The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4274, let him find it?

The day passed, two days passed.

Xiaobai and Xiao Hong are really hunger, do not eat any food in two days.

The larva of them is being long-term, if they don't eat food, although I will not starve, but I am not hungry, if I have a few days or ten days, it is true. Will starve.

Moreover, Xiaobai is not to see Zhang Bin after three days, it is not a joke.

"What should I do?"

Blue is unfortunate.

"I blame me, blame me for an idea, now trouble."

is also a self-blame, watching two hungry, slight worms, heartache.

And she is also more and more, I hate Zhang Bin, that is, the bastard, I don't know what kind of evil law used, confused two insects.

Danigan fleshy is too lazy, but also tune her.

Even, she also doubts that Zhang Bin's mind, it is simply lazy to eat swan meat.

"The only way now is to find him back."

Blue is talking.

"Let him find it back?"

Blue is a little hesitial, this is just dismissed others, now I have to find it back, is this not a big joke?

Isn't it great to face?

is especially true, and uncomfortable, if you find back him, then the bastard is definitely probably, maybe infarction will boldly tune her, hit her idea, if he puts forward a condition, let her marry him what to do? ? Miss and Shen Wang may only agree, after all, such two Hongmeng procons, they are reluctant to give up.

I think of this, she is really a bit a panic.

"Since there is no other way, you can only ask him to come back, you can't give him a wage."

Blue Blue said faintly, "What is the thousands of gods in the district?"

This is the truth, she is so powerful, wants to get treasures, it is easy to be extremely easy, naturally, you can exchange a lot of gay.

Moreover, in addition to mastering the super powerful water law and the ice method, she grasps, but also is good at alchemy, the Blue family is also alchemists, naturally the financial resources.

It can be said that the Blue family is the rich family of the god.

"But, but if this time is satisfied with Xiaohong and Xiaobai, they will change their efforts in the future, and they will be accompanied by him, and he is not able to live there."

Blue said.

"There are two ways to solve, one is to try to cultivate him with treasures, let him become strong, breaking through some realm cultivation to the gods may be possible. A way to give him a magic weapon for him. It can reduce gravity and oppress the rules against the high-rise of the gods. "Blue Blue is the king, the way is much.

"I feel the second way. The same bastard is consumed to consume too much medicinal medicine, treasure, is not worth it."

,,, . . ..

She is worried that Zhang Bin has become powerful, then he has a wild, and naturally, it is necessary to prevent it.

"Then use the second way."

Blue , ... ........ ..

However, she has always been very good. After all, she is her pass house, which is growing with her, and she has been serving her in the future.

"He is still in the city ... send people to find him."

Blue Blue, but the powerful king, the power of the gods.

Perhaps it is worried about what surprises, her love has always paid attention to Zhang Bin, let Zhang Bin are invisible.

Now point to Zhang Bin's position, it is too easy.

Zhang Bin has been gone around the Fire City for these two days.

He has got a low level of permissions of all laws.

It has also been cultivated by 3006 laws to the early days.

Even before accepting the authorization, he has already cultivated the time law to the mid-state.

So, even if he shields the six rules of its own, it seems to be the middle of the god.

However, he didn't dare to cultivate these two days, because he faintly felt that Blue's love has been paying attention to him. Even if you don't feel, his wisdom can be thought of.

Hung Meng's creation, cultivation, there are some special abuse, maybe Blue Blue is acknowledge.

The trouble is big, he has always suspected that Lan Jun is also to arrest him, and to capture everything.

And what he has mastered, it is too much to force, it is time to cultivate all the rules, all the rules are tired and enter, but the speed of cultivation is slow, it can be said to be more than any more slow.

Of course, it is also necessary to consume more multiplied cultivation resources.

This is Zhang Bin who is still consumed, he is desperately to treasure hunt, and it is not satisfied.

What's more, there are countless powerful gods to find him in a variety of prohibitions. He goes to treasure hunt, it is simply equal to sending vegetables.

So, he is waiting for the other party to put him back, and of course, it is necessary to promise him some harsh conditions.

For example, to cultivate him, let him cultivate to God, or god.

Then there is a safe place to practice, and you can get cultivation resources.

Since the other party is dealing with him, he will naturally be polite.

So, now he is a sharpener Huoho to the pig.

"Bow Wenwu, our city mainly hire you. Now I will go with me."

An elders of the mainfather of the city, suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Bin, said with a difficult tone.

"Sorry, I don't want to do training insects."

Zhang Bin finished, and bypass the other party continued.


The old man is angry, and if you can't say it.

However, he is very horizontal, grabbing Zhang Bin's arm.

I flew him, I took Zhang Bin back to the city owner.

He is indeed very powerful, cultivated to the peak of Zhongshen.

It is one of the masters of the city owner.

Of course, it will easily crushed him, but in order not exposed strength, he still endured.

What's more, the home of the return to the city is also a matter of his secret.

So, please go back, he can improve the conditions.

"I don't want to work for you, can it still be competing?"

Zhang Bin installed a pair of angry look. "I will leave the fire city now, live in other places, I can't afford to hide?"

After finishing, he turned and walked.

This elder is full of face, and the teeth are almost bite.

What is the powerful family of the Blue family, what people dare to say this?

He can't wait to kill Zhang Bin.

But he can't do this, otherwise, the two worms of the city must die.

He immediately stopped in front of Zhang Bin, and he said that he was seriously ruined: "Do not go."

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