The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4275, Lion, Lion


Zhang Bin said angry.

Elderly struck the anger in the heart, and Yan Yue color: "You can live in other places, can you find better work than the city?"

"Good horses don't eat back grass."

Zhang Bin said faintly, "Have you heard this?"


The elder chest is continuously undulating, and his lungs must explode.

After a while, he calm down and said, "If it is to increase salary?"

"Good horses don't eat back grass."

"Give you the salary of six thousand gods."

"Good horses don't eat back grass."


"Good horses don't eat back grass."

"Eight thousand."

"Good horses don't eat back grass."


"Good horses don't eat back grass."

"Can you speak well?"

When the old man suddenly felt well, he was very angry.

"Step aside……"

Zhang Bin said coldly.

"How do you want to stay?"

An angry voice sounded.

It is blue and , a white ancient group wearing a white, Wu Haoyu ink, high-grade pulls on the head, holds the white scorpion, revealing the neck of the swan, it looks noble Also beautiful, can make any men shake.

A green skirt, Wu Haoyou after the clouds, the pretty face, the cherry is high.

It looks very glamorous, people who are brachiens.

And this is of course blue.

"Good horses don't eat back grass. So, don't be embarrassed."

Zhang Binnai is not looking at them, as if they are unbearable.


Blue is also angry, and jade teeth almost bite.

She did not have seen Zhang Bin such as two such a beautiful woman, and he was remembering. An unison in the district, a low-priced harmonics, dare to be so arrogant and arrogant?

"Miss, grabbed him, imprisoning in the insect room. That is a worm. That all solved."

is also angry to the extreme, out of mouth.

"No brain woman."

Zhang Bin stunned, and said.


, "How do I have no brain?"

"I am imprisoning me, I believe that you can do this without the bottom line, it can be made. However, if you are not afraid that I hurt two insects? I am not afraid that the two insects are ignorant. I am not afraid that they will despise and dissatisfied. In the future, I will not be your helper, but will you kill you to revenge? "Zhang Bin said coldly," You said, do you have a brain? "


The face of became pale, and the sweat of beans were taken on the forehead.

I want to refute, but I don't know how to refute.

"Improve you, don't put you with the worm."

Long is beginning to refute. "We only need to talk to insects, you are in close contact. There is no time to accompany them. However, you can let them see you a few times in the window. Let's stay in care for them. We will take some other. The way, such as looking for the most powerful tractors, such as playing more to play with them. After that time, they will forget your friends. "

"good idea."

Hey and blue eyes are bright, and the face is also floating.

The elders are also proud, he believes that Zhang Bin horse will yield.

I can only stay, continue to do training.

"Stupid as pig dogs."

Zhang Bin is looking at the old age, and said.

"You ... If you don't say the reason, I will teach you. Let you regret it to this world."

The elder is also angry.

"Everything you said is built on the assumption. If they don't forget my friend? After they grow up, the strength will naturally investigate the truth, then they start to revenge................... First kill you, then leave, return to Hongmont Dark area. "Zhang Bin said with cold smile," What more, do you think they are so good? They really believe that I can't disturb? "Use deceived means to pair If you want to take them, it is simply an idiotic dream. You said, are you stupid as a pig? "


The elders can not say that they can only carry a reputation of a pork dog.

Blue and are also extremely depressed, but it is not a way.

At this moment, some of them were the feeling of the knife.


A cold cold snoring sounded, but the king of the king of Blue Blue and the sky came over.

"I have seen the king."

Elder, , Blue Sauvi respectfully.

Only Zhang Bin is standing up, as if it is not seen.

"You are not afraid that I kill you?"

Blue Blue Looks Zhang Bin, and the eyes are extraordinarily fierce.

"Of course, I am not afraid, I didn't do anything wrong, I just didn't want to come back to the city mainfare."

Zhang Bin said, "You a powerful king, high height, if you kill me, isn't it?"

"Say your conditions. Don't tell me anything to say, don't eat back grass."

Blue Blue, I really took it, I had to put the anger in my heart and said.

Zhang Bin put a look and wronged look, after a while, he took his gaze to his face.

Suddenly scared, I'm so dizzy, I suspect that Zhang Bin is to give her to her.

The blue face is also changing, and the fist is pinned.

"This is absolutely not."

Lan Wei, I think so, she is finally refuted. "Hey is my daughter's Tongshou, in the future, I want to serve my daughter's husband, your district is a mediocrity, dare to fight this idea?"

"I just want her to apologize, after all, she has rudely for me."

Zhang Bin's face floated the color, "I have no sex to her."

Four gods have darily grow up.

And is a bit of a little, this bastard dares to humiliate him? Is it so beautiful, it can't attract him? He must have a heart in the mouth, that is, if you know that you can't do it, you have to face.

"Is this condition?"

Blue is looking forward to ask.

"That is just the first condition, there is a second, that is, you have to provide me to cultivate resources, let me cultivate into the realm of the gods." Zhang Bin said.

"God, it's really a big opening."

Blue , and this elders, all shout in anger.

A mediocrity, if it is necessary to cultivate a lot of genius and medicinal herbs, or even find some treasures to improve the treasures, this treasure is extraordinarily, and it is also huge.

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