The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4289 All killing

However, Zhang Binnai is not afraid.

The field of his God expanded quickly and shrouded all their gods.

Suddenly, they feel that they walk into the quagmire, and the speed is slow.

The war is also a big drop.

There is a guy who looks great last year, and it is also a great success. It is very powerful.

It is not much affected.

He first rushed over, and he slammed his sickle to Zhang Bin's neck.

"Rolling to report."

Zhang Binnai is a clear smile, he is a day to scale on his sickle.


A loud noise, the sickle flew to the air.

This guy has a scream, and people also fly like Teng Yun driving, flying out of Zhang Bin's field, squatting on the ground, screaming, can't get up, look, you can see, he That is the seven bleeding, the pole of the wolf.

"too strong."

Two beautiful women shouted in their hearts.

"Killing pigs ..."

Zhang Bin suddenly shouted again.

Suddenly, the 48 gods in the field of Zhang Bin god, all became a big fat pig that shook his head.

Zhang Bin's left hand appeared to kill the pig knife.

Tat out in lightning.

Puff puff……

The horrible voice sounded.

Ah, ah ...

Fat pig is also screaming.

Then it will stop.

They all fell to the ground and became the body.

A deep wound appeared on their forehead.

Of course, it is a killing of a pig.

The destruction of the destruction is also thoroughly killed their soul.

"Zhang Bin, you are waiting to bear the anger of our old ancestors."

I haven't become a fat pig, and the males who have not been killed by Zhang Bin is a wretch, I have a big shouting that is extremely angry and grievances.

"Oh ... I am on a god escape, just look forward to your old ancestors to come in. I want to kill him like a pig. I know that he is secretly dealing with me." Zhang Bin smiled coldly After finishing, he walked step by step to the most evil, the sky was high in the hands of the Libra, and the work will be able to strike it.

"Death flying knife, kill ..."

The general evil is still a very powerful base card. His mouth suddenly blasted a weak flying knife, and chemically became a cold light, bursting into Zhang Bin's forehead.

At that speed, that murder, it is too horrible.

However, Zhang Bin's face has floated a contempt.

In the world of magic, no matter how powerful magic weapon, it is also necessary to be suppressed by the heavens and the earth, and cannot play a full strength of the grandeur.

Therefore, this magic will be powerful and limited.

Zhang Bin's mouth is also open, and the gods are exploded, and they will be in the death flying knife.


A loud noise.

Death flying knives and .

Obviously, death flying knives, that is a very powerful magic.

Not asked from Zhang Bin's.

It can be said that it is a god artifact.

It can be seen that hemp is definitely a genius that Ma Jia's efforts to cultivate, so you can get such a powerful artifact.

"Death ..."

Zhang Bin's Libra is also suddenly bombarded.

The horses have floated the fear, but they can't do it.

Zhang Bin's field is like countless mountains.

Instantly, Libra is on his head.


A horrible giant ring.

His head exploded.

I didn't even have time to send out, I was falling.

Even the soul is killed.

"God, this is too powerful, it is very powerful to terrify."

The two beautiful eyes have an out of the small stars.

At this moment, they all worship Zhang Bin to the extreme.

Especially Blue, she has just waved with Ma Mi, but I can't afford it.

But Zhang Bin is a relaxed to kill the Ma Jia so many gods.

They believe that even if there is something else, and Zhang Bin's realm, it is impossible to have Zhang Bin so powerful.

"Zhang Bin, you will wait for our Majia's retaliation."

The scales were crazy, he finally climbed from the ground, and fled the same light.

"I am waiting for you to send it."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

However, he felt that countless horrible enemies poured into this world.

It also seems to see the blood sea of ​​the corpse.

And his true god is to grow in such a blood sea.

He didn't have any delays, and the treasures of all the bodies immediately collected.

Then he released the flame and thoroughly became ashes.

"See Zhang Bin Zhen God."

Two beautiful gestures are beautifully walked, respectfully.

They didn't think that Zhang Bin in front of him was the tractor Zhang Bin.

They have already thought that the bow is already fallen.

And the two insects have long received Zhang Bin's instructions, and there is no intimate look for Zhang Bin.

"Hello. I am very happy to meet you."

Zhang Bin said.

He is also bold to show blue.

If he is the identity of the bow, of course, it is not good.

But I saw her blossoms, gorgeous, elegant temperament.

Plus the body is good, it is the type of what he like.

He is also a bit lost.

Blue naturally felt Zhang Bin's gaze, her pretty faces made a shy red cloud, not only did not be angry, but the heart was sweet.

She knows how beautiful it is.

Any man will be lost.

Zhang Bin's performance is very good.

"Zhang Bin, you see me, I am also very beautiful."

shouts in your heart.

Unfortunately, Zhang Bin's eyes only fall in the blue .

I will move it for a while.

Then just looked faintly, I didn't pay attention to her.

Obviously, her beauty is very general, and it is not attracted to Zhang Bin.

In fact, this is because Zhang Bin uses another identity, seeing more, naturally, there will be no stunning feeling.

However, to be honest, is also a beautiful beauty.

Otherwise, Zhang Bin uses the identity of the bow, and there is no such thing.

"Yes, in this world, is there any dangerous place, I have to find a place to practice."

Zhang Bin said.

"I know that there is such a place, I will take you."

Blue is ashamed again.

Although she is also the first time I entered the world, but I have a map here, I have seen too many books, and the secrets about this world are recorded.

"Then thank you."

Zhang Bin said.

So they two side by side.

Over the mountain, go deeper.

As for , of course, it is followed by Zhang Bin, and looks at Zhang Bin's back in the back of the obsession.

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