The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4273 is such a coupon


Blue and ,,

"Wait a minute, Miss, I want to ask for ten days."

Zhang Bin said quickly.

In fact, he can accept the rules permissions at the temple of the city mainfate, but this will leak he is the secret of super genius, joke, a god who can get three thousand laws, what is the point? Then I can scare the blue and blue. So, he can only leave a number of temples to accept the law.

The day of the gods is also very long, equivalent to the year of the earth.

So, it is enough for ten days.

Even, he can sell some treasures and exchange some cultivation resources.

"Please leave? What do you want to do?"

Blue bites the scallop.

She has never seen Zhang Bin's god like this, this is working, it is always the master.

I didn't see him working, but asked this to ask.

If it is not two insects, she threatened her, she has already dismissed Zhang Bin.

"I want to dig some very ordinary gods, refining some Dan medicine, used to cultivate."

Zhang Bin said.

"Poor. Poor , even the medicinal medicine is also purchased."

Blue and are in the heart, looking at him with mercy.

If Zhang Bin is really too gas, she is willing to give him some cultural medicines.

After sinking, the blue swallow said: "It is quasi, but it must be back on time, otherwise, salary is halved."

"Thank you Miss."

Zhang Bin put it out of a very grateful look, and immediately left.

Blue and returned to the room.

They are facing each other, relatively speechless.

They are all distressed for Zhang Bin.

"Miss, is it really hired to hire? He is not coming to work, it is too lazy, see him, I am angry. And, he dares to tune me."

He said very angry.

"I also want to hire him right away. I am also angry. He taps you. But Xiaohong and Xiaobai have to protect him. This is a bit weird. How did he get a good feeling of Xiaohong and Xiaobai?"

Blue is ignorant, but eyebrows, self-calling, "If you don't figure out this problem, it is a bit trouble."

"When the king of the king came back, ask her? Maybe she knows what is the reason. Alever, there may be a way to let Xiaohong and Xiaobai return to the heart, no longer care about him." He said hesitated.

"I will ask." Blue Shan said, "I am afraid that I can't figure out the reason. Moreover, we have checked, Xiaohong and Xiaobai are not controlled by the soul. In the future, I have to go to the gods Two layers, even higher levels. There are many convenient things there. There are some special places, but also very suitable for me. But he is a mediocrity, I want to cultivate to God, the god, the god, the god, the king, that is almost impossible If Xiaobai and Xiaohong live to follow him. This is buddh, he has no strength to go to the second floor, third floor. "

"Do you want, we secretly dismissed him. Then told Xiaohong and Xiaobai to say that he is falling?"

, exciteantly said.

"This method is good. We can try it."

Suddenly, the blue eyes lit up.

"Gigle ... must be successful."


Ten days have passed.

Zhang Bin has not come back yet, but the blue is coming back.

Naturally, it is not possible to find any traces of Zhang Bin.

Blue and have said that the two insects to protect Zhang Bin in the first time.

He also said that Zhang Bin told her something.

"Is there such a thing?"

Blue Blue is also a surprise, and the face is full of not bonus.

She is the king of Tang, I have seen it, but I have never heard of such a strange thing.

She also immediately checked Xiaohong and Xiaobai, and did not check any exceptions.

Asked two insects, two insects also said that they can't stand there, they like Zhang Bin, if they can't be with Zhang Bin, they cannot accept it.

"Big trouble ..."

Must muttered in the Blue Pull, she can't think of a good way.

I agree with the idea of ​​ , that is, I am expeling Zhang Bin, and I am lie to the two worms. Zhang Bin is flying.

On the night, Zhang Bin finally came back.

In front of the door to the mainfate, the guard will thrown a silver ticket for Zhang Bin, and said to say: "Bow Wenwu, you are expelled, this is a month's salary, five thousand ginseng."

"Thank you."

Zhang Bin was not angry, he went to his head.

"If you don't know how to be fun. This is delicious and lazy, and it is playing my end." Hey, I will wait in the door, see Zhang Bin without noisy, she is secretly growing up.

She returned to the Blue room, and she was proud: "Miss, the bastard is very simply, just go."

"He is here to know, knowing that you can pursue it."

Blue is also very happy, smiles, "Otherwise, the trouble is very big, and it may even make him succeed, you have to plug in cow dung."

"Miss, you are too bad, dare to tune me." , "I will die will not marry him, I want to take the aunt and lady forever."

"Not ashamed."

Blue .

"Okay, okay, let's go with Xiaohong and Xiaobai. These two little ancestors don't know how to noise."

is also shameful, and immediately transferred the topic.

Their two immediately equipped a pair of pain, go to the insect room.

"the host……"

Two insects are very happy, jumping into the blue palm, and shouting with tender.

A pair attached to the blue .

"Little red, small white, I have to tell you a very bad news, bowing military to dig the god tree, and the result is killed by a dark God. He is completely fallen."

Blue swan said.


Two insects shouted at the same time.

"It's true, even the body is chemically formed into ashes."

Two beautiful women are the gambling swear.

"That takes him to save him, otherwise, we will die with him."

Xiaohong and Xiaobai said seriously.

Two beautiful women were completely stupid, after a while, Blue said: "However, in the gods to cross the time and space, it is necessary to do it, can we find her? After all, she has disappeared numerous years What's more, it is not allowed to save people in the gods. It will be punished by the dominant. We really have no way. "

"Then no matter, you will never practice from now on."

"Three days, if you can't see him, I will commit suicide."

Little red and small white are incomparable.

"How is this good?"

Blue and are anxious and urgent, it is really a group.

Sensing, it is also stunned, and it is a good time.

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