Blue Wei Zhang Bin is three people standing in a horrible cliff.

There is a big river here, flying from the cliff, forming a huge terrible waterfall.

Irighgorial is not stopped.

The following is a black paint abyss.

Dispersing an incomparably dangerous atmosphere.

"It is said that this abyss is no bottom, no God can explore the bottom. Because the gravity is too horrible. If it falls, it will die. Moreover, in the gap of the abyss wall, there is also a horrible Insects, most of them can be placed in Hongmeng. So, here is the most dangerous place in the world. "Blue Shan said," However, our blue family knows a secret, in this abyss wall, It is a natural cave. Although it is not more than the true God of the Hall, it is not too much. So, we only need to find a cave here. "

After that, she looked at Zhang Bin ashamed with her eyes, and I want to see what he has.

After all, she is equal to saying that I want to practice with Zhang Bin.

"Horror's worms? Dongfu?"

Zhang Bin's eyes were bright, and the face was also floating.

This place can be said to be the most ideal place.

Most suitable for him to cultivate.

Moreover, there is a beauty companion, and the cultivation is not monotonous, and the spirit is not easy to exhaust.

In such a place, two beautiful women don't worry about the attack of the insects because there is a small red and small white.

Zhang Bin has a Hongfeng, which can attract powerful insects into Hongfeng.

Then use it to deal with the strong enemy of this world.

It is two.

"Then let's start exploring."

Zhang Bin said, he boldly grabbed the blue jade hand and saber down to the wall.

As for , it is also boldly chasing it, and take the initiative to catch Zhang Bin's other hand.

Of course, she is very embarrassing, and Zhang Bin is not happy.

However, Zhang Bin is only smiling in faint, and then continues to pull them, rapidly.

Look in detail.

Xiaohong and Xiaobai also felt that there were countless worms, and they were very powerful.

They all have a bit nervous, and the mouth has been emitted in the mouth.

That is to warn all the worms, don't be close, otherwise, kill innocent.

It is necessary to threaten a variety of insects, otherwise, one is over, they can't resist.

Finding for five hours, they finally find a cave.

It is already about 3,000 kilometers away from the abyss.

But look down, but still can't see the bottom.

This cave does not know that it is naturally formed, or it is crafted.

Dongfu faces the abyss, depressed into a platform.

Moreover, the rock gap is still full of godding and plants.

Block it here.

So that it is very inconspicuous.

On the stone wall, there are several gods: Ling Tian Dongfu.

This name is very powerful.

Let Zhang Bin like it.

They fell to the platform and started to find the door of the hole.

I have made some movements.

Because this cave looks like no one.

But the quirky thing happened.

Suddenly, the door of the Dongfu opened.

I have come out from the god of the stupid pressure.

He is dark attribute, only cultivation to the late child, like Zhang Bin.

His face is full of angry, and said coldly: "It's almost dare to disturb Zhangbo's cultivation. How do you have such a bold child?"

Blue and is a stunned, there is a late child in the district, dare to be so arrogant?

Don't he know how strong they are three people?

"We didn't think that this desolate Dongfu has gods live. So, it is really embarrassed."

Zhang Bin is not angry, but apologizes.

This is what they are not right.

So, an apology should be.

"Do you apologize?"

Zhang Bo's face floated on the color.

It seems that he did not look at Zhang Bin in his eyes at all.

"What do you want?"

Hey, I'm playing in a slap in a slap.


Zhang Bo smiled and shouted.

Suddenly, I can't even struggle with it.

This strength is really a horrible.

Zhang Bin's face has been surprised, because he felt that the strength of the teenager in front of him was terrible, even himself did not grasp him.

As for the blue , then it is more stunned.

The face is filled with a lot of money.

In this area, in an ancient cave, this horrible master is there?

"I thought you were very powerful, but I knew that it was a pustule." Zhang Bo said Zhang said, "Today you have to retreat, you must defeat me, otherwise, I will imprison you."

"Then come."

Zhang Bin's body burst into 3,006 rays, turned into a field of gods, and it was in it.

Suddenly, the imprisonment was unspeakted.

After she fled to Zhang Bin's body, her face has even flizes the color of fear.

Such a strong late state has completely beyond her imagination.

Then, Zhang Bin's hands appeared in the hands of Libra, high-grade raised hands, and burst into a sharp pressure and momentum of the world, and he was also drinking: "Do you dare to pick me?"

"What do I not dare?"

Zhang Bona is a very domineering. His face has floated the color of joy. He is a heart, and it is also a light shining, and it has become a field of God.

Looking carefully, his body was bursting with 3,007 rays.

And including Zhang Bin's own five kinds of rules, even, it is also cultivated to three.

And Zhang Bin is exactly the same.

However, he is not able to practice the trial rule.

In other words, he may be a heterogenetic in the trial rule.

Accept the trial rule permissions.

And there is no doubt that this boy is also cultivated by Hung Meng, like Zhang Bin, so he is directly related to the rule of the law, rather than relying on true God.

"How can this be?"

Zhang Bin's eyes were wide, and the face was full of not born.

The Law of Hongmeng World has only 3006 rules, but how this guy may master 3007 laws, and there are still many rules that are completely different.

I don't know what the law is.

Zhang Bo looked at Zhang Bin's surprised expression, whispered, faintly: "Zhang Bin, today, I just want to tell you, don't be arrogant, your heavens are good, but it is not a comparable. Not as you have a lot of you. "

"Why is your law and Hongmun law?"

Zhang Bin really can't help but ask.

"Hong Mun Fahai? You are wrong, this world only has only the god tower law." The young man said faintly, "Hongmeng's dark area, there is another law. Naturally there is another world. Those The top genius of the heavens and the earth will naturally be parsed by you. "

"Are you from Hongmont Dark Area?"

Zhang Bin's face became very serious.

"Ha ha ha ... I am not from the dark area, but I have been to the other world. From the law of the world, I got some authorization of the law. After all, my talents are not very good, so my father will take me. In addition, the world. "

"Who is your father?"

Zhang Bin asked.

Why didn't he think that there is a world to go to the dark area.

It accepts the law from another world to authorize.

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