The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4272 is too embarrassing

"Bow Wenwu, I tell you, they are much more important than you want, too much, you must use half of time to accompany them to play. Otherwise, where you come, go back," Blue Face.

Zhang Bin said that he can't answer, Xiaohong said to say: "The owner, we have no time to play, we have to practice, we want to play, you will go to him. Don't rush to stipulate."

"Yes, yes, I think so too."

Xiaobai is also attached to it.

Blue and .

What is the two worms? How can you maintain him?

And if this is the case, what else does it still do?

Is this not looking for a born God?

After a long time, they also woken up, Blue Shan said: "Little red, small white, you are really growing, too embarrassing. Do not need people to take care of him, the owner will expel him, how?"

"No, you can't expel him, don't have him, we will not be embarrassed, it will definitely make people a headache."

Xiaohong and Xiaobai said nervously.

Blue and is thoroughly speechless, what is this? What way this bastard is used to confuse two insects? Let them maintain him? If they are not detailed to check the souls of two insects, they must doubt that his soul is controlled.

"Hey ... In the future, your door should not be closed, if they go to you, you have to accompany them well. Do you know?"

Blue .

Now she is a way to Zhang Bin is not there.

It is equivalent to invading a waste, but there is no way to expel him.


Zhang Bin has promised to agree.

"The owner, your door is not to be closed, we will also go to you, if you are cultivating, we will not bother you, if we do, we will play with you."

Xiaobai is looking forward to it.


Blue knows what is good, the door is open, this bastard is not ready to enter her room, she is a very noble city owner, but also a untrophic beauty, this bastard is male, this is very bad, this is very bad. .

I think of this, her pretty face is blushing, it seems to be bright and not square.

" ..."

Zhang Bin did not help but swallow a sight of water.

It is completely attracted by her beauty.


Blue is of course heard, she is shameful and angry, she is not going to say.

"Breast, I killed you."

, she is giving to Zhang Bin.

However, Zhang Bin's hand suddenly explored, and he grabbed her wrist.

Let her move anymore.

"You let me go ..."

Hey struggled hard, but there is no use.

Blue is very surprised, because is that it is cultivated to the stood.

Struggling does not take off?

Then she was released soon, because he was a goddess, not good at law, and he was not used to confront.

And Zhang Bin also quickly let go of the hand, smiled and said: "Hey, your hand is white."

"Ah ... I want to kill you this debtor."

I got almost crazy, and there was a sharp sword in her hands, and the sword was condensed out of the terrorist front rule, and the sword was born to Zhang Bin.

Unfortunately, Xiaobai and Xiaohong were spit out of the white silk, and I watched her long sword, and I also said angrily: "Hey, you can't hurt him, he is our friend. Yes, your hand is really white. He is telling the truth. "

"This is not a way to live."

I want to cry without tears, I can only hate Zhang Bin, take Zhang Bin, is not there.

"You are expelled, give me it right."

Blue is completely irritated, roaring.

"No, I can't expel him. Otherwise, I will hunch."

"I will hunch. Anyway, we have to be with him forever."

Little red and small white are angry.

The eyes of Blue and have grown up, and the face is full of colors.

Who is these two people?

"Little red, small white, are you going to betray the owner?"

Blue qi is rushing.

"No, we will never betray the owner. However, he is our friend, we have to be with him." Xiaohong and Xiaobai said.

"This is really active."

Blue and are stunned, and anger is unstoppable, but it is not a way.

Two insects are so genius, only to have thirty laws to be authorized to get 30 kinds of laws, grow up, naturally, they can have the possibility of cultivating the Great God.

When they grow up, she is a blushing.

It is absolutely one of the most powerful and most powerful gods.

Only second to the ancestors.

She is naturally unwilling to make two worms unhappy, and they may not listen to her.

Therefore, she can only yield, depressed: "It's good, I don't expel him in the future."

"The owner, not only does not expel him, but also to him, because he will always be with us."

Xiaohong said.

"The owner, is not as good as you give him ? Then he has a name and will we be together forever?"

Xiaobai also expected.

Zhang Bin is completely dumbfounded, this is really not that he let Xiaobai said.

But Xiaobai he said.

Is this little thing that is intelligent?

However, this is too embarrassing.

I have never thought about it, but if it is a blue or acceptable, such a beauty is too rare.

And it is a good thing, it is still very kind.

At least she didn't think about punishment Zhang Bin now, but Zhang Bin is so disadvantaged.

"What? Xiaobai, what do you say?"

Blue can't believe in your ear, asked shocked.

"I said that I am married to civil education, I feel too suitable."

Xiao Bai is excited.

"Suitable fart."

, "I am a lady's tentress, in the future, I want to take a grandfather."

When she finished, she was ashamed.

"Isn't you doing a lot?"

Xiaobai said it is true.

"Little white, shut it up."

The blue qi is angry, and it is almost mad.

"Little white, don't you know, our lady is strange, in the future, it is necessary to cultivate into God. And he is a mediocrity, can only be a servant, he is also qualified to make a lot?"


"Two little guys, adults don't worry, you just have to practice well, listen to the owner. I will always accompany you."

Zhang Bin is finally the opening, otherwise it is too embarrassing.

As soon as, he looked at him, insulting him, he would not care.

He is now playing a mediocrity.

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