The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4292 Exploring the abyss

Zhang Bo is very simply, with four directly left.

No one knows where he went.

However, before he left, he still said a word, "Brothers, there is a good thing below this abyss. If you are lucky, you can get it. It is because I got it, I left."

"Blue , , you know what good treasures are there?"

Zhang Bin sent Zhang Waow, he looked at the abyss of the dark, looking forward to ask.

"I have never heard of it."

Blue and Summer shook their heads, they have seen a lot of books about the world of magic, but there is no good treasure that will be on the abyss.

It is estimated that there is no god to have such strength, and you can come to the bottom of the abyss to go to the bottom of the abyss.

Naturally, I don't know what kind of treasure is there.

"I want to see it."

Zhang Bin sinking for a while and said.

What horror wisdom, naturally it can understand, Zhang Bo tells him this secret, which may be useful to him.

Perhaps he can make him stronger faster.

Moreover, in the bottom of the abyss, because other God is difficult to arrive, it is also very safe.

"Then hurry up."

Of course, it will not stop, and she is a bit anxious. "I received news from my mother, and the top of Ma Jia has returned. Now you have a thing in the magic world, all of the hills know, It is also known that the death of death is also known. Multi-Shenwang, the emperor, even God, the great god, even have a creation of the world, they all seal their strength, come to the magic world, come to deal with you, and even, Maybe there will be true gods, just want to kill you, win your body, to capture everything. This is a huge crisis. Although it is strong, it is not necessarily possible to deal with so many people. Although only It can play the strength of China God, but the experience is still, they also master a lot of rules, even more than three thousand. You must be careful. "

"Ma Jia is a bloody, then I will give them a lesson lesson."

Zhang Bin is not only unrestrained, but it is extremely exciting.

He took the space container in Blue and .

Then he went to the abyss.

Since Zhang Bo has a way to resist the bottom, he also believes that he can do it.

Because he is not better than Zhang Baowei, it is stronger.

His mind is always moving, and the American people will extend rapidly.

He grabbed the black American, launched a lot of laws, falling down like a meteor.

This abyss really is deep enough to be extremely horrible.

He used ten days and did not arrive at the bottom.

Instead, he encounters the dangers of terror.

At this moment, Zhang Bin stands on a convex rock.

Looking at the dead, a huge spider web below.

The dense linen wire, weaving together, is not easy to protect the wind.

Block the way.

Terrible is that on these spider webs, it is climbing a spider that makes a hemorrhate.

There is a face, and there is a facial faculty.

There is a male or female, even, some female face is still beautiful.

However, the burning body, many furry spider legs.

It seems to make people creepy.

"God ... This is the 100th human face spider on the list of Hongmeng Codeers, is poisonous, and the spider is invincible. It can take a hard magic weapon. Their speed is also extravagant, and he is born from Hongmongfa. A lot of permissions, these human face spiders are all relatively realized, and they are strong than Xiaohong and Xiaobai ... "

The blue sound rang, she was actually received by Zhang Bin, but the Tibetan Tower was on Zhang Bin's head, so she could see the situation outside.

"Where is this abyss, there is such a powerful insect?"

is also shocking.

That is, these worms are worth the city.

Because such worms have a high wisdom, they can be taken.

"The 100th human face spider on the gods list?"

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up the hot light, his face also floated the color of the ecstasy.

Is this insect not what he is looking forward to charge?

With this nearly 100 people, their own forces are much stronger.

It is also easy to deal with strong enemy.

The human face spider is strong, even if Zhang Bin is a stealth law, it is also induced by them.

They all slowly climbed Zhang Bin, and they had a bad horror and evil atmosphere.

"Be careful……"

Blue and face have flooled.

However, Zhang Bin did not fear, and his hugs appeared in his hand.

The entrance is also open, and many human face spiders are aligned.

Suddenly, the magical thing happened.

Human spiders jumped up one by one, and rushed into the fire in the moth.

It is simply a network.

Then, Zhang Bin took up a Hongzunan gourd, bypassing here.

Continue to quickly.

"My God, what is that treasure? Can you easily charge so many Hong Meng insects so easily?"

I sent an excitement and exciting shout in Zhang Bin's Tibetan Tower.

"That seems to be Hongmeng Shenbao."

Blue water is low.

"God, Hongmeng Shenbao?"

It is like a fool, and the face is full of colors.

For her, Hongmeng Shenbao is a treasure that I don't want to think.

Even, she can't see it.

However, today is open.

I saw Hongmeng Shenbao.

"It is a very low-level Hongmeng Shenbao."

Zhang Bin's voice sounded in the Tibetan Tower.

"You came to the gods soon, and only cultivated to the launch of the little god, I have already got a Hongmeng Shenbao, even if it is very low, it is not an estimated." Blue Shan said, "In the future, you will be strong Some, you can get a better treasure. "

"Yeah, Zhang Bin really god, heroic worship you."

is also shy.

"If I say that I am, I'm, this gimmick is really thinking about it."

Zhang Bin was smiling in his heart.

He didn't talk, continue to go down.

Then he found that the stone wall became smooth, just like a mirror.

And gravity is also an inexplicable increase.

The rich death atmosphere is also made.

The dark abyss seems to be a huge beast's mouth, it seems to be swallowed everything.

Zhang Bin moved away, but the rocks in any place were so smooth.

"go with……"

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, his black American became long, tied to the same rock as the mirror.

However, this time, it is not good.

It didn't take it in.

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