

Three people say that the central area has never duel.

After all, the more deep, the greater the gravity, the collapse is also more likely to occur.

Moreover, the worms are also strong.

Plus a storm in the past half.

I can break into the center of the center, it is too rare.

Anyway, he has never heard of it.

However, such a place, for Zhang Bin, it is very safe.

Moreover, there is no god excavation in the depth, and the beads are willing to be much.

If he can safely enter, you can get huge wealth.

He can be strong faster.


I got out of the beeflake Mountain, Zhang San flew up, and there was no trace in a flash.

Obviously, he is also worried about what is afraid of Zhang Bin to kill him.

On his strength, where is Zhang Bin's opponent?

However, Li Si is not worried.

She looked at Zhang Bin said: "Re-introduction, I am called Li Sha, I hope we can continue to cooperate in the future."

"We are friends in the future."

Zhang Bin also said that it is a smile.

Of course, it is not because the other is beautiful, is a rare beauty, but because the other party has channel sales of heaven.

However, he still did not say the name on his own ID card.

"I have a way to sell your beef and insects."

Li Sha said.

"Then please help."

Zhang Bin said.


They both flying.

The pen go straight to a small city nearby.

Then they passed through the transmission array, transferred to the city.

This city is built in the sea, wide and vast.


It is thoroughly showing the gods of the god.

"Ni Tao City is a first-class city, the adventurers' guild is here ..."

Li Shao took Zhang Bin on the street and introduced it in detail.

"Let's go to the beads and worms ..."

Zhang Bin was slightly eyebrow, and he faintly felt a danger.

The danger is undoubtedly from the goddess from the body.

Here is the other party, if the other party wants to be unfavorable to him, it is very troublesome.

Even if you can kill, you may also disclose your identity.

This is not a good thing.


Li Sha was withdrawn, with Zhang Bin to a particularly large pharmacy.

First, put the insects is all the bodies.

The price really is more than one per increase in the price of rabbits.

Then she took Zhang Bin to the adventurers' guild and put the beads.

The price is approximately two% higher than others.

One of ordinary beads reached 1200 gods.

Therefore, this time Zhang Bin's harvest is huge, reaching the 60 million people.

"I live in this city, come to me, sit down?"

Li Husi is like a look, inviting Zhang Bin.

"I still have something, I will not go."

Zhang Bin did not hesitate to refuse.

After finishing, he flew up, and there was no trace of flashing.

"Good air police."

Li Sha is muttered, and his face has a strange smile. "However, I will know your details sooner or later. If it is the same as I think, huh, ..."

She returned to a beautiful manor in the first time.

Entered a hall.

An old man is sitting on a futon.

When I saw Li Sha, he opened his eyes.

"Grandpa, this time there is a big gain, don't go out to explore the news."

Li Sha said excited.

"Really harvest?"

The old man's face has been surprised.


Li Husi said out this adventure, and she was excited: "His magic is so sharp and horrible, his soul is so powerful, he is so a policeman, it may be the black list people."

"Hahaha ..."

The old man laughed and looked at Li Sha with a very satisfactory gaze.

Since the black list, he analyzed the Lisa to analyze Zhang Bin's hidden.

What is the local treasure hunt?

Finally, they concluded that it was the beeland Mountain. There are many treasures in this place. The danger is not too high. As Zhang Bin's strength, it should be able to find a large amount of beads to exchange resources.

Therefore, Li Sha is going to touch the luck, contact the treasure veteran Zhang San, go to the Tianzhu Mountain Treasure Hunt, of course just periphery, treasure hunt is not a purpose, and the clue to Zhang Bin is the purpose.

"Unfortunately, he is too alarm, selling treasure, nothing, no money, no grinding. And, as long as the silver ticket." Li Shao said, "Even, I suspect if I want to delay a time, he will I will leave. I may even be unfavorable to me. So I can't arrange people to deal with him. Let him escape. However, I left a communication. He may come back to sell a treasure. Even if he will come to a role The Adventure Congress of the City sells the bead. Because I deeply believe that he will continue to go to the Tianzhu Devil God to find Tianshu, on his strength, one person can, there will be no danger, even if you fall into the cave, he can also Kill the worms. You can find a way. "

"Don't leak information. Now I am looking for his god too much." The old man said seriously, "Calculate it carefully, see how long he purchased the cultivation resource consumption, then we go to Tianzhu Mountain Hunting him. "

He is the strength of the late god, and it is not difficult to hunt Zhang Bin.

Of course, it must also be unresolved.

Under the large capital, it is not good to hunt.

Because Once the war, Zhang Bin leaked the identity, countless master bees hunting.

That is nothing to do with them.

"Can we change a way? If you get the authorization of his law first, let us master the rules, after getting his proprietors, we can refine, don't pay it all ..."

Lisha's ambition is very big and excited.

"No, now from the second floor of the god, there are a lot of hunting teams, Chinese gods, big gods, all around, Zhang Bin is so powerful, so it will be found in them. So, we It is necessary to speed up the speed, kill him. Otherwise, it will be cheaper. And, I don't know if Zhang Bin. As long as you kill him, you can know if it. If not, we can save time, continue to find Zhang Bin. "He said.

"Grandpa, you are right." Li Sha said, "However, if we deal with him, it is best to find a way to kill his soul, keep the body, grandfather, you will win, the biggest benefits are the biggest ..."


The eyes of the old man lit up the hot rays, and his face also floated greedy colors.

Zhang Bin's genius has made 6 kinds of roads, and it has been condensed in Hongmeng Fair.

If it is a hurt, he is properly capable, and may even become one of the top giant hormones of the gods and beasts.

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