The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4260, the gods on the gourd wall

The weird is that the top of the gurus mountain is near the entrance, and it is full of insects.

This is a blood-red dragonfly, very high, any length exceeds half of chopsticks.

Their two arms are two blood knives, which exudes a murderous and sharp breath that is incomparable to terror.

These two rules are condensed on their body.

It's too powerful.

In the foot of the gourd mountain, it is a worm, which is full of other kinds of worms, all in the tiger.

It seems that I want to attack.

However, the mountain is too steep, but they do not dare to make an attack.

" ..."

A worms like a bee took the lead in launching an attack, and their wings were crazy, flew up.

The mouth is open, and the poison needle is also explored. It is really scary.

" ..."

The Hulukou shidder shot unparalleled blood red, their wings opened, crazy, two blood knives were crazy.

Suddenly, the poisonous bees will fight with the dragonfly.

... ...

The horrible voice sounded, and the toad, the poisonous bee became a fragment, and it quickly dropped.

Not an opponent at all.

Of course, there is also a poisonous needle, screaming, and then turning into a body.

It was completely poisoned.

"... ..."

, . . .....

Many poisons are also unsweound, and killing.

Unfortunately, the dragonfly is too powerful, they are not opponents.

Soon, you will fall, lose the body of the next place, escape.

"I rely on, will there be such a war between insects?"

Zhang Bin was very surprised. "Is it because there is a treasure in this gourd? If it is true, how precious treasure can so much?"

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin's heart beats.

I came to the goddess for so long, he has not got a good treasure.

Do you have to get it now?

He didn't have any delays, and he was able to control the Ume people to laten there.

Then, be careful to take into a gourd mountain.

The rocks of the gourd mountain are very hard, this is an ink green rock.

So, the slow speed is very slow.

It went deep into the ten meters, then Zhang Bin found that the color of the rock changed, turned into green, looks crystal clear, indicating that there are countless patterns, all of which are some insect patterns.

Take a closer look, there are hundreds of kinds.

It looks lifelike.

The pattern is also very quirky, is a circle, a circle is a pattern of insects.

From the bottom up, it is one hundred laps.

The bottom of the bottom is a very ubiquitous worm, it looks like a cockroach, the mouth is wide, the teeth are sharp, there are 100 pairs of legs, and any legs are like sharp knives, and the body is extraordinarily flexible, can hover, can hover, distortion.

The second circle is a dark golden chopped insect, exudes an indestructible breath.

However, their back is a 9-rhurdenoted poison needle, which seems to be able to shoot at any time.


"God, owner, this above the insects is the first hundred of the Hongmeng Codes, the first name is Hongmeng knife, and the birth is to master the space, time, speed, the poison, defense, gold, front, kill Waiting for the law. This second place is called Hongmeng Gold Beetle, the defense of horror, the nine poisonous needles are also invincible, mastering nearly ten laws ... However, the prior to the first hundred gods in the Hongmeng Coda list, then It is not necessary to meet, not only because of super power, but also because they have spirituality, it is tamed ... "

The rabbit rabbit is in the Internet every day, and many information and information have been mastered.

So, it began to detail the sword on the stone wall.

"Hongmeng Point List?"

Zhang Bin's eyes have grown, "If it caught such a goblio, what is the value?"

"The first one hundred gods in the Lang Swan list is worth the city. It can be sold for 100 billion gin. Because all the characteristics of growth can get the rule privilege, then use the secret law, but It can become exceptionally powerful. It can even achieve the strength of God, such a worm, name is a big monarch. However, even the first song, it is also difficult to cultivate the realm of the creation of the creation. It is because they are hard to get three thousand Avenue rules permissions. "The rabbit said," However, Hong Meng is too rare, it is said that there is no in the gods and beasts, you must go to Hongmeng's dark area to capture As for the market, it is almost no sale. "

"I rely on, you can get the rules permissions?"

Zhang Bin's face has floated the color of the ecstasy, excited to the extreme, because today he has created six kinds of avenues, but they did not dare to grant the rules permission to other gods, and even he licked to Jiang Qingqing. I don't dare, because I will disclose my identity, and I will give Jiang Qingqing to disaster.

Even now he found the Jie Di and Ye Lian, he also did not dare to do this.

Because other gods can see their rules, they will control them and traverse Zhang Bin.

After all, they are authorized by the law, and it is difficult to cover up this rule atmosphere.

And Zhang Bin is different, he is a self-created law, the rule is completely in his hand, he secretly covered, the breath is completely no.

However, if he finds some Hongmeng, of course, it is the top 100.

They can grant them six laws, cultivate them, let them become super powerful.

Then he will be much safe, or it can be said to have some powerful base card.

"Unfortunately, this oasis's worms are more, but there is no one is one hundred in front of the sham. Even if it is a blood knife, it is not." Zhang Bin sighed in his heart.

"The master, the blood knife is also good, I found information, ranked 999."

Rabbit said.


Zhang Bin's eyes are also bright.

However, it will become bleak, 999 are not what is nothing, the number of the previous hundred insects is countless. If the strength, the blood knife is not in the stream.

Inspiring, Zhang Bin is not quizing on this crystal clearing, studying.

He is very curious, why there will be a Hongmeng Point List.

Is this human or heaven and earth?

Soon, he has a big found that this pattern is not a carved, nor is it drawn.

Truth is true

Moreover, this gourd wall, he did not have a way to sneak into it.

"God, this will not be a treasure of Hongmeng? The same is the same as the god pot formed in the source universe?" Zhang Bin's eyes lit and shouted in his heart.

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