The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 4293 Stone Wall Pharmaceutical

"How to do?"

Zhang Bin's brow is deeply awkward.

"Most of the powerful gods, apply for real gods, they came here, they didn't dare to go down. I have to stop exploration."

Blue swing said in the Tibetan Tower, "Zhang Bo can go, it is estimated that there is a super good artifact assistant."

"I don't have such artifacts, but I can think of a good way to dive."

Zhang Bin muttered, he was in detail, and he began to move through the transition, and observed in detail, looking for.

Finally, he found a special place.

This place may be where Zhang Bo has went.

There is also a touch of traces on the smooth stone wall, while the additional stone wall is a small wound. The depth has reached half of the meter.

It seems to be a weak sword thorn.

"Zhang Bo is directly treasured with sharp treasures, piercing the stone wall, then go on."

Zhang Bin muttered, "But this light talc wall is the ability to heal it, so this trace is slowly disappearing."

He didn't have any delays, and he made a moment.


A loud noise.

Spark splash.

However, the stone wall is safe and sound, and there is no trace.

"My God, the stone wall here is too hard? The second floor of the district will also have such an indestructible stone wall?"

Zhang Bin is very shocked, and Zhang Bin is also envious, Zhang Bin can easily break the treasure of stone wall.

"Can he come up with a way, go to get a super treasure?"

Blue and are in their hearts, they are absolutely unable to do it.

However, Zhang Bin may be.

"Small, come out."

Zhang Bin finally used a powerful base card. His voice just fell, and his hands appeared in the Hulong.

100 people have flew out from it, and they are light on the mirror of stone walls, and they are easily attached to the top.

There is almost no difficulty.

" ..."

Zhang Bin also entered the treasure tower.

The Tibetan Tower has shrunk rapidly to only peanuts.

Many human face spiders spit out the silk and weave it into a net pup.

They bite this net pocket, crawling on the stone wall, quickly going down.

Although gravity horror is extremely, although the stone wall is smooth.

But it still can't stop their footsteps.


Blue and see are extremely shocking, and the face is full of not a letter.

At this time, they also understood that this is a short period of time, Zhang Bin has tamed the human face spider.

Such a magical ability is how they don't want to think.

They don't know, Zhang Bin can not be so magical, just the magical ability of Hongmeng.

The smooth stone wall is very long, how can I have three kilometers.

It took ten days again, and he spent again.

But below is not the bottom of the abyss.

Still steep stone wall.

In the gap, a lot of god trees have been taken out, and they have received many gods.

The level is very high, the third level, and the four levels have.

This is because no one in countless years will make the medication slowly evolve.

"Great, so many gods, make a fortune."

The first excited shout is excited.

The blue face is also floating like a flower.

For the genius such as Zhang Bin, the more cultivating resources is, the better.

If he is swallowing, you can swallow countless gods directly.

He is also powerful faster.

Zhang Bin has to spend this crisis, only the small god is not good.

He must cultivate it to Zhongshen.

However, it is difficult to let Zhang Bin have enhanced a big realm.

However, add countless gods on the abyss wall, but it can be satisfied.

"You said, is it just because of time long, can you grow such a high-level god?"

Zhang Bin is a little doubtful, and asked doubts.

"If there is no condition for the evolution of the gods, the godding is also difficult to evolve, and the time is still not good." Blue went for a while, "So, the stone wall here must have a very special place. After all, It is stone wall and there is no too much dirt in the gap. "

"Perhaps, there is a god mine in the depths of the stone wall. It can naturally disclose Hongmong Ziqi. The root of God is absorbed. Thus evolution." He said, "And the magic world, there is god mine "

"This girl is also very smart. I thought it was brainless."

Zhang Bin glanced at the most worthy of her proud of her chest with the weird eyes.

"He likes big chest?"

He is naturally feeling, she is ashamed.

The face made a bright red cloud.

It seems to be beautiful and seductive.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?

Blue is anger, secretly said.

"Miss, I don't dare to ..."

Hey, wake up, the voice begged for mercy.

And Zhang Bin also had a treasure tower, attached to the stone wall.

The stone wall here is not very smooth, and there is a rock convex everywhere.

There is a place where you are.

Although the gravity is very large, he is not afraid.

He all the way and worked hard to pick a lot of advanced herbs.

Even, Blue is also coming out.

She also helped pick a gods.

In a very dangerous place, they hand in hand.

Moreover, there is also a spider to escort.

"God, it's really Lang Talent woman, is born, one pair."

Hey, there is no such strength, naturally, dare not go out, can only look at the Tibetan Tower.

Even her in fantasy, fantasy, a day, blue, married, and her belonging is a blue hoe, nature is also married together.

Also became his woman ...

I thought here, she was more and more ashamed, but also unexpectedly, I can't wait to come as much as it is.

Zhang Bin took a good time, while observing it.

In fact, he is looking for the god mine.

If you can get some gods here, his insignificant changes will change, the more energy he can call it.

The war will also be greatly improved.

Unfortunately, the stone wall here is rock, and the rock gap is also rock, but only has few great gods, so that God is growing. And the rock here is hard, he uses an inexplicably dagger, and there is no way to break.

Therefore, it is very difficult to find the god mine.

" ... What is there?"

Blue swipe suddenly pointed to a direction, and a surprised voice was sent in his mouth.

Zhang Bin also looked over, then he saw that there was a cave in the side.

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