The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4261, Hongzun Hulum

"The owner, it is really Hongmeng Bao, which is the treasure of Hongmeng, for example, the source is actually a top god treasure that Hongmeng is pregnant. Any Hongmeng Shenbao is very magical, and there is also a special role. As for value That is no price. Any god got Hongmeng Shenbao, all reluctant. "The voice of the rabbit rang in Zhang Bin's mind," But I want to get Hong Meng Bao, too hard, in many years Before, the gods and beasts were also Hong Meng Lingbao, but they were all got. Now it is almost ok. So, I want to get Hongmond Lingbao, I have to go to the dark area of ​​Hongmeng, but it is too dangerous. "

"Hong Meng Shenbao? Maybe this gourd is a Hongmeng Shenbao?"

Zhang Bin's eyes lit once again, and his face also floated the color of the expectation.

"If this is a Hongmeng Shenbao, it is too big, this is not possible?"

The rabbit is shocked. "To know, any Hong Meng Lingbao needs to have numerous years. Therefore, there are countless era, the gods and beasts are also without too many Hong Mengbao, which is said to be in one finger. number."

"Is it, I will know."

Zhang Bin said that he slowly moved, slowly sneak into the mouth of this gourd.

It is also in the rock, so there is no bloody knife, they are standing on the rocks outside.

He moved slowly and looking for it.

Of course, find channels that can enable mental efforts.

If it is really a Hongmeng Shenbao, there is such a channel.

Unfortunately, there is still no search.

Zhang Bin also sneaked into a gourd, of course, sneaking from the mouth.

However, there is no induction of black paint, knowledge and vision.

However, he still found that there is countless blood knife in this.

And it is very powerful.

So, he dare not deeply.

He laid out and continued to find it fine.

Finally, he found the passage that made the spiritual effort in an inconspicuous location at the bottom of the gourd.

Zhang Bin is happy to be happy.

Because from this situation, this is really a Hongmeng Shenbao.

He immediately made a heart, his huge spiritual power broke in.

Then he is stupid.

Because I can't see the array, there is no way to light the array line.

This is all the rules.

The three thousand counters are all, no, there are 3006 laws.

These 3006 laws are collected on 3006 stone monuments.

There is a mark on a palm.

"Rabbit, fast, you tell me, how to refine Hung Meng Bao?"

So, Zhang Bin can still don't know if this gourd is a Hongmeng Shenbao? After all, even the six orders from yourself are condensed here, so he can't wait to ask.

"Hongmeng Shenbao is very simple, that is, the spiritual hand is used to condense some kind of law, put it on the stone monument of Hongmeng Shenbao ..." The rabbit said.

Zhang Bin did not hesitate to let the spiritual efforts into a palm of the palm, and the timing of the hand is condensed, and then he put the palm of the palm of the timeline.

The reason why the timeline is because his mental strength is just before this stone monument.

However, what is moving quiet.

Can't refine it at all.

"what happened?"

Zhang Bin said.

"This, seems to be the top time law to refine." The rabbit said, "That is to say, Hongmeng Shenbao must be true God to refine. Because some of them master is the top level of."

"Ha ha ha ... that is just too good."

Zhang Bin laughed and laughed. He was still worried that he could not refine.

Because the law he has mastered is too low.

However, now he is not worried, because you are true god, and it is six real gods.

The six rules he have mastered, Hongmeng only him.

So, his rule is the top.

He immediately allowed the mental force to the trial rule, and his mental efforts came together into a palm, and the trial rules were agglomerated.

Then he took the palm of the palm of the palm.

Suddenly amazing happened.

This stone monument burst into shot of rays.

And the gourd is also shaking, the fox is also bursting with green light, through the stone wall, spreading in this world.

Let this space becomes green.

Then, the gourd became a green light and shot into Zhang Bin's Dantian.

Many blood knives in gourd, expressing crying in the toilet.

And Zhang Bin's Dantian is also illuminated by green light.

Zhang Bin's Dantian began a changing.

Obviously, this Hongmeng Shenbao is not satisfied with Zhang Bin's Dantian, and began to change Zhang Bin's Dantian.

Zhang Bin's Dantian once has more than 80 areas, but now it is completely integrated.

It has been chaos.

And in the madness, it has issued an incomparable stewing force.

I swallowed the law of Zhang Bin's mysterious area.

Then, on the 20th rule, I formed my own area in Dantian, and it began slowly rotated. Each rotation is a circle, it will increase a trace.

It is a central area that is suspended in these rules. As if a center, many rules constitute a sector area.

"I rely on, what is going on?"

Zhang Bin himself is completely dumbfounded, and his face is full of hardships.

He doesn't know, Dantian is also a good time?

Do you have any questions about the law in your head?

Dantian is the best location of the law?

At this moment, Zhang Bin can't wait to find a creation of God.

Unfortunately, he did not have such a condition.

At this time, he finally understood that he lacked the correct cultivation.

In the past, he got the creation of the creation, which is also limited, not involved in the cultivation of the god.

That may be to delete the version.

He is going to be strong, and you must also find a suitable practice.

At this time he thought about it, the gourd suddenly shoted a white light.

A huge information is also a brain of Zhang Bin.

Then Zhang Bin's face flusted and excited.

Because this is indeed a Hongmeng Shenbao.

Hongmeng Shenbao, divided into ten grades, from the first level to ten.

The first level is minimum, the top ten is the highest.

But even the level, it is also worth it.

And this gourd is called Hongfeng.

Does not have powerful combat, or even people can live.

Just only have one ability, that is, it is to attract Hongmeng insects.

Even the previous one hundred swords on the gods list will be attracted.

Once entering, you can slowly take it, you can see the loyalty of the sword, if you can reach 100, then you will never betray the owner.

That is to say, it can be arrested and cultivated in a variety of gods.

It can even cultivate it into a big mites, or a creation of the semester.

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